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Results 57181-57190 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have your letters of the 10th & 11th and more to my distress than surprise I learn by other letters a confirmation of what you apprehended namely Mr. Macombs failure. This misfortune has I fear a long tail to it. The inclosed you will perceive gives you additional latitude. The terms as heretofore, for six ⅌ Cents 20/ three per Cents 12/ & deferred 12/6. You must judge of the best mode &...
I have received your letter of the thirty first of August. You will recollect that it has been referred to you in conjunction with your majors to prepare an arrangement of relative rank for your regiment. This has not yet been done. Should Mr. Roulstone be placed first on the list of second Lieutenants he will have the place which you request for him in the regular course of military...
Captain Izzard has determined to accept the appointment of Secretary to Mr. Smith our minister Plenipotentiary at the court of Lisbon, but, is desirous of retaining the commission which he holds in the army of the United States. I would submit to you the propriety of gratifying his wishes in this particular. When an officer is absent on public service, and the situation of affairs at home is...
Enclosed is a copy of a letter which I have written to the Secretary of War on the subject of a military Academy. Two reasons have prevented me from communicating it to you at an earlier day. My avocations rendered it impossible for me to complete the letter till very lately, and I had had opportunities of knowing your opinion on the subject generally. Any alterations in the plan which you may...
Treasury Department, January 30, 1790. Writes concerning the payment of pensions to invalids. LS , Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston. Lincoln was collector of customs at Boston. This letter is listed as a “letter not found” in PAH Harold C. Syrett, ed., The Papers of Alexander Hamilton (New York and London, 1961– ). , VI, 233. It is the same as H to Jedediah Huntington, January 30, 1790...
I am to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of this date. Although it would afford me much pleasure to Contribute to your accomodation, yet in the present case I cannot consider myself at liberty to comply with your requisition, inasmuch as it is repugnant to the established usage of the Treasury. I am with Consideration   Sir   Your Most Obedient Servant LS , RG 46, Second Congress,...
I did not receive till this Morning your letter of the 12th instant. As the Secretary of State is now returned to the seat of Government, it is only necessary for me to refer that letter to him, in order that he may reply to such part of it as requires a reply, which I have accordingly done. With respect I have the honor to be Sir   Your most Obed & humble serv ADf , Connecticut Historical...
You will take the route by Fredericksburg, George Town in Maryland, Baltimore and Havre De Grasse in the same state and Wilmington in Delaware at each of which places is a recruiting rendezvous and a contractor who is hereby directed required to furnish you with the needful assistance ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
It would will I think be best for Mr Clarance Mulford to apply to Col: Ogden to procure him for the appointment of Cadet which will favor his future promotion. Perhaps should his pretensions appear to Coll. Ogden at present equal to it, he may now find admission as a Lieutenant. with true esteem I am Sir Your obed Servt. ( Df , in the handwriting of Philip Church, Hamilton Papers, Library of...
New York, August 16, 1803. “The enclosed is pursuant to an arrangement between Judge Thompson & Mr. Troupe. The parties trust and hope, that you will by all means have the goodness to attend.…” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Platt, Smith Thompson, and Robert Troup had been appointed arbitrators and commissioners to settle the dispute over lands in Claverack, Columbia County, New...