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Results 57421-57450 of 184,264 sorted by recipient
My being at the Pot ash works of Richd. Johns (on business) when Mr. Jefferson came there, to make some Enquiery respecting the manufactury of Pot and pearl-ash, (and, Expressing an intention of beginning the business in the forests of Virginia, where he purposed having the timber Cut down and burnt in the open air,) I considered it my duty to speak a few words on the occasion, having once...
Last evening I received your letter of the 17 th Instant, and I suppose before this time you have received one from me dated the 9 th & 13 th in which I stated that the young man I had spoken to, had gone to the neighbourhood of Bethlehem —I have been with several Watch-makers in the City since I wrote, who all have promised me notice if any discreet young man offers—within two days I shall...
It was a rule with Rex and Roy. to cause a vir to be Scent, a La Mort,’ that did Sir, Contre Ciel . if any there was so wicked. and the Battles of Marengo. Austerlitz and Waterloo. and at Saragossa, for such . Sir. The Children will thank you for your friendly attentions. they will recollect with friendship for you, any favours that you render them. Sir. I renew to you Assurances of my...
I enclose a letter addressed to you, respecting the internal duties. If you approve the arrangement, it will only be necessary to sign your approbation at bottom & return the letter: & I will carry the same into effect. Whilst at New Haven, Judge Edwards made a formal complaint of the total incapacity of the dist. atty. Huntington. As this was however general, I concluded not to lay the...
I have the honor of transmitting for you two works of Mr. Lasteyrie on the Spanish breed of Sheep, accompanied with a letter addressed to you by the author. He wishes much that they may appear, in the United States, in an English dress. Mr. Lasteyrie is member of the agricultural, and other Societies of Paris, and has done much for the improvement of Science. I also inclose the first No. of a...
Though I have not the pleasure of a personal acquaintance with you, my knowledge of your exalted character leads me to believe you will pardon the freedom I have taken to request your acce ptance of the accompanying pamphlet, entitled An “ expose of the causes of intemperate drinking and the means by which it may be obviated.” Should it hereafter be be deemed worthy of a second edition, I will...
I am this Day favoured with yours of the 11th. of Novr., and am unhappy to hear that the Flames of War have burst again in the eastern World, and that there is too much Reason to apprehend they will rage, at an early period, in the western Hemisphere. Nevertheless, if Britain is so much under the Influence of a weak passion, as to indulge it in renewing Hostilities amongst us, we shall meet...
C’est avec Raison, Monsieur, qu’on dit les femmes admirables pour les petites choses auxquelles elles attachent un sentiment. j’en fournis une preuve ou du moins j’espere la fournir. dans un Rayon de 50 Lieues de notre capitale vous ne trouveriés pas le maronnier que vous mavès demandé quoiquon soit tres avide de ce le procurer. il existe maintenant dans mon jardin pour vous ètre envoié cet...
By a Resolution of Congress , of the 19 th of January last , the Secretary of State has been instructed to furnish each College and University in the United States with one copy of the Journal of the Federal Convention, recently printed by Order of Congress . Being uncertain whether a selection of a Principal or President has been made for the Virginia University , I beg leave to confide the...
I am by this day’s Post, honored with yours of the 13th Currt. which appears to have been intended to have been forwarded by Mr. Carnes. I esteem myself particularly obliged by that mark of your attention; but, as there is no mention made of my Letter to you of the 31st. Ult. I presume it has miscarryed, and it is therefore that I have now written the foregoing Copy. The 6th. of this month,...
I have the honor of sending you the inclosed copy of an analysis of the meteoric stone that fell in the United States , with a list of vessels, and some brochures containing defences, of vessels and cargoes, made by me— I have transmitted to you several pamphlets by different opportunities, and I hope that you have received them— The late decree of the Emperor is extremely hostile—and seems to...
I have the honor of sending you by Major John G. Frazer, the great Seal for the State, which I before informd you I had engraved at Paris. This is the first direct opportunity I have had since it was finished. I have the honor to be &ca FC ( Lb in DNA : RG 360, PCC ); in Lee’s hand, unsigned; at head of text: “His Excelly. the Govr. of Virginia.” Great seal : see note to Lee to TJ, 4 Sep. 1779 .
I have recd. yours of the 16th. with the accompanying papers. The communications &c. recd. since my last are enclosed. The letters from Paris are important, but I do not see in them the wish of the F. Govt. to retract the bargain with our Ministers, so much as an anxiety to secure its execution agst. the intrusions of G. B. and to feel thro’ their pulse, whether we were or were likely to be in...
Your favor of the 27 th ult. was duly received, and the two cases of wine have been forwarded to Richmond agreeably to advice, as ⅌. enclosed bill of lading. I send you also a memorandum of the duty, freight and other charges—Any service that you may occasionally require will be rendered with pleasure RC ( ViU: TJP-ER ); endorsed by TJ as received 1 Sept. 1818 and so recorded in SJL . RC ( DLC...
In compliance with your request I hastend all in my power to obtain an accurate survey & plot made of that part of my Warburton Farm where its extreme point (a high promontary) at the narrowest part of Potomack hereabouts, and where the channel makes an angular bending close in with the shore, forms a seemingly favourable position for a Fort on its heights as well as a battery near the shore....
Once More do I crave your Indulgence Let not a fellow Mortal Suffer, one Who tho’ unfortunate Has Power & Abilities Sufficient for Man During Life; Suffer me to be Employed in any Capacity. Now, I must Lead a Life Heretofore Unknown to me altho’ I have been unfortunate I may yet be of Service, It’s true; one Gone , may be Little balance in the Scale. Yet, the God whom I serve will protect me,...
From my ng your humane and hospitable disposition—I hope your Honour will Excuse my taking the freedom of this petition. Sir I have ben Sick in this place for two months & am now got able to work, and In my Sickness have Spent all my money Shoe maker by trade n to get my living in an way most honestly beg and pray [from] your Lord Ship the loan of Ten Dollars for to purchase a Set of tools to...
Please to accept the enclosed, you were so good to examine the M.S., you will peruse it, I hope, with more satisfaction now it is in print. I thank you for having said the reformation would be desirable if it could prevail, because, I think, on reviewing the subject in a fairer form, you will be convinced, that admitting the custom is to change ey into ies or y preceded by a consonant, yet you...
I request the favor of your benevolent acceptance of the memoirs of the late excellent Thomas Hollis, who was a friend to the rights of America and of mankind in general. How would he have rejoiced to have seen these days “Tyranny defeated and the seeds of freedom planted in another world for which he could scarcely have hoped,” tho to which he was in no small degree instrumental by dispersing...
Your Circular of the 4 th instant did not come to hand till yesterday. In the present attitude of things the reappointment of M r Gilmer to the Law Professorship seems a matter of course: though I am sorry to learn that there is some ground to apprehend that his qualifications are not as well understood & as highly estimated as they deserve to b DLC : Papers of James Madison.
I have the honor to present for your consideration the following Gentlemen to be Midshipmen in the Navy. Jacquelin Harvie Virga. Recomdd. by Mr. Harvie John Lyon Md. Colo. Stricker. Richard Wilson Md. Rt. Brent Esqre. Charles Blake Md. Mr. Nicholson Henry Thomas Md. J. Gibson Esqre. B. F. Rittenhouse Ca. Genl. Smith. of Va.
As I’ll Have By this Opportunity the pleasure to Write to You, I shall Now only Mention the Affair of M. de BeauMarchais Which You Better know than I do—His Claims Have Been InHerited By a former Aid de Camp of Mine Who Married Beau-Marchais’s daughter and Whose Sister is a Wife to General Dumas the Chief of the Staff in the Middle Army—My Attachement to My two Companions Makes it a duty for...
I have rec’d by the Mail of this morning from M r Bernard Peyton of Richmond fifteen dollars & 91 100 being the am t of duties, freight &c on the case of books rec’d per the Ship Imperial from France , & forwarded to him by your request.— Jonathan Thompson  Collector.
On enquiry I found that major Armstead had been regularly appointed principal assessor for our district by the advice of the senate & been furnishd with his commission. It had been intended, as I understood, to appt M r Minor , but the office of Collector , having been disposed of in our county , it was decided on the distributive principle to confer the other office on some person in another...
Give me Leave to introduce to you Mr. John Brown Cutting, who will need no other Recommendation, than his own Genius. Let me beg your acceptance, too of a Sett of my Defence &c. and let me know your Opinion of the Second volume, and whether it is worth my while to write a third upon Confederations &c. Yours most Sincerely, RC ( DLC ); endorsed. Recorded in SJL as received 23 Sep. 1787. My...
The difficulty of conveying letters across the Countrey and some hopes of seing you in the City the first of April, are but poor, and yet they are the only Palliatives I can offer, for having so long delayed Acknowledging the receipt of your favor of Decemr. 18th. I immediately wrote to our friend W. to be informed if any thing had happen’d, or passed between you and him, which made it...
I crave your reference to the annex’d Copy of my last respects to you of the 9th Ulto to which I have not been honor’d with a reply.   I have only to repeat the same anxiety & to request your Excellency will under the Circumstances of the case, give it Consideration— With Sentiments of perfect Respect, I remain Sir your Ob Hble Sevt MHi : Coolidge Collection.
I read with great Concern the very unfortunate Accident that befell you—The part swelled, (I presume in your Side) if not abated—and become stationary—must if possible be dispersed—removed—In somewhat a like Case with me—from a slight fall which caused me Considerable pain whenever I laid down—on either side— exclusive of the simple Applications Used in these Cases I Applied a Broad-stout...
Mr. Ducatel, dont j’ai deja eû l’honneur de Vous parler, desirant que deux Liqueurs de sa Composition parviennent a Votre Connaissance, et m’ayant—depuis que je suis de retour de Monticello—continuellement engagè de Vous en presenter a cet effet des echantillons, Je Vous previens, que j’ai remis au Stage—qui part aujourdhui—une bouteille de chaque espece, a Votre Adresse. Je Vous observe en...
Were it possible to increase the respect, veneration, & esteem which I have cherish’d for you, ever since I have had the honor of your acquaintance in 1796, your very kind and affectionate letter in my behalf would have that effect; it serves to prove that the truely great do not think that they deviate from their dignity by espousing the just cause of an injured officer who has served his...