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Results 57251-57300 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
57251 Kirkpatrick, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Kirkpatrick, 27 November … 1801-11-27 You will find inclosed duplicate of my last letter to you dated 22 Sepr. About a fortnight ago I...
57252 Savage, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Savage, 27 November 1801 1801-11-27 I this day received from the Register of the Court of Admiralty here the inclosed Six letters,...
57253 Jefferson, Thomas XIII. Fair Copy, First Annual Message, [by 27 November … 1801-11-27 Fellow citizens of the Senate & House of Representatives. Peace. It is a circumstance of sincere...
57254 Jefferson, Thomas Lincoln, Levi XIV. To Levi Lincoln, 27 November 1801 1801-11-27 I inclose you the message on the state of the nation to be sent to Congress on their meeting. I...
57255 Claiborne, William C. C. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William C. C. Claiborne, 27 … 1801-11-27 After a passage of 46 days from Nashville; I reached this Town, on the Morning of the 23rd....
57256 Jefferson, Thomas Newton, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Newton, 27 November … 1801-11-27 I have just recieved your favor of the 18th and after due thanks for your attention to the...
57257 Jefferson, Thomas Randolph, Ellen Wayles From Thomas Jefferson to Ellen Wayles Randolph, 27 … 1801-11-27 I have recieved your letter and am very happy to find you have made such rapid progress in...
57258 Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, Martha (Martha Jefferson Randolph) From Thomas Jefferson to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 27 … 1801-11-27 Your’s of Nov. 18. by mr Trist has been duly recieved. my business is become so intense that when...
57259 Rush, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Rush, 27 November … 1801-11-27 Accept much honoured & dear sir of a Copy of the enclosed publication. How joyful the Sound of...
57260 Rush, Benjamin Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Benjamin Rush, 26 November … 1801-11-26 Permit a whole family to mingle their tears with yours upon the late distressing event that has...
57261 Madison, James Daveiss, Joseph Hamilton From James Madison to Joseph Hamilton Daveiss, 26 … 1801-11-26 I did not ⟨re⟩ceive till yesterday your letter of the 4th. instant. That of Sepr. 9. has never...
57262 Madison, James Olney, Jeremiah From James Madison to Jeremiah Olney, 26 November 1801 1801-11-26 John Robinson, of Timber Town, Rhode Island, is stated to have been impressed into the British...
57263 Winston, Isaac Madison, James To James Madison from Isaac Winston, 26 November 1801 1801-11-26 Since writing, and Closing the within Letter, a Gentleman of our Neighbourhood Wrote me, that he...
57264 Brienza, Giuseppe Caracciolo di Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Giuseppe Caracciolo di … 1801-11-26 Mai mi sarei preso la libertà d’importunarlo con ques mia, se non fossi stato incoraggito, dalla...
57265 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, [26 November … 1801-11-26 In relation to the within papers, it is proposed to transmit those concerning Latimer to Mr...
57266 Jefferson, Thomas Lyons, Peter From Thomas Jefferson to Peter Lyons, 26 November 1801 1801-11-26 An old account between mr Wayles’s & Bathurst Skelton’s estate is shortly to be settled between...
57267 Monroe, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Monroe, 26 November 1801 1801-11-26 This letter will be addressed on a subject entirely private; and the motive has arisen in my...
57268 Vaughan, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Vaughan, 26 November … 1801-11-26 Avocations, proceeding from rural & family concerns & a sickly season, have long suspended my...
57269 Gallatin, Albert Albert Gallatin’s Statement on the Bank of the United … 1801-11-26 Bills discd. & bills of exchange 13,640,582 Due by Banks # 804,690  "   "   Govt.   temporary...
57270 Lear, Tobias Madison, James To James Madison from Tobias Lear, 25 November 1801 … 1801-11-25 25 November 1801, Cap Français. No. 17. Encloses copies of his correspondence with Toussaint on...
57271 O’Brien, Richard Madison, James To James Madison from Richard O’Brien, 25 November 1801 … 1801-11-25 25 November 1801, Algiers. Reports that the George Washington and the Peace and Plenty left...
57272 Lear, Tobias Madison, James To James Madison from Tobias Lear, 25 November 1801 1801-11-25 Together with a duplicate of my letter of the 21st. inst (No. 16) I herewith enclose the Copy of...
57273 O’Brien, Richard Madison, James To James Madison from Richard O’Brien, 25 November 1801 1801-11-25 The Washington, and Ship Peace and plenty left Algiers destined for Tunis on the 22d. Inst. There...
57274 Smith, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Smith, 25 November 1801 1801-11-25 I did myself the Honor to forward y[our] Box of Books by a Schooner bound to the Navy Yard—and by...
57275 Madison, James Hite, Isaac From James Madison to Isaac Hite, 24 November 1801 1801-11-24 Mr. Shields has been so good as to call & let me know that he left you & my sister well last...
57276 Ellicott, Andrew Madison, James To James Madison from Andrew Ellicott, 24 November 1801 1801-11-24 Your favour of the 18th. has just come to hand, and the first leisure hour I have, shall be...
57277 Robinson, Moses Madison, James To James Madison from Moses Robinson, 24 November 1801 1801-11-24 When I Compare the political State of the Government of the united States in the year 1796—and...
57278 Claiborne, William C. C. Madison, James To James Madison from William C. C. Claiborne, 24 … 1801-11-24 24 November 1801, Natchez. Reports his arrival on 23 Nov. after a journey made unduly difficult...
57279 Elgar, Joseph, Jr. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Elgar, Jr., 24 November … 1801-11-24 It is the misfortune of those whose talents and virtues have raised them to eminence and power to...
57280 Longbothom, B. T. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from B. T. Longbothom, 24 November … 1801-11-24 Tho’ ambitious of the pleasure to be known to you I am without the immediate means of arriving...
57281 Jefferson, Thomas Monroe, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 24 November 1801 1801-11-24 The inclosed is the result of consideration & consultation between mr Madison & myself. if there...
57282 Jefferson, Thomas Monroe, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 24 November 1801 1801-11-24 I had not been unmindful of your letter of June 15, covering a resolution of the House of...
57283 Jefferson, Thomas Vaughan, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Vaughan, 24 November 1801 1801-11-24 I recieved last night your favor of the 19th. and with it the pamphlet of Naval architecture for...
57284 Steinbach, Joaquim L. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Joaquim L. Steinbach, 23 … 1801-11-23 New York, November 23, 1801. Requests Hamilton’s opinion on two marine insurance cases involving...
57285 Humphreys, David Madison, James To James Madison from David Humphreys, 23 November 1801 … 1801-11-23 23 November 1801, Madrid. No. 295. The “almost incessant occupation” of preparing representations...
57286 “An Observer & Friend to Justice” Jefferson, Thomas From “An Observer & Friend to Justice,” 23 November … 1801-11-23 I have this day written a letter to Mr Galatin respecting the official Conduct of James Simons...
57287 Smith, Samuel Harrison Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Harrison Smith, [23 … 1801-11-23 I have the pleasure of communicating, what may in its details be possibly unknown to you, that...
57288 Coxe, Tench Madison, James To James Madison from Tench Coxe, [ca. 22 November] … 1801-11-22 Because of Tench Coxe’s efforts on behalf of the Republican party in the Pennsylvania...
57289 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 22 November … 1801-11-22 The Virginia resolution inclosed was, I am sure, in full confidence that you would contribute...
57290 Livingston, Robert R. Madison, James To James Madison from Robert R. Livingston, 22 November … 1801-11-22 I arrived this evening from L’Orient at this place, I have yet seen nobody here from whom I could...
57291 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 22 November … 1801-11-22 The Virginia resolution inclosed was, I am sure, in full confidence that you would contribute...
57292 Hamilton, Alexander McHenry, James From Alexander Hamilton to James McHenry, 21 November … 1801-11-21 The Prince Bailli Ruspoli of the order of Malta, who will deliver you this letter was strongly...
57293 Washington, Bushrod Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Bushrod Washington, 21 … 1801-11-21 Your letter dated in September came lately to my hands after having made a circuitous rout...
57294 Madison, James Lear, Tobias From James Madison to Tobias Lear, 21 November 1801 1801-11-21 Your several letters from No. 1 to No. 12 inclusive have been duly received, and I have the...
57295 Pichon, Louis-André Madison, James To James Madison from Louis-André Pichon, 21 November … 1801-11-21 Citizen Pichon presents his respects to Mr. Madison & has thought proper to communicate to him...
57296 Lear, Tobias Madison, James To James Madison from Tobias Lear, 21 November 1801 … 1801-11-21 21 November 1801, Cap Français. No. 16. Has nothing more to add to the report in his no. 15 [9...
57297 Lear, Tobias Madison, James To James Madison from Tobias Lear, 21 November 1801 1801-11-21 In addition to the enclosed I have only to say, that good order seems to be perfectly restored in...
57298 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas XII. Robert Smith’s Remarks on the Draft Message, [on … 1801-11-21 page 1st . I sent a small squadron of frigates into the Mediterranean with overtures of...
57299 Leiper, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Leiper, [before 21] … 1801-11-21 I have been about writing you for some months back but I was of the opinion Tobacco would be...
57300 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 20 [i.e. 21] … 1801-11-21 Please to read the enclosed letter from the collector of Nottingham (about 30 miles from this)...