Results 57111-57120 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
571119th. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Artaud dined at Mr. Rimbert’s. In the afternoon he came with two of Mr. Rimbert’s nephews and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nous obéissons aux ordres de Votre Excellence, en Lui...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania It is with the utmost pleasure I feel an Hour is at last...
Your Excellency having Stated the Enemys force in New York at 9,000 regular and 3,390 irregular...
Enclosed your Excellency will find a receipt of the delivery of the letter you were pleased a few...
A Flag from Sir Guy Carleton arriv’d at this place last night. the dispatches of which Lieut....
I have just received a Letter from Mr Silas Deane, which at the request of its Author, I beg...
Your letter of the 6 th . of February, with a duplicate of that of August last, directed to the...
MS ( NA : PCC , No. 36, I, 299). In JM’s hand. Charles Thomson wrote “Madison. Bland.” at the top...
As the Trustees mentioned in my Fathers Will, are at a loss to know, whether they have a right to...