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Results 57291-57320 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
General Muhlenberg has just forwarded me the inclosed Letters. What can have given rise to a correspondence of this nature I cannot say. It was contrary to my wish or desire. I shall be glad to know your Excellencys pleasure respecting the Exchange proposed by Genl. Arnold, both the Prisoners belonging to the State. I inclose a Receipt for the Twenty Guineas sent in agreable to your desire. I...
A desire to be preserved in your remembrance has often led me to the verge of writing to you, but knowing with what anxiety you retired from political concerns and the disgust you must naturally have felt at the recollection of the baseness you have seen and the unworthiness which prevails too much in all kinds of affairs, I preferred rather to trust to the ordinary incidents of my situation...
Your arrival at the seat of government immediately after the publication of a letter said to be written by you to your friend Mazzei in Italy, affords you a fair opportunity of doing away any bad impression respecting your character, which the falsely ascribing to you improper sentiments may hitherto have occasioned. For the honor of the American name I would wish the letter to be a Forgery,...
I enclose you the latest Intelligence of the movements of the Enemy. I shall immediately march the troops up the New Kent Road, and take such a position as to enable me, to operate vigorously without exposing my Rear and Flanks. I have the honor to be respectfully Yr Excellency’s most obt Sevt., N.B. Since writing the above, I have received Information that 16 flatt Bottomed Boats are above...
Knowing the interest you take in the inquiries which are now going on respecting the Indian Languages , I beg leave to offer you a copy of the new edition of D r Edwards’ Observations on the Mohegan Language , which is just published by our Historical Society, and constitutes a part of the present volume of their “Collections.” With the hope of stimulating our students of Indian, I have added...
I have visited this place for the sole function of causing myself to be made known to you, with a view to apply for an appointment under your administration of the government of the U. States. It is probable that in adopting this mode of application I may have departed from the common course, I am unacquainted with the practice, and must therefore rely for my apology upon the known candour of...
If I had thought you would so soon have Sent for your dear little Girl, I should have been tempted to have kept her arrival here, from you a secret. I am really loth to part with her, and she last evening upon petit’s arrival, was thrown into all her former distresses, and bursting into Tears, told me it would be as hard to leave me, as it was her Aunt Epps. She has been so often deceived that...
T. Lear is ordered by the President of the U.S. to transmit to the Secretary of State a letter and its enclosures, together with a draft of the Survey of the federal District, which he has received from the Commissioners. The President requests that the Secretary will take this matter into consideration and report to the President his opinion whether it should be laid before Congress or not....
I have received your favor by Mr. Cutting and am much obliged by your having introduced me to the acquaintance of that Gentleman. To promote the business on which he came was to promote the cause of justice and at the same time the substantial interest of South Carolina. These motives superadded to your condescending request have induced me to contribute my mite towards the establishment of...
You will see from the within, I have brought M r W. J. Coffee down in his charges for his composition ornaments 50 p r cent, I submit it to your consideration whether it would be prudent or not in the present low state of our finances to order on those ornaments even at this reduced price Most respectfully your Ob t sev t P.S. I shall attend to your letter of to day & send you the statement...
I have delayed writing to you, from post to post, my dearest Grandpapa , always hoping that I should be able to announce to you, the conclusion of my bargain for the busts: they are at length deposited in the hands of M r Barnes , and I have procured the engraving from Vanderlyn ’s portrait of Col. Monroe , which I shall carry home with me, as you desired . the busts are second hand, and one...
I can not deny my self the pleasure of addressing you on this joyful occasion tho I expect you will be borne down with congratulations, mine may mingle with the more important as no one can feel more than I do the happy termination of the war, and the victory we obtaind at New Orleans one of the most singular and Glorious that the Annals of our country can furnish, and will establishs our...
Having been about to leave Town for two or three weeks and having been desirous previously of disposing of your Tobacco—I was to day induced to offer it at 42/., altho’ I did once hope, I might have done something better with it. even that however I could not obtain—partly I believe in consequence of late advices from England, which are somewhat unfavorable; those from France however I did...
I was this day honoured with the receipt of your letter of the 26th. ulto. and immediately sent in quest of James Tate the person of whose Character You enquire, he came, and I communicated to him your intentions, he told me that he is now employed in the Custom House & that he thought it a duty he owed to the Collector Mr Latimer to consult him previous to any determination on his own part,...
Permit me a poor invalade: who has ever bin faithful to the publick intrest, to thus address our Friend The President of the United States of America. My fathers family wher personally known, to the Honl. Elias Budenot late President of Congress. My father had bin chosen Mayor of the Borough of Elizth. for several years. He was Judge of the County: And Master in Chancery till his Deceas, just...
Presuming upon an introduction to you some years since by my father the late Gen l Minor I trust to be excused for submitting the subjoined queries: viz; whether the three vacant professorsips in the University of V a will be filled immediately,—And if not, what course is to be pursued by the candidates in order to display their pretensions! I make these inquiries at the suggestion of a man of...
RC (Historical Society of Pennsylvania). Written by Bland and signed by JM and Bland. Addressed to “His Excellency Thomas Jefferson Esqr. Governor of Virginia” and franked by JM. Docketed, “Colo Blands Lr. March 81.” Since our last nothing new has happened except the sailing of the French fleet Consisting of (as near as we can obtain intelligence) the Ships and Guns as p[er] list inclosed...
The enclosed bill was presented this day for payment, and the question arises whether any salary was due. There are no documents in the Treasury shewing whether Mr Duffield ever went to N. Orleans, was qualified by taking the usual oath, or acted at all as a Judge. Nor do we know when or how he resigned. As it is probable that he sent his resignation to you, you may perhaps give some...
The Eastern Branch Bridge Company , incorporated by law, is now engaged in the erection of a Bridge from the intersection of Pennsylvania and Kentucky Avenues at the Branch, to the Land of Mathew Wigfield on the opposite Shore, with the best prospect of a completion of the work by the last of the Summer. Under these circumstances, we trust, Sir, you will concur with us in opinion that the...
The allowance of £80–6 for a Coat, waistcoat, hat, a pair of Breeches, 2 shirts, 2 pair stockings and 2 pr. shoes, and £3. for a blanket to the soldiers to whom such articles are due, having become, by the Depreciation, infinitely below their value; I beg leave to solicit your Excellency in behalf of the poor men, that application be made to the Assembly, to increase that allowance to...
My children have escaped the measles most wonderfully and unaccountably for so strongly were we all prepossessed with the idea of it’s being impossible that from the moment of it’s appearing upon the plantation I rather courted than avoided the infection and the children have been on a regimen for 4 or 5 weeks in the constant expectation of breaking out. Ann has been twice declared full of it...
I send you the continuation promised in my last , which I believe makes up the whole. If there should be any chasm let me know, and I will supply it. I have some little doubt the paper of Tuesday March 4. may have been omitted, and would now add it, but can not get it conveniently in time. The commercial propositions were postponed for one week longer, on the arrival of the appointed day....
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 26 August containing general instructions and advice for the Consuls of the United States which I promise on my part to obey and comply with. I have only arrived here about three or four weeks and not as yet obtained the Kings Exequator for the exercize of my functions. My Commission is now with Mr. Short at Paris for that purpose....
I recieved your favour of the 20th. June by Mr. Pinckney, who appears to deserve all that you say of him as a true republican. I wish as much could be said in this respect of our minister at Paris. It is really unfortunate for our interest as well as for the cause of liberty in general, that he does not accord better with the principles which do and ought to govern the people of France. That...
Vous n’avez, malgrè ma promesse, pas recu—Plans des Jardins Anglais p. Mansa, et Idem p. Parkyns; la Cause en est, que de mon petit garcon et de mon domestique, lesquels ont portè entre autres les deux paquets sèparès—le premier celui des Annales &c de Filhol in 8°, et l’autre celui des Plans &c de Mansa &c in fol. a la poste,—le dernier est glissè, et laisse tombe son paquet dans une fosse...
While I have been enjoying, with grateful satisfaction, your Judicious administration of the Government of the United States.—and its daily increasing estimation with the real friends of our Country in this quarter,—I have carefully avoided giving you interruption in your important duties by any epistles or applications of mine, and I pray you to excuse my doing of it at this time,—Colonel Lee...
Mr. vanBerckel presents his Compliments to Mr. Jefferson, and has the honor of Sending herewith two or three remarks on Mr. Jefferson’s Letter of the 13th. of this month. Should any thing worth noticing, occur on the Same Subject, Mr. vBerckel will have the honor of Communicating it in the same private and informal manner. RC ( DLC ).
I have the honour of enclosing a letter recently received from the Marquis Lafayett,—by the closing paragraph, it would appear that he would have no objection to an appointment in lower Louisiana,—I presume that Genl. Armstrong was authorised to sound him on the subject,—I have sent Genl Scotts commission to him, with some instructions, and requested him to set out for Louisiana as soon as he...
I have this morning received a letter from M r Timberlake, saying, that M r Michie has taken a school which prevents his accepting the office of Librarian— Accompanying this communication is a strong recommendation from M r Timberlake in favour of M r James M Bramham—who will deliver this but having no personal acquaintance with M r B can only inform you, what I learn of him from M r T–s...
6   Collins   Charles Collector of the district of Bristol R.I. and Inspector of the revenue for the port of Bristol 7 John Willis  Collector of the district of Oxford and Inspector of the revenue for the port of Oxford 4. Alexr Bailey Collector