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Results 57241-57250 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Yours of the 5 th inst: reached me last evening. I enclose to you a sketch (cut from a newspaper) of certain acts passed at the late session. Among them you will observe one relating to the subject of your letter. M r Cabell mentioned to me during the session the circumstance of M r . Johnson’s commission as a visitor having expired by failure to attend two meetings, and requested that he...
In my Letter dated the 2d. Instant, I had the honor to inform your Excellency of the difficult movements of the Army, and other occurences, since my Arrival. Our Light parties are constantly harrasing the Enemy, a party composed of Lees Corps; and a Company of Riflemen, under the Command of Colo. Lee, upon moving towards the Lines, were fired upon by a large party of the Enemy, posted in...
Je dois Vous anoncer (je l’ai oubliè, et j’en demande pardon) que Votre Assignation pour les 134 G. 80 C. montant de Votre dernier Compte en Livres—m’est parvenüe et payeè. Je prends en même tems, et çela par Crainte qu’elle soit perdüe—la liberte, de Vous observer, que le stage n’a pas encore rapportè la petite Caisse avec les malheureux Perroquets. J’ai l’honneur de Vous presenter mes...
Encouraged by a most respectable circle of friends I am induced to address the President of the United States on a subject highly interesting to myself and family.—But even with the flattering support which, I have the honor to enclose, I cannot hazard my present application to the supreme magistrate of the american people, without refering him to other partial testimonies in my favor, which,...
Mr Gregg writes to me, that you wish that I should inform you of the Circumstances operating to induce our fixing the Term of 5 Years for the Imprisonment of one Coleman , as Part of the Sentence passed on him, by Judge Washington & myself at the Circuit Court, in April last. For the Purpose, he states, of enabling you to judge of the Propriety of your Interposition to remit Part of the...
Un objet important pour les Etats unis m’occupe. J’ay Eu l’honneur d’En faire part à M. le Mquis. de la fayette avéc quy J’ay l’honneur d’Etre lié depuis Vingt ans. Il m’a adressé à vous, monsieur, Et J’ay desiré qu’il voulut bien vous Prévenir. Il m’a remis une lettre, pour vous, Et J’ay l’honneur de vous demander si Dimanche vous series visible à Chaillot. Nous Traiterions à fond notre objet...
I believe you may not have seen these before If so they may be Pleasing—at the same time I know you dont want to be troubled with all the Papers of the United States; But this One I Esteem the best that is Printed in this City, so fare at least as relates to foreign News, should it give you half an howers gratification for the loss of time; I shall be amply rewarded for thus sending, at some...
I wrote you a few Lines by the last french Packet mentioning the Letters I had received from you, and that by another Conveyance you would receive particular and important Dispatches from me. Those Dispatches relate to the Consular Convention; they begin with a Letter from me of the 3d. Inst. which, among other Matters, enumerates the Number of Papers annexed to it. After those Dispatches were...
Les Grands et les petits les riches et les pauvres de notre Hemisphere admirent le devoument qui vous a porté à accepter la place de secretaire d’État , afin d’etre utile a votre Patrie, par vos connoissances parfaites du Pays, du courage du Peuple, de vos résources et de la Politique Européenne, qui n’est que l’art de mieux tromper. Comme je suis dans la classe des pauvres et que je ne veux...
Two very able persons, the Bp. of Autun and Mr. Jefferson, have proposd for France and America respectively, that an universal standard of measures, and thence of weights, for all nations, should be derived from permanent data furnished by nature; and for this purpose, that recourse should be had to the length of a pendulum vibrating seconds in a given degree of latitude, and in a given...