George Washington Papers

Invoice from Robert Cary & Company, 27 March 1766

Invoice from Robert Cary & Company

London 27th March 1766.

Invoice of Goods Shiped on Board the Ranger Hugh Wyley Commander for Virginia upon the proper Acct & Resque of Coll Geo: Washington & to him Consignd viz.1

Philip Bell Worsted Shades
To 11 lb. fine yellow worstd of difft Shades to Work cross Stitch £ 2. 4.0
To 12 Oz. floss Silk2 1.16.0
To 12 Yds yellow Canvas 1. 0.0
To a Strong Case . 2.6
J. Waller Books3
Gilbert Bishop of Sarums Exposi[tio]n of the 39 Articles . 6.0
Stephen Heath Thimbles &c.
3 Dozn best brass Thimbles . 1.6
4 pr Woms. Supf[in]e wt. thrd Mitts 3/ .12.0
Luke Webb Heckles
1 Coarse flax Hackle 1. 1.0
1 Midling Do Ditto 1. 6.0
1 fine Do Ditto 1.10.0
Richd Farrer & Co. China
1 dozn China Coffee Cups . 8.0
Box .  .6
Mary Vaughton Sieves
To 1 dozn Strong Iron Wier Sieves @46/ 2.14.0
Heading and Matt . 4.6
[total] £13. 6.0
Entry out, Searchers Fees & Shipg Chs. . 7.6
Freight Primage & Bills of Loading . 9.6
Comns @2½ prCt . 7. 
Errors Excepted pr Robt Cary & Co.

ALB, DLC:GW. There are also invoices in DLC:GW for both GW and John Parke Custis’s York River plantations, dated 28 Feb. and consigned to Joseph Valentine.

1GW wrote to Cary on 25 Oct. 1765 for these articles, except for the sieves which he wrote for on 6 November. On 21 July 1766 GW acknowledges the receipt of Cary’s “favour” of 27 Mar. 1766.

2Floss silk is rough silk that is spun like cotton.

3John Walter was a bookseller at Homer’s Head, Charing Cross, London.

Index Entries