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Results 57291-57320 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The Virginia resolution inclosed was, I am sure, in full confidence that you would contribute your counsel as well as myself. I have only relieved you from the labour of the premier ebauche . I must you to consider the subject thoroughly, and either make the inclosed what it should be, or a new draught. it should go on without delay, because I shall desire Monroe, if there is any thing in it...
The Prince Bailli Ruspoli of the order of Malta, who will deliver you this letter was strongly recommended to me by Mr. King. He appears to me a very Gentlemanlike respectable man. As such I ask for him your civilities. Among these you can do nothing more grateful to him than to give him a letter of Introduction to some friend of yours at Washington. Adieu My Dr. Mac   Yrs. ever ALS , Montague...
Your letter dated in September came lately to my hands after having made a circuitous rout through many distant post offices as appears from the endorsements on it. I sent to Richmond about four months ago all the trunks of papers which I received from Mount Vernon except two. I have had so little leisure for examining the contents of those trunks, that it would be impossible for me at the...
Your several letters from No. 1 to No. 12 inclusive have been duly received, and I have the pleasure to express to you the President’s approbation, both of your punctuality in transmitting information, and of the prudence which appears to have guided your conduct, since your entrance into the Station confided to you. Frequent and full communications will continue to be acceptable, from a...
Citizen Pichon presents his respects to Mr. Madison & has thought proper to communicate to him The Within extract of a letter, wrote by Capn. Montalan of the Semillante Fregate, relative to The cruise of The British Fregates in The chesapeake Bay. Extrait —Les deux frégates Anglaises ont Convoyé hier toute la Journeé dans Lynhaven Baye en poussant leurs Bordées Jusqu’à Willougby pointe. C’est...
21 November 1801, Cap Français. No. 16. Has nothing more to add to the report in his no. 15 [9 Nov.] than that order seems to be fully restored, the field hands have returned to their respective plantations, and measures have been taken to prevent another uprising. Reports numerous executions following the revolt in addition to those killed during the fighting. States that the heavy volume of...
In addition to the enclosed I have only to say, that good order seems to be perfectly restored in this quarter; and I am assured, from the best sources, that the Cultivators have returned to their respective Plantations, and that such measures have been taken as will prevent a repetition of the evils which we have lately experienced. The executions which have taken place in consequence of this...
page 1st . I sent a small squadron of frigates into the Mediterranean with overtures of conciliation and with instructions to assure the Bey of Tripoli of my cordial disposition to preserve with him a State of peace; but with orders at the same time, in case of a declaration of war by that Regency, to protect our Commerce against depradation and our Citizens against Captivity. The Measure was...
I have been about writing you for some months back but I was of the opinion Tobacco would be lower in this I have been mistaken—I want to be informed if your last years Crop is on hand and what will be the price and day of payment— I have a letter from Richmond dated the 11th. that Quotes Prime Tobacco at 36/ to 37/6. inferior at 33/ V Currency—If your crop is unsold and at Richmond I will...
Please to read the enclosed letter from the collector of Nottingham (about 30 miles from this) and the intended answer. His servant waits & informs me verbally that a number of arms were, (since writing the letter) found on board. The Collector ought to have acted instead of writing for instructions. But it is necessary to dispatch immediately his messenger. If you think any alteration in the...
Be pleased to accept my thanks for the invitation with which you have honored me, but as I find nothing can be done in my pecuniary affairs here, I must proceed to Philadelphia while I have the means of so doing, as my monied friends and Agents in England made a strange blunder with respect to our Stocks, and I cannot draw from this place on London.—I shall set out tomorrow morning and regret...
Th: Jefferson requests the favor of Mr. & Miss Steele’s company to dinner the day after tomorrow at three oclock. Saturday Nov. 21st. 1801. RC ( Nc-Ar : John Steele Papers); in Meriwether Lewis’s hand; addressed: “Mr. Steele.” Ann Nessfield Steele (1784–1804), the oldest daughter of John Steele, was born in Salisbury, North Carolina, and educated at the Moravian School in Bethlehem,...
Your application to me in favor of Capt Du Buisson was highly acceptable and required no kind of apology. His case has had all the attention which under existing Circumstances could consistently be given to it. I have given him a sum of Money which will accomodate him for the present. Be persuaded, sir, I shall at all times be happy in receiving from you any Communications with which you may...
I enclose the Auditor’s remarks on Mr Fenwick’s account. The nature of the vouchers necessary to be produced by him in support of his charges is a question proper to be decided by the accounting officers; but the principles by which they should be guided in authorizing the several species of expenditure, must be settled, upon due consideration of the laws, by your Department. A circular...
If the annexed copy of the Treaty between France and Spain, respecting the establishment of the Prince of Parma in Tuscany, be genuine, of which I have no reason to doubt, you will perceive the value which these Powers seem to have placed upon Louisiana; the cession whereof to France is confirmed by the 7th. article of this Treaty. I am in hopes that I shall be able to obtain and send you a...
20 November 1801, Amsterdam. Transmits Leiden Gazette . Waits “anxiously to know what will be the fate of my official situation as that of my family will thereon essentially depend .” RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Amsterdam, vol. 1). 1 p.; sent “Via New York / Care of Mr Ely”; postmarked New York; docketed by Wagner as received 18 Feb. A full transcription of this document has been added to the...
20 November 1801, London. No. 5. Encloses copy [not found] of admiralty proceedings on the New Adventure , [Ebenezer] Shearman master, should JM wish to use it as a basis for prosecution of the owners. Invoice listed value of cargo as $15,000. Condemnation is expected. Recounts report of proposal made to Rufus King to claim the property for the U.S., which would have led to recovery and...
20 November 1801, Madrid. No. 294. Encloses copies of an official Spanish letter of 27 Oct., distributed on 17 Nov. to announce ratification of peace preliminaries between Great Britain and France, and his response. At the celebration of the king’s birthday at the Escorial, he discussed recent Spanish captures of American merchantmen with the first minister of state, who promised to attend to...
Inclosed I send you further the Leyden Gazette to this date. I shall now wait anxiously to know what will be the fate of my official situation as that of my family will thereon essentially depend. I have the honor to be in sentiments of the highest Respect—Yr. Ob Sert. The preceding is the full transcription of a document that was previously abstracted in The Papers of James Madison ,...
I beg leave to address you upon a subject which has in some Degree involv’d my Character and reputation. I now enclose you sundry papers relative to the Transaction to which I refer. It is probable you have hitherto been unacquainted with the manner in which Mr. Campbell and myself brought forward the information relative to the public accounts and the motives and inducements which led...
I am this moment arrived, and wish to know at what hour tomorrow you will condescend to see me.— I have the honor to be with the highest respect, Sir, your most obedient humble Servant— RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson—President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ as received from Washington on 20 Nov. and so recorded in SJL . Rhodes Hotel : William Rhodes kept a hotel on F...
I wrote you from England last summer and have since been thro’ Germany and on the Rhine I thought both the soil and climate in many places bore a greater resemblance to the soil and climate in the back parts of Pensylvania Maryland and Virginia than any part of Europe I have yet been in and finding that the farmers from the want of enclosures and pasture feed their cattle for some part of the...
I recieve with great satisfaction the Address you have been pleased to inclose me from the House of Representatives of the Freemen of the state of Vermont. the friendly and favorable sentiments they are so good as to express towards myself personally are high encouragement to perseverance in duty, & call for my sincere thanks. With them I join cordially in admiring and revering the...
My anxiety not to Intrude upon your Time, made me omit in the closing Sentiment of my letter , one exception to it, by adding a request, that (to the Single point of publishing your very Interesting letter) I may be favor’d with a reply—Dr Rush to whom I have taken the liberty of shewing it, was much Struck with the weight & importance of it, & agrees in wishing Strongly that it may be...
Cn. Pichon presents his respects to Mr. Madison & has the pleasure to inclose him an extract of a letter from Govr. Lacrosse which while it further evinces that officer’s amicable dispositions towards the american trade, furnishes a new indication of those Severe measures to which Mr. Madison has already been informed Gov. Lacrosse will be under the necessity to recur if the practice...
Want of health induces me to ask leave to resign the office of Marshall for the district of Connecticutt The state of my health is such at present as prevents me from paying the necessary attention to the duties of the office, I therefore beg you to accept my resignation and that another person may be appointed in my stead Wishing that your administration may be prosperous to the people over...
In my letter of yesterday I forgot to put the inclosed and to ask the favor of you to address it to the proper place. it is in answer to one I received three months ago , dated in Dumfries, but the gentleman was there only as a traveller and did not advise me where to address the answer. I inclosed it to mr Gallatin having heard him speak of the writer. but he returned it to me two months ago,...
My memory is so unfaithful that I am always afraid to affirm any thing on it’s authority. but I believe I am not decieved in saying that a little before I went out of office in 1793, I did recieve from you the specimens of coins you describe, with an account of the falsifications going on in England, and that I published in the news papers what related to the latter in order to guard the...
Enclosed are the letters by this mail. The application of A. Bell, at all events, comes too late; the new collector Mr Marsh might have been informed, when appointed, that he must consider Mr Bell’s removal as a resignation and claim only one half of the commission on uncollected outstanding duties; but he appears to me to have now acquired a legal right to the whole commission. The case of Mr...
Il Rè d’Etruria giunse finalmente in Firenze , e le persone illuminate furono contente delle sue qualità dello spirito, come del cuore. Ma, per disgrazia di questo paese, egli è soggetto ad accidenti epilettici, che lo mettono per più giorni nell’incapacità di occuparsi agli affari; e l’occupazione di mente, e più encora qualche scontentezza causata dalle circostanze attuali, gli rendeno più...