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Results 58101-58150 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Deeply impressed with the importance of West Point to the existence of the United States, I have,...
I am much obliged to your Excellency for your two favours of the 28th of June, and 3d July which...
I was yesterday honoured with your Excellencys favours of the 19th Ultimo and 3d July—I have...
Your letter for Mr Elliott, went into New York a few days since by the Comy of Prisoners, who is...
I have received your Favor of the third Instant, and am obliged by your Attention to my...
Since I had the Honor to write to Your Excellency by the last post, Eleven Men defected from this...
In answer to your Letter of yesterdays date, containing the following queries, "Is the Department...
‘Till your letter of the 28th Ulto arrived (which is the first from you, & the only direct acct...
This letter will be conveyed to Your Excellency by Lieutenant Ten Eyck, who is pay master to our...
I am favord with your polite Letter of the 2d Inst. It would have given me great pleasure to have...
RC (Virginia State Library). In JM’s hand except for Arthur Lee’s signature. Addressed to “His...
RC (New York Public Library). Unsigned letter in JM’s hand. The cover is missing. Docketed,...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Unsigned letter in JM’s hand. The cover is missing. Docketed by...
“The sufferings of your troops have impressed me with the deepest concern, and the very painful...
Copy: Library of Congress Article proposed for Consideration. If War should hereafter arise...
(I) and (II) AD (draft): American Philosophical Society Tho’ in his first Acct he had charg’d a...
5811710th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
St. Peter and St. Paul’s day. Grand Duke’s fête. Mascarade ball and illumination at Peterhoff. At...
I received in Time, your Letter of the 29 of June, and should have answered it before, but upon...
I inclose you a Letter to Messrs Gerbrand Ravekes, and J. G. Thin Van Keulen, and request you to...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin...
Press copy of ALS : Kaller’s Historical Documents, Inc., New Jersey (2002) I have before me your...
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania When fifty-two-year-old Pierre-André Gargaz arrived at...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I am far from meaning [to] trouble you with letters of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Major Sherburne who will deliver this has already several...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I am exceedingly sorry that Your Excellency gave...
58126General Orders, 10 July 1782 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in chief is singularly happy to be confirmed in the favorable opinion he had...
Your Excellencys letter of the 24th Ulto I received the 6th instant—I communicated the contents...
I have recd your Letter of the 18th June with the enclosed Certificate. Agreeably to your...
I think it necessary to communicate to your Excellency, the following remarks of the Inspector...
handing me the Letters herewith inclosed (amongst others) without apprizing me of the direction...
Some time since, I applied to the honble the Minister of War for his advice, or orders in a Case...
There is at present a deficiency of cartridge-boxes, and many of the recruits who have drawn arms...
The Commander in Chief sensible of the immense importance of preserving the Horses & Teams of the...
I have been favoured with your Letter of the 16th June, apprizing me of the Disaster that befell...
The last Post brought me your Letter of the 19 May. I must confess that I am not at all...
I do myself the honor to transmit you, Copy of a Letter I have received from Brigadier General...
On revolving in my mind the subject of making suitable provisions for the Invalid Officers as you...
The Inclosed came under cover to me—I shall be happy when opportunities offer to Show you...
I am favored this moment, with your Letter of the 2nd Inst. The intelligence communicated therein...
On the receipt of this, you will have your Regt put in the most compleat state of preparation for...
The enclosed (one for yourself & the other for Major Clarkson) comes in consequence of Generl...
Colonel Olney deliver’d me your favor of the 23 June—I am much indebted to that Gentleman for his...
I am favord with your polite Letter of the 2nd June. It would have given me much pleasure, to...
(I) Copies: Library of Congress (three), Massachusetts Historical Society, Public Record Office,...
5814511th. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Left the ball at about 1. o’clock, after Midnight, and set out for St. Petersbourg. Arrived at...
In Consequence of Your Excellencys request, We have Sent the Accounts to Mrs DelaLande & Fynje...
We have before us your esteemed favour of 10 inst: with a letter for Messrs. Ravekes van Keulen,...
ALS : partially reproduced in Christie’s auction catalogue, “Important Autograph Letters from the...
58149General Orders, 11 July 1782 (Washington Papers)
The Inspector General having reported that many of the locks where the flints are good and well...
I was hond with your Excellencys of the 10th June inclosing the papers relative to A certain Thos...