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Results 58061-58110 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
58061 Carleton, Guy Washington, George To George Washington from Guy Carleton, 7 July 1782 1782-07-07 However convinced of your Excellency’s disposition, yet it gave me much Satisfaction to be...
58062 Washington, George Clinton, George From George Washington to George Clinton, 7 July 1782 1782-07-07 The Honble Mr Renden, resident of Spain at Philadelphia, Mr Holker and Mr Ferresson, have a...
58063 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to William Heath, 7 July 1782 1782-07-07 Mr Benson & Mr Smith have nominated Judge Hobart as a third person to determine with them the...
58064 Washington, George Woodbridge, Theodore From George Washington to Theodore Woodbridge, 7 July … 1782-07-07 I received your Letter of the 6th. Capt. Pray has been wrote to on the subject of his Command,...
58065 Adams, John Quincy 8th. Monday. 1782-07-08 Took a walk this morning with Mr. Artaud in to the Country, and Stay’d there all day. We returned...
58066 Adams, John Jay, John From John Adams to John Jay, 8 July 1782 1782-07-08 The Duke de la Vauguion has this Moment, kindly given me Notice, that he is to Send off a Courier...
58067 Adams, John Neufville, Jean de, & Fils (business) From John Adams to Jean de Neufville & Fils, 8 July … 1782-07-08 I return you the Bills Ns. 84 and 85 for 5.50 Guilders each accepted, which you Sent me in yours...
58068 Comfort Sands and Company Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Comfort Sands and Company, 8 … 1782-07-08 We was Hond. with your favor of the 23 Ult but two or three days ago, it is impossible for us to...
58069 Carmichael, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Carmichael, 8 July … 1782-07-08 ALS : American Philosophical Society On the 3d. Instant I received from the French Embassador...
58070 Dumas, Charles-Guillaume-Frédéric Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Dumas, 8 July 1782 1782-07-08 ALS : American Philosophical Society Je continue de profiter des bontés de S.E.M. l’Ambassadeur,...
58071 Hartley, David Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from David Hartley: Memorandum, 8 … 1782-07-08 Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin...
58072 Lee, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Lee, 8 July 1782 1782-07-08 ALS and copy: American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Virginia Historical Society I am...
58073 Washington, George General Orders, 8 July 1782 1782-07-08 That the invalid regiment may be enabled to keep up the Detached guards lately assigned them, the...
58074 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Heath, 8 July 1782 1782-07-08 I am honored with yours of the 7th—Colonel Nicola has been appointed by the officers of the army...
58075 La Luzerne, Anne-César, chevalier de Washington, George To George Washington from Anne-César, chevalier de La … 1782-07-08 Vous recevrés par M. de Vauban une lettre de M. le Comte de Rochambeau. Il informe Votre...
58076 Washington, George Miles, Samuel From George Washington to Samuel Miles, 8 July 1782 1782-07-08 By the Receipt of a Mr White your Assistant 2 Tureens 2 Sallid Dishes. 29 Dishes of difft Sizes 5...
58077 Washington, George Smallwood, William From George Washington to William Smallwood, 8 July … 1782-07-08 Altho’ the Levies of Maryland are considered as part of the Southern Army, & you an Officer under...
58078 Smith, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Smith, 8 July 1782 1782-07-08 By Order and in Behalf of the Visitors of Kent-County School, I have the Honor to enclose to your...
58079 Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard … Washington, George To George Washington from Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf … 1782-07-08 As the Peculiarity of my Situation requires an immediate Explanation with Congress, I have it in...
58080 Talbot, Silas Washington, George To George Washington from Silas Talbot, 8 July 1782 1782-07-08 Doubtless Your Excellency will remmember that in February eighty, I did myself the Honour to wait...
58081 Washington, George Washington, Lund From George Washington to Lund Washington, 8 July 1782 1782-07-08 I have not been able to discover, from any enquiries I could make—while I was in...
58082 Woodbridge, Theodore Washington, George To George Washington from Theodore Woodbridge, 8 July … 1782-07-08 The Letters which accompany this I received last evening by a Flag from N. York——Captn Walters...
58083 Adams, John Jay, John To John Jay from John Adams, 8 July 1782 1782-07-08 The Duke de la Vauguion has this Moment, kindly given me Notice, that he is to Send off a Courier...
58084 Jones, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Jones, 8 July 1782 1782-07-08 RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Addressed to “Honble James Madison jr. Philadelphia.” Docketed by JM,...
58085 Adams, John Quincy 9th. Tuesday. 1782-07-09 Went in the afternoon to Mr. Rimberts with Mr. Artaud to borrow Domino’s for the mascarade of...
58086 Adams, John Jenings, Edmund From John Adams to Edmund Jenings, 9 July 1782 1782-07-09 You have very much obliged me, by the Act and the Bill. It is to the last degree Astonishing to...
58087 Adams, John Uhl, Jean Henri David From John Adams to Jean Henri David Uhl, 9 July 1782 1782-07-09 I received this Morning, the Letter, which you did me the Honour to write me, on the first of...
58088 Allcock, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Allcock, 9 July 1782 1782-07-09 I take apon My Self to troble you With a few lines to in form you that for the Better Suply of My...
58089 Franklin, Benjamin Continental Congress From Benjamin Franklin to the Continental Congress, 9 … 1782-07-09 LS : Yale University Library From the Knowledge I have of Mr Young, by his Conduct while in my...
58090 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Lafayette, 9 July 1782 1782-07-09 Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin...
58091 Franklin, Benjamin Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … From Benjamin Franklin to Lafayette, 9 July 1782 1782-07-09 Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin...
58092 Vaughan, Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Benjamin Vaughan, 9 July 1782 1782-07-09 ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I beg to introduce to your acquaintance My friend Mr...
58093 Williams, Jonathan Jr. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 9 … 1782-07-09 ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library I wrote you the 26 June...
58094 Chaumont Franklin, Benjamin Excerpts from Chaumont’s Revision of His Account with … 1782-07-09 Copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Having agreed on July 7 to submit his accounts to...
58095 Washington, George General Orders, 9 July 1782 1782-07-09 By a General Court Martial of which Colonel Butler is President—Lieutenant Crocker Sampson of the...
58096 Washington, George Benson, Egbert From George Washington to Egbert Benson, 9 July 1782 1782-07-09 I have the honor to transmit to you a copy of the contract for supplying the garrison of West...
58097 Washington, George Duane, James From George Washington to James Duane, 9 July 1782 1782-07-09 Baron de Steuben, who will have the honor of presenting this Letter to you, feeling himself in a...
58098 Washington, George Greene, Nathanael From George Washington to Nathanael Greene, 9 July 1782 1782-07-09 Your Letter of the 22 of April also Your two favors of the 19th of May, with the Returns of the...
58099 Washington, George Hanson, John From George Washington to John Hanson, 9 July 1782 1782-07-09 Having found a moment’s leisure to examine myself into the situation of affairs on the frontiers...
58100 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to William Heath, 9 July 1782 1782-07-09 I am favord with your Letter of this date. see 8 July 1782 from Heath As Mr Marbois consents, I...
58101 Knox, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Knox, 9 July 1782 1782-07-09 Deeply impressed with the importance of West Point to the existence of the United States, I have,...
58102 Washington, George La Luzerne, Anne-César, chevalier de From George Washington to Anne-César, chevalier de La … 1782-07-09 I am much obliged to your Excellency for your two favours of the 28th of June, and 3d July which...
58103 Lincoln, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Benjamin Lincoln, 9 July 1782 1782-07-09 I was yesterday honoured with your Excellencys favours of the 19th Ultimo and 3d July—I have...
58104 Washington, George Morris, Gouverneur From George Washington to Gouverneur Morris, 9 July … 1782-07-09 Your letter for Mr Elliott, went into New York a few days since by the Comy of Prisoners, who is...
58105 Morris, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Morris, 9 July 1782 1782-07-09 I have received your Favor of the third Instant, and am obliged by your Attention to my...
58106 Muhlenberg, Peter Washington, George To George Washington from Peter Muhlenberg, 9 July 1782 1782-07-09 Since I had the Honor to write to Your Excellency by the last post, Eleven Men defected from this...
58107 Washington, George Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard … From George Washington to Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf … 1782-07-09 In answer to your Letter of yesterdays date, containing the following queries, "Is the Department...
58108 Washington, George Tilghman, Tench From George Washington to Tench Tilghman, 9 July 1782 1782-07-09 ‘Till your letter of the 28th Ulto arrived (which is the first from you, & the only direct acct...
58109 Willett, Marinus Washington, George To George Washington from Marinus Willett, 9 July 1782 1782-07-09 This letter will be conveyed to Your Excellency by Lieutenant Ten Eyck, who is pay master to our...
58110 Washington, George Williams, Otho Holland From George Washington to Otho Holland Williams, 9 July … 1782-07-09 I am favord with your polite Letter of the 2d Inst. It would have given me great pleasure to have...