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Results 57291-57320 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
General Muhlenberg has just forwarded me the inclosed Letters. What can have given rise to a...
A desire to be preserved in your remembrance has often led me to the verge of writing to you, but...
Your arrival at the seat of government immediately after the publication of a letter said to be...
I enclose you the latest Intelligence of the movements of the Enemy. I shall immediately march...
Knowing the interest you take in the inquiries which are now going on respecting the Indian...
I have visited this place for the sole function of causing myself to be made known to you, with a...
If I had thought you would so soon have Sent for your dear little Girl, I should have been...
T. Lear is ordered by the President of the U.S. to transmit to the Secretary of State a letter...
I have received your favor by Mr. Cutting and am much obliged by your having introduced me to the...
You will see from the within, I have brought M r W. J. Coffee down in his charges for his...
I have delayed writing to you, from post to post, my dearest Grandpapa , always hoping that I...
I can not deny my self the pleasure of addressing you on this joyful occasion tho I expect you...
Having been about to leave Town for two or three weeks and having been desirous previously of...
I was this day honoured with the receipt of your letter of the 26th. ulto. and immediately sent...
Permit me a poor invalade: who has ever bin faithful to the publick intrest, to thus address our...
Presuming upon an introduction to you some years since by my father the late Gen l Minor I trust...
RC (Historical Society of Pennsylvania). Written by Bland and signed by JM and Bland. Addressed...
The enclosed bill was presented this day for payment, and the question arises whether any salary...
The Eastern Branch Bridge Company , incorporated by law, is now engaged in the erection of a...
The allowance of £80–6 for a Coat, waistcoat, hat, a pair of Breeches, 2 shirts, 2 pair stockings...
My children have escaped the measles most wonderfully and unaccountably for so strongly were we...
I send you the continuation promised in my last , which I believe makes up the whole. If there...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 26 August containing general...
I recieved your favour of the 20th. June by Mr. Pinckney, who appears to deserve all that you say...
Vous n’avez, malgrè ma promesse, pas recu—Plans des Jardins Anglais p. Mansa, et Idem p. Parkyns;...
While I have been enjoying, with grateful satisfaction, your Judicious administration of the...
Mr. vanBerckel presents his Compliments to Mr. Jefferson, and has the honor of Sending herewith...
I have the honour of enclosing a letter recently received from the Marquis Lafayett,—by the...
I have this morning received a letter from M r Timberlake, saying, that M r Michie has taken a...
6   Collins   Charles Collector of the district of Bristol R.I. and Inspector of the revenue for...