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Results 58151-58160 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
29 August 1801, San Ildefonso. No. 285. Encloses copies of his correspondence with minister of state concerning an assault by two palace guards upon Humphreys’s coachman and a footman of the Neopolitan minister. Spanish reply indicates “the correct ideas of this Court on the privileges & immunities of Diplomatic Representatives.” Reports evidence of subtle tensions remaining between Godoy and...
Letter not found. Ca. 29 August 1801. Acknowledged in Wagner to JM, 7 Sept. 1801 . Encloses various letters as well as patents from Jefferson.
Your favor of the 24th. is duly recieved. I consider the erection of the Representatives chamber, and the making a good gravel road from the New bridge on Rock creek along the Pensylva & Jersey avenues to the Eastern branch as the most important objects for ensuring the destinies of the city which can be undertaken. all others appear to me entirely subordinate and to rest on considerations...
My child continuing very unwell , I sent him with Miss Nicholson about 16 miles out of town, mean to go there this evening, perhaps will take them as far as Frederick town & may not be back till Tuesday—therefore write a few lines to day. Enclosed you will find the list of Warrants, copy of a late circular to the collectors, application from E. Sproat late inspector to be supervisor of N. West...
I send you a fresh supply of vaccine matter. the toothpicks are perhaps feebly impregnated; the thread well soaked. they are from pustules in a very proper state; but it is now 3. or 4. days since they were impregnated. we happen at this time to have no subjects in a proper state for communication. by the next post I hope we shall have some who may furnish matter on the morning of the...
Yours of the 24th is recieved and the articles [forwarded partly] brought here & the [rest] at Milton. the money recieved for mr Short must be remitted to mr Barnes as he is just about making an [investment] for him. I must still pray you to [avail] yourself of any opportunity which may offer of purchasing hams for me. the money for my last crop of tobo. became due on the [24th.] inst. and I...
I have paid Mr. Wanscher who will hand you this $:10. on yr. a/c. he takes with him the barrel of plaister of Paris which was left, & a box from Mr. Barnes—I likewise send under his care in one of Henderson’s boats the 50 ℔. of Powder, together with a small box from Philada. I am Dear Sir Yr. very humble servt. 2 Casks 50 ℔. Gun Powder @ 4/6 £11.5.— RC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “Thomas...
The precarious state of Mrs. Meredith ’s health, which has been injured by change of situation, the anxious desire she and the family have to be with their Friends & relations, as well as the necessary attention to my private affairs, which are suffering by my absence from Philada.; have induced me to offer you my resignation, to take place if you think proper about the last of October, or...
Congress appropriated 20,000 D. to effecting the Marine hospital . the Site purchased of the Commissioners cost between 8. & 9000 Dollars. but it was thought that 4000 D. only of that in cash would be requisite for their purposes & that the balance might be applied to their credit in account of the sum guaranteed by Congress: consequently that there remained 16,000. D. of the appropriation...
The Maryland arrived last Night & this Morning, Mr. Purviance the Bearer of her Dispatches proceeded to Washington—The inclosed Letter from Capt. Barney will Aid in explaining the Causes why no Exchange of Ratification had taken effect—and will shew, that Federalists Can not be trusted with the Objects of Government. I Confess that I highly approved of the Delicacy of your Conduct towards Mr:...