George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Robert Jackson, 1752

From Robert Jackson


Dr Sir

Last Night your Servt carried over what things were left also the last loaf of Double refind Sugar in my possession, if coarse single Refined will do for second rate gentry who may visit you as a Planter you may have 20 ct more. Your acct shall be transcribed as soon as possible from the beginning—but it so happens that my present Aid-du-Campe is a little intoxicated & incapable of Duty. You need not be anxious about the payment that will be left to your own convenience—I shall at all times take a peculiar pleasure in doing any thing that can oblige you—the intimacy long supported between your worthy Father & late Brother will I hope be revived in you & in some degree atone for their loss their acquaintance wth some others Dead were the greatest pleasure & Happiness—I was ever blessed with. I am wth sincere wishes for yr prosperity Dr Sr, Yr most obedt Hble Servt

Rob. Jackson

Since writing the above the Gout has seized me in the right wrist—can hardly hold the pen.

ALS, DLC:GW. The date is conjectural.

Robert Jackson (d. 1764), a Fredericksburg merchant, was a friend and neighbor of the Washington family. He had been involved in the fall of 1746 in GW’s nebulous plans for a seafaring career. Mary Ball Washington seemed agreeable to the scheme at first but soon changed her mind. She brought not only her own opposition to bear but also that of her brother Joseph Ball, who considered his nephew might “better be put aprentice to a Tinker” (Ball to Mary Ball Washington, 19 May 1747, DLC: Joseph Ball Papers). Jackson supported GW’s ambitions, but as he wrote Lawrence Washington, 18 Sept. 1746: “I am afraid Mrs Washington will not keep up to her first resolution—She seems to intimate a dislike to George’s going to Sea, & says several Persons have told her its a very bad Scheme. She offers several trifling objections. . . . I find that one word against his going has more weight than ten for it” (NjMoHP: Smith Collection).

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