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Results 581-610 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have the honor to inclose two printed copies of a report relative to the latitude and longitude of the Capitol in this City; one of which is intended for your own use, the other for the use of the University or Seminary of learning near Charlottesville. With great respect, I have the honor to be, Your most Obedt. servant, RC ( DLC ). Addressed by Lambert to JM, and franked. Docketed by JM....
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Lacks docket and cover. Although Joseph Jones clearly dated this letter “8th June,” he either wrote portions of it on 7 June or else mistakenly used the term “yesterday” to date certain proceedings of the House of Delegates which had taken place on 6 June. Thus at the outset of his third paragraph he mentions as happening “Yesterday” an election which had occurred on...
I had, by yesterdays Post, the Honour of your Letter of the 15th. instant. I Should esteem it an Honour, and an Happiness, to discharge the friendly Trust of Executor to Mr. Quincys Will, (because I have a great Respect to his Memory and a great Regard for his Family,) if my Situation and Circumstances were such that I could possibly accomplish it, with Advantage to the Interest of the Family....
Being informed by Mr Robert Moss that Coll. Danl. C. Brent the present Marshal of the District of Columbia is about to Resign that appointment and that he is an applicant. with due Respect I have taken the liberty to State that he is a Gentleman of Integrity and Respectability in my estimation well Qualifyed to fill that office. haveing acted as Deputy Marshal for some time past with Honor to...
I have received, sir, the letter which you did me the honor to write to me the 13th of this month. It was owing to the confidence I placed in your judgment and zeal for your country that I entrusted to you the propositions of the two imperial courts and requested that you would make such observations as you might think them susceptible of. Things are not yet sufficiently advanced to admit of...
I am favor’d wth. yours of 20th Inst. and with Respect to the Cloathing for the Companies at Bennington, I will immediately attend to the Same— Should you think Proper, I should like you to direct that the Artillery Vests be composed of Red Cloth (instead of present fashion of White) and Blue Pantaloons with half Gaters, instead of White overalls My Reasons for this is, that white cloth is...
MS (copy): American Philosophical Society In December, 1769, or possibly in the following month, Thomas Pownall attempted to formulate general principles of law that applied to the issues in dispute between Britain and her colonies. He composed a short document in two parts; the first set forth six principles, and the second adduced corollaries from them. This document he had printed but not...
588General Orders, 28 June 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] Of the Day Tomorrow[:] Lieutenant Colonel Commandant Hubley. Major James Moore[,] Brigade Major Bradford The Picquet on the right to be increased with the Addition of a Captain Sub. Serjeant Corporal and twenty nine privates. A Sub., Two Serjeants two Corporals and twenty five men to be Posted at the Mill on the left. A jill of Rum ⅌ man to be issued to the troops this evening. The...
MS not found; reprinted from Duane, Works , VI , II . I wrote a line to you yesterday, and having this opportunity, write another, just to let you know that we all continue well, and much the better from the refreshments you have sent us: in short we do very well, for though there are a great number of things, besides what we have, that used to seem necessary to comfortable living, yet we have...
I received the 25th instant, late in the evening, your letter of the 23d. Early in the morning of the 26th, the post left this place, so that I had not Sufficient time to make up my mind respecting the acceptance or refusal of the commission mentioned in your letter, nor to inform you by last Saturday’s post of my determination. I have seriously weighed the reasons urged to induce me to accept...
I arrived here a week ago and shall continue till the middle of May. I shall then return to Washington for two months only, and return here to stay till the last of September. as the most important work you have to do here is to finish the floor of the hall & to paint the floor of the Dome room exactly in the same way, which would not have time to harden during my next short absence, I think...
I am extremely gratified, and obliged by your favor of yesterday . It has determined me to postpone my journey to Carolina until the last week of this month, which is the more agreeable to me, as my absence will then correspond with the general arrangements of the Executive. If my private affairs can possibly be made to admit of it, a sense of gratitude for what I consider equivalent to a new...
It may not be otherwise than gratifying to you to hear from one who you have long known and whose political course seldom if ever differed from yours Your late vote in convention where you stood alone I should feel proud of, having viewed your proceedings throughout I think you have very few if any old friends here who does not feel perfectly satisfied The vote you give alone I most certainly...
I have visited Our friends at Providence and had a full conversation with the Govr: Messrs. Russell, Wheaton & Others, on the subject of the Office at Providence . The Governor was impatient for an appointment, all the other Gentlemen were solicitous that the business might be postponed for the present. There are some very serious difficulties among Our friends in that State and there is some...
Pour se servir de l’Echiquier cy inclus, en place d’un Chiffre, afin d’empecher la decouverte de votre correspondance; employer la maniere suivante. Ayant ecris votre lettre comme de coutume; vous prepárerez le papier sur lequel vous ētes intentioné a coucher votre copie secrete de la meme grandeur que le carré en Echiquier, lequel ētant placé sur le dit papier, vous l’y fixerez par les quatre...
Should you find in this ms a deal of the caput mortuum don’t wonder, for the weather is & has been very hot for several days. The last wednesday the house opposite to the old brick was so violently hot, that in their zeal against the absentees they broke the good frame of government you had a hand in erecting. The brains were for providing that persons taken up as such, should have a trial by...
I have received your letter of the 21st of July together with the Treatise on Agriculture & practical Husbandry. I consider the latter as a mark of attention which merits my warmest acknowledgments. It is a subject highly worthy the attention of every gentleman in this country who has leisure, abilities, or opportunity to improve it. It is the only source from which we can at present draw any...
I congratulate you upon the success of that inestimable Constitution, which I had the honor to witness your weighty and influential support and approbation of; and it is with singular pleasure I stand informed, that you have the unanimous suffrages of the Electors, to fill the Chair of first President. I take the liberty to solicit Your Excellency for an appointment as Collector or receiver of...
Pardon me if my zeal for the public good hath induced an address to you in your official capacity different from the common rotine of business; yet sir when you reflect on both the importance & delicacy of the subject, I trust this deviation will be excused as I would not be willing to commit myself upon the occasion to any other person except yourself. Thro’ the medium of a correspondence...
ADS and AD (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, Library of Congress; transcript: National Archives By the Ministers Plenipotentiary of the United States of America for making Peace with Great Britain: A Declaration of the Cessation of Arms, as well by Sea, as Land, agreed upon between His Majesty the King of Great Britain and the United States of...
Je fais mon Compliment aux Americains du Choix de President qu’ils ont fait, aiant eté temoin, plus d’une fois du tendre Interes que Vous prennes au bien etre de Votre patrie, puissies Vous vivre long Tems; et reusir en Tout, pour rendre heureux et etablir un bien etre parfait à Vos Concitoyens—Mais malheureusement pour moi Votre nouveau Poste me laisse esperes encore moins d’avoir quelque...
Nothing new. P. S. Opening Freneau’s p⟨aper⟩ this moment I see a peice against the […] impost duties & it mentions the insufficiency of the revenue cutters for their object. This suggests a Quere. How comes an armed force to be in existence, & under the revenue department, & not the department of war? Would it not be well to call for a separate statement of the expence of these cutters, and...
I hope youle excuse the Liberty of this Adress from a Stranger, which I presume to take on the Strength of my Brothers Acquaintance with you, And he at present is from home. The Bearer John Sterrit Esqr. my good Freind and Neighbor is Jointly with myself and some other Freinds Interested in the Privateer Enterprize of this Port, Capt. Campbel, who has sent in a Valuable Prize to Dartmouth in...
I have duly received your favors referring to me the size and execution of the seal for your court, and as I can best decide on this after a consultation with the artist and due enquiry from him, I refer it till my return to Philadelphia which will now be within about ten days.—As I propose to return home to reside at the close of the next session of Congress I hope I shall then have...
605[Diary entry: 22 October 1788] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 22d. Thermometer at 49 in the Morning 60 at Noon and 60 at Night. Clear all day with the Wind (especially in the Night) fresh from So. Wt. Sent Mrs. O’Conner to Alexa. Rid to the Plantations at the Ferry, French’s & Dogue run. At the latter, the hands from the two first except the Ferry men & Carts, together with their plows as were the Plows of Muddy were all at work digging...
I have the pleasure to inform you that after a good deal of trouble, I obtain’d a sauf Conduit yesterday evening about nine or ten oClock. Mr. de Villedeuil behaved on this occasion with the greatest Politeness. His situation I believe was a little embarrassing as the arrest preceded the Sauf Conduit , and was not therefore easily laid aside. However I insisted on my Character as a Publick...
I should not so often intrude, Sir, on your time, if the circuitous route I am compell’d to adopt, render’d less uncertain the conveyance of letters to the U’States, for all direct communication, has long since been suspended.—On intimation being given me that exequaturs under the new government would be requir’d from the foreign Consuls here, I applied to mr Armstrong, to know what steps I...
It is often Said in this Country, “We have nothing to gain by this War.” But who is to gain? If Holland has nothing to gain, it has much to loose, and the Question now is not what is to be gained, but was it to be Saved and defended. This Republick, may loose all her Possessions in the East and West Indies: she may loose her Navigation and Commerce: she may loose her Baltick Trade: her...
I take the liberty of enclosing a list of queries which Judge Tilghman has handed to me—Many of these are local—but if to any of them you can give a reply which may assist him in the Task he has undertaken & enable him to do the Justice he wishes to our Deceased friend ( whose loss we every day feel more & more) it is very desireable—
610[Diary entry: 15 May 1770] (Washington Papers)
15. A Lowery cloudy Morning but clear afternoon & tolerably warm.