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Results 57451-57480 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Coming all of us into Executive office new, and unfamiliar with the course of business previously practised, it was not to be expected we should in the first outset adopt, in every part a line of proceeding so perfect as to admit no amendment. the mode & degrees of communication particularly between the President & heads of departments have not been practised exactly on the same scale in all...
I postponed writing by the last post from a hope that a cough with which our little infant had been attacked a few days before might prove only a common cold—There is no longer room for indulging so pleasing an idea as it most certainly is the hooping-cough—The violent symptoms which in general attend the commencement of the disease such as fever & difficulty of breathing have disappeared for...
I did not write to you last week my dear Papa, I had discover’d my little Francis had the hooping cough & my apprehensions about him were so great that I could not at that time write. he has now struggled with it eleven days & tho’ he coughs most violently so as to become perfectly black with it in the face he is so little affected by it otherwise that my hopes are great that he will go...
The appointment of mr Alger, recommended by mr Milledge, as Commr. of loans, in the room of the one who is dead, is approved. extreme reluctance to appoint a violent federalist at Cherrystone’s induces a wish to defer it as long as can be admitted in the hope of hearing of some good republican to invest with it. RC ( NHi : Gallatin Papers); addressed: “The Secretary of the Treasury.”
Those notes which you mention was disposd of immediately aftar they were receivd & in case of failure in the bank it appears that the holder of the Note must be the sufferer, it was requisite for me to put my Name on them. Mr. Randolph does not take shadwell as supposd. William Davenport has made application shoud you approve of him you will please let me no. Aftar Constant Application Wood...
Your esteemed favour of the 4th, containing the route from this to Charlottville, by Elk & Slate run Churches, is to hand, for which please accept my acknoledgements On Yesterday the Mr Fitzhughs, dined with me, which afforded me an opporty of anticipating you in a wish, that these Gentlemen should understand your true intention in riding Over their grounds, in assuring them, that your only...
Will you consider whether a copy of the inclosed sent to each head of department would be best, or to avail myself of your kind offer to speak to them. My only fear as to the latter is that ⟨t⟩hey might infer a want of confidence on my part. But you can ⟨de⟩cide on sounder views of the subject than my position may admit. ⟨If⟩ you prefer the letter, modify any expressions which you ⟨m⟩ay think...
5 November 1801. Relays his and the comptroller’s opinion that if a lawsuit were instituted against Richard Cooper to recover moneys he received, no jury would give a verdict for the government. Recommends directing Cooper to sell the stores purchased before he received Lincoln’s letter and to “send his account then properly stated & supported by vouchers.” Asks JM to reexamine enclosed papers...
5 November 1801, London. Reports that war’s end has occasioned a review of the British diplomatic corps. Hears that Liston will be sent to Holland instead of returning to America. Jackson has been appointed minister plenipotentiary to France and will reside in Paris during the congress at Amiens. Once peace is concluded, Lord Whitworth, formerly in Russia, will go to Paris and Jackson to...
Letter not found. 5 November 1801. Acknowledged in Thornton to JM, 11 Nov. 1801 . Informs Thornton the president believes that the Windsor and the Harmony prize cases do not fall within the provisions of the Jay treaty.
I received your favour of the 1st Instant, and am sorry to inform you that the report respecting James Hennings Having commited an act of Suicide is true. I made every enquiry at the time this melancholy circumstance took place, the result of which was, that he had been delirious for Some days previous to his having commited the act, and it was the General opinion that drinking too freely was...
The Commr. of Loans Georgia is dead and Mr Millege recommends a Mr Alger for successor . Shall Mr Peter Bowdoin be made Collector for Cherry Stone? Mr Lee of Norfolk says that he is a violent federal partizan & that a republican may be obtained. But it is necessary that an appointment should take place before the meeting of Congress. Respectfully your obt. Servt RC ( DLC ); at foot of text:...
Will you consider whether a copy of the inclosed sent to each head of department would be best, or to avail myself of your kind offer to speak to them. my only fear as to the latter is that they might infer a want of confidence on my part. but you can decide on sounder views of the subject than my position may admit. [if] you prefer the letter, modify any expressions which you may think need...
Being desirous of Making you personally acquainted with My friend Mr David Easton I take the liberty of this mode of introduction He is a Man unused to bow at Courts or attend Drawing Rooms, & altho he has long wish’d to pay you his Respects felt an awkardness he cou’d not surmount without a recommendation of this kind With respect & Esteem Yours RC ( NcU : Nicholas Philip Trist Papers);...
The Letter of the 31st. Octo. with which you have honor’d me has been just now put into my hands , & I beg you to accept my hearty acknowledgments for the polite & friendly terms in which it is conceiv’d, as well as for the confidence you evince by the offer to my acceptance of a respectable & important station in the Government of the United States. The office is agreeable to me & I accept it...
I recieved on the 24th. Ult. your favor of the 22d. but it is not till this day that I am enabled to comply with your request of forwarding some of the vaccine matter for Doctr. Coxe. on my arrival at Monticello in July I recieved from Dr. Waterhouse of Cambridge some vaccine matter taken by himself, and some which he at the same time recieved from Dr. Jenner of London. both of them succeeded,...
Although we are by no means fond of formal Addresses, to any of our rulers, yet, as the practice has already obtained, our silence on the present auspicious occasion might be falsely interpreted into an indifference toward your person, your political opinions, or your Administration. We take, therefore, this earliest opportunity to assure you, that we love and admire the federal constitution,...
Excuse the Privolage that An Entire Intire Stranger to you takes in Informing You that he Has Ben blest, with a Son and his First born, and being very Anxious to have his Name Cald, After Yours he takes the Liberty to Request of you, your Approbation, and In So Doing he Shall Esteeme it as a high Favour Confurrd on Himself and Son, this Sir are the Real Sentiments of a Sincear Mind that Wishes...
… It will readily occur to you Sir that thousands of our fellow Citizens must soon be employed in navigating the Ships and Boats which must ever be used, as the means of transporting these Commodities from one place to another. Now Sir when we take into consideration the climate and Season of the year, when this commerce must be carried on, the Risque to our Citizens must be multiplied in a...
My letter of the 9th of Septr. on the subject of your panther creek lands, remains unanswered; being sent by private hand, it may have miscarried, and I now state its contents. Your father claimed 10,000 acres of land on panther creek, near Green-River—it was entered to adjoin Wm Moores 10,000, who had entered to adjoin George Masons 8300; these three claimants had one common agent, Hancock...
4 November 1801, Department of State, Washington. Acknowledges Wrede’s letters to the president soliciting appointment as consul at Oldenburg and informs him that “until the utility of a Consular establishment there becomes more manifest than it is at present, it will be superfluous to decide upon your pretensions.” Thanks him for his services to Americans. Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, IC ,...
Letter not found. 4 November 1801. Calendared as a one-page letter in the lists probably kept by Peter Force (DLC, series 7, container 2). This is probably the letter mentioned in Elbridge Gerry to JM, 9 Nov. 1801 , which indicates that it was a recommendation by Fellowes for the appointment of his nephew, Nathaniel Fellowes, Jr., to a consulship at Havana.
This will be deliverd you by my friend Mr. Newsam , member of Assembly from Princess Ann County, I beg leave to introduce him to you, as a worthy good republican—I sent you some images & Orange shrubs, brought in from the Missisipi. I hope they got safe to your hands, also the two pipes of wine sent to the care of Mr Barnes, by Mr. Taylor. I have sent a pipe of L P. to Mr Madison by your...
I promised you the stages & distances of the route from your house by Slate & Elkrun churches to Charlottesville. they are as follows to Songster’s 10. Bull run 5. Gaines’s tavern 5 Slate run church 5 Elkrun church 15 a tolerable tavern Norman’s ford 9. Stevensburg 9. Somerville’s mill 8 Downey’s ford
I shall offer no excuse for the liberty I take in introducing my friend Lieut. Saunders, to your notice and attention. I flatter myself you will find Mr. Saunders an agreeable young Man, and I know He will be acceptable to you, for He is a Man of Honor and integrity. As I am fixed at the principle mart in our State, it would give me pleasure to render you any services in this quarter. I pray...
Convinced as I am that information relative to the situation of any empire now under your particular charge will be always welcome to you, (especially if such place be remote,) let such information come from whatever person or through whatsoever channel it may; I therefore take the liberty of making the following statement of facts to you, on the perusal and confirmation of which I am...
The peculiarity of my position and the embarrassement answing from the conduct of the Board of the Commissionaires of the City of Washington in regard to requests and communications made to them rendering the freedome of a direct address to you unavoidable—I hope the necessity will plead my excuse, and seeing the time near approaches when it is presumable you will wish to call Congress...
General Mason has just requested me to forward the inclosed 100 dolrs. to be put into the hands of Mr. S. Pleasants for Mr. Callander. Yrs. affy. RC ( NhHi ). Virginia senator Stevens Thomson Mason was an active supporter of Callender’s cause (see Michael Durey, “ With the Hammer of Truth ”: James Thomson Callender and America’s Early National Heroes [Charlottesville, Va., 1990], pp. 110–11,...
The news Papers, among which is the Porcupine, the Paper of the new opposition, which Mr. Dawsons repeated disappointments enable me to add to those I had before delivered to him afford a pretty just view of the public Sentiment concerning the peace. Mr. Sheridan, in a single sentence has happily expressed this sentiment: “It is a peace every body is glad of, and no body proud of .” Of the old...
When Mr Orr was going to Kentuckey he left with me the enclosed Engagement, for the amount of which, I accommodated him with the money. As it is now due, I take the Liberty to send it to you, and if entirely convenient should thank you for its amount. Very respectfully I am Sir your mo: obt: Hbe Sert I send this my [ sic ] Mr Suttle one of the young Gentlemen of my counting house. RC ( DLC )....