Adams Papers

Elizabeth Otis Brown to Abigail Adams, 11 August 1786

Elizabeth Otis Brown to Abigail Adams

Sleaford August 11th. 86


As I have been in Daily expectations of seeing London, I have defered answering your Letter,1 meaning to pay my respects in person. But seeing by the Papers Mr: Adams is just on the eve of his departure for Spain2 I have taken up my pen to request the favour of you to inform me whether you have heard from Mr: or Mrs: Warren since you wrote last, I still remain in the same situation I was then in, not having heard since last August. Mr: Brown proposes being in London in the course of a Month when I mean to accompany him and if you are then in Town I will do myself the pleasure to call on you. My Compt: and best wishes attend you Mr: A. and Your Daughter and I am Madam Yr: Humbl: Servt

Eliz Brown

RC (Adams Papers.)

1Not found.

2On 4 Aug., the London Morning Post and Daily Advertiser mistakenly reported that the Adamses had left for Spain, purportedly to pursue a commercial treaty with Algiers. The London General Evening Post, 8–10 Aug., corrected the error and offered the real reason for the Adamses’ trip, but the rumor of a trip connected to an alliance with Algiers persisted (see, for instance, London Daily Universal Register, 19 Aug.).

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