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Results 5751-5800 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
5751 Hills, William D. Adams, John To John Adams from William D. Hills, 9 April 1824 1824-04-09 permit me, though a Stranger, to address, the honored, Servant, of the Lord, and the Rever’d, of...
5752 Gilmer, Francis Walker Madison, James To James Madison from Francis Walker Gilmer, 9 April … 1824-04-09 In the mission on which, you, and the other visitors have deputed me, I must of necessity rely a...
5753 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 9 April 1824 1824-04-09 Circular Notwithstanding the reduction which was made in the rents proposed, it appears that that...
5754 Jefferson, Thomas University of Virginia Board of Visitors From Thomas Jefferson to University of Virginia Board … 1824-04-09 Notwithstanding the reduction which was made in the rents proposed, it appears that that on the...
5755 Piper, Daniel A. Brockenbrough, Arthur S. From Daniel A. Piper to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 9 … 1824-04-09 articles of agreement between Daniel Piper and Frances his wife of the one part & Arthur S....
5756 Spafford, Horatio Gates Adams, John To John Adams from Horatio Gates Spafford, 8 April 1824 1824-04-08 Can I send thee a 3 dollar octavo volume of 620 pages, by mail, post-free? I have just published...
5757 Taylor, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Taylor, 8 April 1824 1824-04-08 During a long illness, from which I am not yet recovered, the reveries which usually amuse sick...
5758 Crawford, William Harris Madison, James To James Madison from William Harris Crawford, 8 April … 1824-04-08 Recollecting the conversation I had with you in Sept. last, relative to the part which Mr....
5759 Johnson, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Johnson, 8 April 1824 1824-04-08 Being now making a shipment of Corn to Madeira, I am endeavouring to get orders for Wine to be...
5760 Spafford, Horatio Gates Madison, James To James Madison from Horatio Gates Spafford, 8 April … 1824-04-08 As I once spoke or wrote to thee concerning a Gazetteer & Geography of the State of Virginia, I...
5761 Cabell, Joseph Carrington Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Carrington Cabell, 8 … 1824-04-08 This will be delivered to you by my servant Archer, who comes down with the Horse you were so...
5762 Furst, Moritz Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Moritz Furst, 8 April 1824 1824-04-08 I beg You will excuse my Liberty to inform You, that some Time in the Month of May 1807. I had an...
5763 Spafford, Horatio Gates Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Horatio Gates Spafford, 8 … 1824-04-08 To save the trouble, let thy clerk, or some young man say whether I can send thee a 3 dollar...
5764 Graham, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Graham, 7 April 1824 1824-04-07 Your favor of the 27th Ult. was received in due course of the mail, but as the Board of...
5765 Jefferson, Thomas Minutes of the Board of Visitors of the University of … 1824-04-07 Joseph C. Cabell attended with the members present on Monday. In the University of Virginia shall...
5766 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, [ca. 6] April 1824 1824-04-06 Mr. Livingston intimated to me some time since, his desire to hold with you and Mr. Jefferson,...
5767 Jefferson, Thomas Minutes of the Board of Visitors of the University of … 1824-04-06 Tuesday April 6th. a constant and heavy rain prevented the meeting of the board. Ms ( ViU :...
5768 Harding, David Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from David Harding, 6 April 1824 1824-04-06 In behalf of the members of the Jefferson Debating Society in this Town, I take the liberty of...
5769 Monroe, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Monroe, 6 April 1824 1824-04-06 The claim of the State, for the allowance of interest, on monies borrowed & applied to the...
5770 Adams, John Rogers, Edmund From John Adams to Edmund Rogers, 5 April 1824 1824-04-05 I have received your kind latter of November 20th. and with the handsom present, of your...
5771 Jefferson, Thomas Minutes of the Board of Visitors of the University of … 1824-04-05 At a meeting of the Visitors of the University of Virginia held at the sd. University on Monday...
5772 Brockenbrough, Arthur S. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 5 … 1824-04-05 An Estimate of the cost of the Rotunda as far as the contracts that have been made towards the...
5773 Jefferson, Thomas Meeting Minutes of University of Virginia Board of … 1824-04-05 At a meeting of the Visitors of the University of Virginia held at the sd University on Monday...
5774 Johnson, Richard M. Madison, James To James Madison from Richard M. Johnson, 4 April 1824 1824-04-04 I was very happy to receive your favour of the 2d Inst; in which you acknowledge the receit of my...
5775 Jefferson, Thomas Livingston, Edward From Thomas Jefferson to Edward Livingston, 4 April … 1824-04-04 It was with great pleasure I learnt that the good people of N. Orleans had restored you again to...
5776 Carey, Mathew Madison, James To James Madison from Mathew Carey, 3 April 1824 1824-04-03 I have duly recd & carefully read your favour of the 11th. ult. & confess I regret extremely the...
5777 Taylor, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Taylor, 3 April 1824 1824-04-03 You were advised previous to my sailing from New York, of my intention to return to this Country...
5778 Jefferson, Thomas Griscom, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Griscom, 3 April 1824 1824-04-03 I thank you, dear Sir, for the kindness of your favor of Mar. 24. it exactly answers the purposes...
5779 Jefferson, Thomas Leiper, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Leiper, 3 April 1824 1824-04-03 I am really done, my friend, with Politics, notwthstg the doubts you express in your favor of...
5780 Jefferson, Thomas Pattison, Granville Sharp From Thomas Jefferson to Granville Sharp Pattison, 3 … 1824-04-03 I thank you, dear Sir, for the kindness with which you have been so good as to attend to my...
5781 Jefferson, Thomas Physick, Philip Syng From Thomas Jefferson to Philip Syng Physick, 3 April … 1824-04-03 I thank you, dear Sir, for the information you have been so kind as to give me in your favor of...
5782 Madison, James Johnson, Richard M. From James Madison to Richard M. Johnson, 2 April 1824 1824-04-02 I have recd. a copy of your Speech on imprisonment for debt, which I owe I presume to your...
5783 Newport, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Newport, 2 April 1824 1824-04-02 You will please to let me address you, in all the simplicity of Republican Christianity, my...
5784 Appleton, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Appleton, 1 April 1824 1824-04-01 I now inclose you duplicates of my letters; the originals of which, were transmitted through M r...
5785 Cabell, Joseph Carrington Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Carrington Cabell, 1 … 1824-04-01 My plan was to leave the City to-day, so as to get to Monticello on saturday. But finding I...
5786 McKean, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas McKean, 1 April 1824 1824-04-01 I am preparing the biography of my Father and am anxious to obtain all the information I possibly...
5787 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Bernard Peyton, 1 April 1824 1824-04-01 Agreeable to your standing order, hand herewith statements your quarterly a/c, to date, which I...
5788 Jefferson, Thomas Yancey, Joel From Thomas Jefferson to Joel Yancey, 1 April 1824 1824-04-01 The letter which in yours of the 18 th you mention to have written to me in the last fall never...
5789 Wilkinson, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Wilkinson, 31 March 1824 1824-03-31 This package has been in the hands of the Banditti on the Road from Mexico DLC : Papers of Thomas...
5790 Hare, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Hare, 31 March 1824 1824-03-31 Pursuant to your request in your letter of Inst, & my reply to it, I now furnish you with a list...
5791 Richardson, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Richardson, 31 March … 1824-03-31 I have for some time past been desirous that you should have an opportunity of perusing a Work,...
5792 Calhoun, John C. Smith, William Steuben From John C. Calhoun to William Steuben Smith, 29 March … 1824-03-29 You are hereby informed, that the President of the United States, by and with the advice and...
5793 Brent, Daniel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Daniel Brent, 29 March 1824 1824-03-29 M r Daniel Brent presents his most respectful compliments to M r Jefferson, and, in compliance...
5794 Jefferson, Thomas Brockenbrough, Arthur S. From Thomas Jefferson to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 29 … 1824-03-29 I have considered maturely the change you propose in the library, and see no advantage in...
5795 Jefferson, Thomas Cooper, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Cooper, 29 March 1824 1824-03-29 I recieved, a day or two ago, a small pamphlet on Materialism without any indication from what...
5796 Short, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 29 March 1824 1824-03-29 The last letter which I have had the pleasure of writing to you, was of the date of Octob: 9. in...
5797 Smyth, George Washington Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington Smyth, 29 … 1824-03-29 I arrived a few days since in this Country with a view to become a citizen—I can Scarce he...
5798 Adams, John Stark, Caleb, Jr. From John Adams to Caleb Stark, Jr., 28 March 1824 1824-03-28 I recieved your last letter yesterday & now sit down to answer it although the times are so dull...
5799 Brockenbrough, Arthur S. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 28 … 1824-03-28 Mess rs Dinsmore & Neilson without consulting with me have proceeded to purchase scantling here...
5800 Colvin, Richard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Richard Colvin, 28 March 1824 1824-03-28 The Ladies, and all the White Women, and all the White Females, in the United States. Are the...