To George Washington from Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 1 June 1782
Hartford 1st June 1782.
This will be handed to you by Colo. Stevens, and Serves to recomend him and his case to your Excellency’s favourable Notice—As no Flags are granted here, refer him to Your determination—I am with every sentiment of Esteem and Regard Your Excellency’s Most Obedient hble Servant
Jonth; Trumbull
DLC: Papers of George Washington.
Lebanon 1st of May. 1782
as Colo. Samel Wells of Brattleboro and Colo. Samuel Stevens of Charlstown are desirous of a permit to go into the City of New York to Negotiate some Necessary buisness there, beg leave to inform Your Excellency That Colo. Wells has a daughter with two Children in the City of New York who went There in the fall of the Year 1780 in order to live with hir Husband Mr Gale, who at that time was Suposed to be there, but as it —hapened before she reached the City he sailed for the Southern States and for upwards of a year past can git No intelligence what is becom of him by which Meens Mrs Gale is destitute of any Meens of support and allmost of frinds and undoubtedly has been obliged to contract considerable debts for hir subsistance hitherto, which the Colo. suposes he Must some way settle before he can be able to get hir and famely from thence. and as to Colo. Stevens previous to the present Rupture with Brittan purchased large quantities of Land on the Grants—within the limmits of what is Now called the State of Vermont. under the New Hampshire title, but as the same lands fell under the Jurisdiction of New York he was desierous of gitting a confirmation from that Government, and in Negotiating of the affair was in the City in March Next before the Lexenton Battle, at which time he came home leaveing all his Securities and papers relateing to his lands in the City, expecting soon to have returned to complete the buisness, but the unhappy War commencieng as it did prevented his Going there Since and as the State of Vermont are Granting of the Lands which they Suppose to be Vacant—is in danger at leste of grate Trouble on that account if Not Wholly loseing his interest except he can git his securities [&c. from] New York which he supposes imposable, unless he can go in person. These Facts I have from such information that I have Not the leste doubt of the Truthe of them [Sir] With the highest esteem I have the honor to be your Excellences Most Obedient Humble Sert
Elisha Payne