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Results 57291-57340 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
57291 Washington, George Weissenfels, Frederick From George Washington to Frederick Weissenfels, 19 May … 1782-05-19 I have reced your favor of yesterday Orders shall be given to the Contracters at the upper Posts...
57292 Adams, John Quincy 20th. Monday. 1782-05-20 Stay’d at home all day. Mr. D. went out in the forenoon. Cloudy weather.
57293 Monitor Adams, John To John Adams from Monitor, 20 May 1782 1782-05-20 We are told here of a chace there has been for sometime in holland and that the name wanted to be...
57294 Morris, Robert Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Robert Morris, 20 May 1782 1782-05-20 I have received your Letter of the fourth Instant and am very much obliged by the Attention shewn...
57295 Bache, Richard Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Richard Bache, 20 May 1782 1782-05-20 ALS : American Philosophical Society We have had no Arrivals from France lately, therefore could...
57296 Hilliard d’Auberteuil, Michel-René Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Hilliard d’Auberteuil, 20 May … 1782-05-20 ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library J’ai l’honneur d’envoyer à votre excellence les feuilles...
57297 Laurens, Henry Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Henry Laurens, 20 May 1782 1782-05-20 ALS : American Philosophical Society The Letters inclosed under Cover with this were detained in...
57298 Price, Richard Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Richard Price, 20 May 1782 1782-05-20 ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library May I take the liberty to introduce to you the two...
57299 Washington, George General Orders, 20 May 1782 1782-05-20 The General did not make any public remarks on the last inspection Returns, beause at that time...
57300 Badlam, Ezra Washington, George To George Washington from Ezra Badlam, 20 May 1782 1782-05-20 General Heath informs me in his favour of the 8th instant that the Men I sent forward to Camp by...
57301 Washington, George Duer, William From George Washington to William Duer, 20 May 1782 1782-05-20 I think it proper to inform you that Such of the Levies raised by this State as may be orderd to...
57302 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to William Heath, 20 May 1782 1782-05-20 I am favord with your Letter of Yesterday—I consent to Colo. Greatons Sending a Serjeant to...
57303 Olney, Jeremiah Washington, George To George Washington from Jeremiah Olney, 20 May 1782 1782-05-20 Soon after I had the Honor of addressing your Excellency 18th Ulto—your favr of 9th April Came to...
57304 Parsons, Samuel Holden Washington, George To George Washington from Samuel Holden Parsons, 20 May … 1782-05-20 Messrs Reuben Smith Norton, Samuel Mix & Ezekiel Cowles are young Gentlemen whose Family...
57305 Washington, George Sands, Comfort From George Washington to Comfort Sands, 20 May 1782 1782-05-20 I think it proper to acquaint you that such of the Levies of the State as shall be directed to...
57306 Tupper, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Benjamin Tupper, 20 May 1782 1782-05-20 I have judged it necessesary to send out several Scouts of 80 privates each to lay in ambush on...
57307 Washington, George Tupper, Benjamin From George Washington to Benjamin Tupper, 20 May 1782 1782-05-20 I have reced your Letter of the 11th Instant and another without date the former inclosing the...
57308 Washington, George Weissenfels, Frederick From George Washington to Frederick Weissenfels, 20 May … 1782-05-20 It has been suggested to me that a considerable number of the Levies raised by this State for 8...
57309 Madison, James Motion To Inform States of Financial Crisis, [20 May] … 1782-05-20 MS ( NA : PCC , No. 47, fol. 339). Docketed: “Motion of Mr Madison[,] Letter 17th May 1782[, and]...
57310 Madison, James Madison, James From James Madison to James Madison, Sr., 20 May 1782 1782-05-20 RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Addressed to “Col: James Madison Orange County Virginia[.] Favd. by...
57311 Pendleton, Edmund Madison, James To James Madison from Edmund Pendleton, 20 May 1782 1782-05-20 Tr ( LC : Force Transcripts). Another copy, also made from the original manuscript, is in the...
57312 Jefferson, Thomas Monroe, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 20 May 1782 1782-05-20 I have been gratified with the receipt of your two favours of the 6th. and 11th. inst. It gives...
57313 Adams, John Netherlands, States General of John Adams’ First Reply to the Dutch Remarks on and … 1782-05-21 1. is a just Amendment. and it is readily agreed to Substitute the Words “dervereenigde...
57314 Randolph, Edmund Madison, James To James Madison from Edmund Randolph, 21–24 May 1782 1782-05-21 RC ( LC : Madison Papers). This four-page letter lacks a cover and a complimentary close. In its...
57315 Adams, John Quincy 21st. Tuesday. 1782-05-21 In the afternoon Mr. D went and took a ride. Took a very long walk out of town with Mr. Artaud....
57316 Adams, John Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … From John Adams to the Marquis de Lafayette, 21 May … 1782-05-21 Yours of the Seventh of this month, was yesterday brought me, by Mr Ridley, and I thank you for...
57317 Mazzei, Philip Adams, John To John Adams from Philip Mazzei, 21 May 1782 1782-05-21 Permit me to congratulate your Excellency on your complete success, which I am confident is owing...
57318 Coppens, ——, fils Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Coppens fils, 21 May 1782 1782-05-21 LS : American Philosophical Society Captain John Moultson native of America has Crused several...
57319 Shelburne, William Petty, Earl of Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Earl of Shelburne, 21 May … 1782-05-21 AL (draft) and two copies: William L. Clements Library; L (draft) and three copies: Public Record...
57320 Washington, George Carleton, Guy From George Washington to Guy Carleton, 21 May 1782 1782-05-21 I embrace the earliest moment to inform your Excellency that, your Request of a passport for Mr...
57321 Washington, George Dayton, Jonathan From George Washington to Jonathan Dayton, 21 May 1782 1782-05-21 I have received your Letter of the 18th by Mr Skinner, from whom I have also learnt that a flag...
57322 Dayton, Jonathan Washington, George To George Washington from Jonathan Dayton, 21 May 1782 1782-05-21 Mr Skinner, whose immediate departure did not afford me an opportunity of writing upon the...
57323 Trumbull, Jonathan, Jr. Heath, William From Jonathan Trumbull, Jr. to William Heath, 21 May … 1782-05-21 His Excellency requests that you will cause the inclosed to be forwarded to Capt. Pray at Dobbs...
57324 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Heath, 21 May 1782 1782-05-21 The night before last sixty or seventy recruits arrived from Massachusetts; among them ten or a...
57325 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Heath, 21 May 1782 1782-05-21 The enclosed letter from captain Pray, and the two newspapers, came to hand the last evening—If...
57326 Irvine, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Irvine, 21 May 1782 1782-05-21 A number of the principal people of this Country made application to me about two Weeks since,...
57327 Lincoln, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Benjamin Lincoln, 21 May 1782 1782-05-21 I was yesterday honored with the receipt of your Excellency’s private letter of the 15th. Colonel...
57328 Nicola, Lewis Washington, George To George Washington from Lewis Nicola, 21 May 1782 1782-05-21 Yesterday morning Col. Shepard called at my quarters and informed me there was to have been a...
57329 Trumbull, Jonathan, Sr. Washington, George To George Washington from Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 21 … 1782-05-21 I have the honor to Enclose a Resolve of the Governor and councill of Safety of this State...
57330 Morris, Gouverneur Jay, John To John Jay from Gouverneur Morris, 21 May 1782 1782-05-21 I write these Lines to acknowlege yours from S t . Ildefonso of the twenty eighth of September....
57331 Jones, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Jones, 21 May 1782 1782-05-21 RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Addressed to “Honble James Madison jr. Philadelphia.” Docketed, “May...
57332 Madison, James Randolph, Edmund From James Madison to Edmund Randolph, 21 May 1782 1782-05-21 RC ( LC : Madison Papers). The cover is missing, and the name of the addressee is not shown in...
57333 Adams, John Quincy 22d. Wednesday. 1782-05-22 This day a french Gentleman dined with us. Mr. D went and took a walk in the forenoon. Mr. Artaud...
57334 Livingston, Robert R. Adams, John To John Adams from Robert R. Livingston, 22 May 1782 1782-05-22 It is so important to let you know that the late change in the British Ministry and the...
57335 Staphorst, Nicolaas & Jacob van (business) Adams, John To John Adams from Nicolaas & Jacob van Staphorst, 22 … 1782-05-22 Since we doubt whether they have Sent your Excellency already Some Prospectus of the Loan, we...
57336 Bonnefoux, Pierre Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Pierre Bonnefoux, 22 May 1782 1782-05-22 ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Notre professeur de philosophie, dont vous avés bien...
57337 J.F. Frin & Co. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from J. F. Frin & Co., 22 May 1782 1782-05-22 LS : American Philosophical Society Nous avons l’honneur de vous remettre ci joint une 4e. de...
57338 Livingston, Robert R. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Robert R. Livingston, 22 May … 1782-05-22 LS : American Philosophical Society, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, University of...
57339 Williams, Jonathan Jr. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 22 … 1782-05-22 ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library I have seen the Comissary...
57340 Washington, George General Orders, 22 May 1782 1782-05-22 At a General Court Martial held in Albany the sixth day of May instant by order of Col. Tupper...