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Results 58101-58150 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Col l Nicholas called upon me to day, to say that your note for $3000 payable in the Farmers’...
Though I have not the honour of being known to you, I take the liberty of making a request,...
I was honor’d by the present Post with yours of 17 Inst. The warm emotions which were excited on...
Being just returned to this place from a Journey to the eastern parts of the State, I find myself...
Mr Mansfield informed me several weeks ago that he should avail himself of your obliging offer by...
however unwilling to add to the troubles you experience from numerous Applications to office, Yet...
Mr. Murray presents his compliments to Mr. Jefferson and as he may not have the pleasure of...
In compliance with an intention *The object of carrying this intention into effect, by...
Montgomery County [ Va. ], Mch. 1780 . Has received circumstantial information that “a Number of...
I send you the Institute’s examination of Gall’s famous theory of the Brain. The inquiries on...
I have been duly honoured with your favour of Decr. 4th. and on the subject of Gatteau’s...
In Compliance with the request express’d in your note of the 5th Instant—we Recommend James...
Jai eu lhonneur de vous écrire, pour vous Supplier de faire donner des ordres pour qu’on payat...
Etant arrivée depuis quelque’s semaines dans ce pais et ne sachant par quel moyen vous faire...
I enclose to the venerable & almost adored Patron of my youth the Copy of an oration the...
Confirming you my here inclosed letter of the 25 th April ult o ; this is to remit you herewith...
Self Interest once forced me to intrude upon the busy moments of your Excellency, for the purpose...
I have received yours of giving notice that we shall have the pleasure of seeing you here soon,...
There is, without doubt, a protection due to foreign built vessels, owned by American citizens ;...
Philadelphia, 15 Dec. 1780 . Introducing “the Marquis de Laval and the Count de Custine, two...
My younger son, Robert Maskill , having gone thro the usual course of collegiate studies in our...
The enclosed is a private letter in answer to one of the same kind from me. In calling it private...
I beg you will please to pardon my freedom? while I Inform you I left Old England on the 2 June...
Before I had read the Papers put into my hands by you, requiring “instant attention” and a...
It is with the greatest Heartfealt Pleasure that I take up my pen to Address these Few Lines to...
Je ne Puis Refuser aux Sollicitations d’une maison honnete de St. Quentin, les démarches...
Is not the enclosed in the same hand writing with the anonymous letter from N. Orleans charging a...
You will I hope Sir pardon the liberty I here take, in requesting information from your self...
I have the honor to transmit a statement shewing, as far as returns have been received from the...
When my friend M r D. B. Warden was last here, he communicated to me a Letter of yours on the...
After two months session I have got home & hope you have received the Cyder, which Mr Taylor...
In a case which excites the sharpest self-reproach & exposes me to severe reprehension, I venture...
By the President’s Command T. Lear has the honor to transmit to the Secretary of State the Report...
R. Rush presents his compliments to M r Jefferson , and begs he will do him the honor to accept...
[ Without place, after 22 July 1779 .] Directed to the Governor and Council and written after the...
I do not recollect whether any notice has ever been taken in your letter to the Commrs of Mr...
London, 16 July 1791 . On 4 Feb. he sent TJ a schedule and affidavit of the truth of papers...
We the subscribers most earnestly solicit, that your honor will give us your opinion, on the...
It is with reluctance I intrude Myself upon your attention, but as it is upon a Subject of...
Being informed that part of Loisiana for its better government, will be divided into districts to...
M r Littell an enterprising, intelligent and respectable Citizen of Philadelphia will communicate...
To me it is no small satisfaction to hear from men of general literature—especially such as live...
I hardly Expect you recollect me, I am the Brother of Parson Charles Clay once of albemarle C o I...
Since I had the Honor to receive your note of the 14 Instant, enclosing a Letter for Mr. Lee, no...
It would be happy indeed for us, if agriculture and farming still continued to be interesting...
To his Excellency Thomas Jefferson Esqr. Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Petition...
Agreeably to the information given in our memorial of the 4th. Instant we have held a sale of...
The inclosed piece for the Philosophical Transactions, ordered to be printed end of Vol. 3—It has...
Inclosed we transmit your Excellency the Amount of each Commissary’s Return of the Produce...
This will be presented to you by M r Kingsberry who is about entering on the laudable pursut...