George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Samuel Holden Parsons, 20 May 1782

Middletown 20th May 1782

Dear General

Messrs Reuben Smith Norton, Samuel Mix & Ezekiel Cowles are young Gentlemen whose Family Connections render them respectable in this State & whose personal Accomplishments give fair Prospects of their being Serviceable if admitted to Command in the Army.

They are desirous of Subalterns Commissions in the Corps of Sappers & Miners: I beleive they will not disappoint your Excellency’s Expectations Should they meet your Approbation & would recommend them to your Excellency for Appointments in that Corps. the Executive of this State decline at present making any Appointments in their Regiments otherwise tis probable they might be appointed in the Connect. Line. I am with the highest Esteem Dr General your most Obedt Servt

Saml H. Parsons

DLC: Papers of George Washington.

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