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Results 57241-57250 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society It is current on Change to day that the Americans have declared War against Portugal. I can not conceive how this accot can come yet every body seems certain it is true. I beg if there is anything in it that you will let me have a Commn for the Spry to cruise against the Portuguese. She may pick up a rich Prize on her Way home. I shall be obliged to you if...
57242General Orders, 16 May 1782 (Washington Papers)
The General is extremely concerned to learn that an Article so salutary as that of distilled Liquors was expected to be when properly used, and which was designed for the comfort and refreshment of the troops has been in many instances productive of very ill consequences—He calls the attention of officers of every grade to remedy these abuses and to watch over the health of their men, for...
As soon as you have concluded with the officers, the Quantity of Rum or Whiskey which will be best to be commuted, agreeable to the Orders of this Date—you will be pleased to notify Mr Sands (who if necessary, will attend you for the purpose) and agree with him upon the particular Articles in which the Compensation shall be made. With Regard & Esteem I am Sir Your most Obedt Servt MHi .
Being informed that it was probable major Pettengill had not fully completed his books at Boston, I have written to him to relieve lieutenant-colonel Badlam. If major Pettengill should have begun his journey, I have written to lieutenant-colonel Badlam to continue to receive the recruits until he hears from me; in such case I shall send a field officer from the army to relieve him....
At this period of the War, it is not without much Pain, that I induce myself to resign to Your Excellency, the Commission I hold in the Army. For a considerable time past, I have combated many difficulties to continue in Service, being desireous of contributing my mite to the attainment of the great Object of the Controversy, but my circumstances, at present, render me unable to do it longer,...
Doctor Tilton has presented a large estimate of stores for the establishment of an Hospital in Virginia, which he is directed by the Director General to set up and superintend—I have conversed with Mr Morris on the subject, and find that the requisition cannot at present be complied with. I should be glad to know whether the measure of establishing an Hospital there is an absolutely necessary...
When I conversed with you last on the subject of an Issuing Store at this place, or New Windsor, it was suggested that one might be so placed as to supply the Post at fish kill, the Hospital &ca without much inconvenience, and for this purpose I requested a return of the Number of Rations which were deliver’d for each that I might be enabled to judge with more propriety of the expediency of...
RC (University of Virginia Library). Addressed to “The Honble James Madison Esqr. in Congress Philadelphia.” Docketed by JM, “A. Lee.” I am extremely obligd to you, my dear Sir, for yr. favor of the —— together with the letter enclosd, which you were so good as to forward. It seems to me that the Party in G. Britain who flatter themselves, at this period of the contest, with being able to...
I receiv’d your Letter by Doctor Walker, and have agreeable to your desire laid it before the House of Delegates, but the Constitution in the Opinion of the Members will not warrant the acceptance of your resignation. I am sorry most sincerely for my Country that she is depriv’d of your services, and I am sorry for myself in particular, that I cou’d not have the pleasure of yielding to you the...
5725017th. Friday. (Adams Papers)
Stay’d at home all day. In the forenoon Dr. Blondot came and took his leave of us, going for Moskow. Mr. D took a walk in the forenoon. Clear in the forenoon, but Rain after dinner.