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Results 581-590 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
It is with Some pleasure I can Say it is very probable a bill can be got up next Session for the purpose of reducing the postage The past Session it was lost by the Casting Vote of Speaker Stevenson a Vote that would disgrace any respectable member of the Cherokee Council I calculate on a vast deal of good arising from it In France & England it will be a Subject of discussion in their...
Accept my acknowledgements for the copy of your Speech on the bill modifying the Tariff. I need not repeat what is said by all, on the ability and advantage with which the Subject was handled. It has certainly had the effect of an Anodyne on the feverish excitement under which the public mind was laboring; & a relapse may happily not ensue. There is no certainty however that a surplus revenue...
I received by the last mail yours from Albemarle with the documents referred to. That from Nelson with its accompaniments, had previously come to hand. I regret much my loss of a visit which I was so near being favored with. Besides the personal gratifications it would have afforded me, we could not well have been together without touching on topics not personal, and on which our ideas might...
In my late note from Warminster, covering the James River pamphlets, I indicated my intention to write you again very shortly. I attended Nelson Court on Monday, & came down in yesterday’s stage to this place. Having passed to-day at the University, I was preparing to take Montpellier in on way to Fredericksburg & Corrottoman & thence to Wms.burg. But hearing this evening that the Steam Boat...
Being engaged at present in making "a thorough revision of the Laws Course of studies &c" of Transylvania University, at the instance of the Board of Trustees who have recently elected me to the Presidency of this Institution; I am extremely anxious to avail myself of so favourable an opportunity to introduce such improvements as may have been made in other Colleges, together with such as may...
Having discovered from the direction of the debate that it would be unnecessary and probably imprudent to use your letter to Judge Roane, in the discussion in the House of Delegates upon the subject of federal relations, and being hardly pressed by the opposition to my measures respecting the connection of the waters, I decided to suspend my communications with you till the end of the session,...
I have recd. my worthy friend your letter of the 3d. inst. having previously recd. & read the printed paper to which it refers. It appears to breathe the same benevolent spirit, and to have the same patriotic views with all of your writings which I have seen. How far such a publication would be patronized, and reward your labours, I can not, in my retired situation, undertake to judge. The...
J. Madison with his respects to Roberts Vaux, thanks him for the historical Discourse of Mr. M   cCall. It well merited the praise bestowed on it by the Society before which it was delivered.   A like task as well executed in every State, would of themselves be a historical treasure; and might guide while they prompted researches, not as yet too late, but rapidly becoming so. RC (Biblioteca...
I return my thanks for the copy of your late very powerful speech in the Senate of the United States. It crushes "nullification" and must hasten an abandonment of "Secession". But this dodges the blow by confounding the claim to secede at will, with the right of seceding from intolerable oppression. The former answers itself, being a violation without cause, of a faith solemnly pledged. The...
I recd. in due time your letter of the 14th. ult: which not requiring an immediate answer, I yielded the more readily to other claims on my attention. I inclose you a few lines which will make you known to Baron Humboldt, the only personal acquaintance, within the scope of your request, and since the deaths of Mr Lay & Mr. Bentham, I have no epistolary ones that would be so. You will not I am...