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Results 5711-5720 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I came yesterday as far as Boston with Sister Lucy, who is employ’d in fixing me off: I came here in the afternoon finally to settle. Your Brother goe to Boston this morning, and I have but a few minutes to write. All at Braintree are well, Mr. Tyler’s Windmill is to be raised this day. There’s another thing, that you would never let me know. I have got a number of articles of impeachment,...
In yours of the 10th. of Novr. you desire me to give you the Connection between the Premises and conclusion, when I said that the Navigation act would compell all the other states to imitate it. If they do not the Massachusetts will soon get so much of their carrying Trade as will richly compensate her for any present Inconvenience. I take it for granted that the United States will make peace...
I should, certainly have written before this, at least to show how gratefull a Sense, I retain, of the numerous obligations, I was under both to my Uncle, and Aunt, while I was at Haverhill. But what with going to Braintree, and what with having been since I ca me here, much more closely engaged, than I shall be for the future, my in tention till now has failed. About 10 this morning, the man...
What shall I say to my sister? Indeed, I am quite at a loss. I spend much more time in thinking what I shall say to you than I do in writing. I find here continually the sameness which I complained of at Haverhill. To give an account of one day, would give one of a month. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, every minute of our time is taken up. The rest of the week, any person that chooses may...
I think my dear Betsy that some Letter of yours must have faild, as I have none of a later date, than that which you sent me from Haverhill by mr Wilson, by which I find that you are studying Musick with Miss White. This is an accomplishment much in vogue in this Country, and I know of no other civilized Country which stands in so much need of harmonizing as this. That ancient Hospitality for...
Your kind Letter my dear Neice was received with much pleasure, these tokens of Love and regard which I know flow from the Heart, always find their way to mine, and give me a satisfaction and pleasure, beyond any thing, which the ceremony and pomp of Courts and kingdoms can afford. The social affections are, and may be made the truest channels for our pleasures and comforts to flow through....
After having suffered so long an interval of Time to pass, since I wrote you last, it is absolutely necessary, for my own justification, to give you, an account of my Studies, since my return home, and if it is not sufficient, to exculpate me intirely, I hope, at least it will induce you to forgive me. When I arrived here, I found, that I had far more to go through, than I had an Idea of...
Inclosed with this is a Letter to Dr Holyoke and all the original Papers from the Royal Society of Medicine. You will be so good as to inclose and direct them to him. I hope Mr. John is, or will soon be at Colledge. You may draw upon me for two hundred Pounds st. and invest it as before, to help you pay the Expences of my Boys. Yours Inclosed is a Note from my Friend Count Sarsefield. Will you...
We have Seen Magnificence, Elegance and Taste enough to excite an Inclination to see more. We conclude to go to Birmingham, per­ haps to the Leasowes, and in that Case shall not have the Pleasure to see you, till Sunday or Monday. Love to my dear Nabby, and to Coll Smith. He will be so good as to give this account of Us, if any Questions are asked. Yours forever RC ( NhD .) JA and Thomas...
Altho I was at a stupid Route at the sweedish ministers last Evening, I got home about 12 and rose early this morning to get a few thinks ready to send out by Lyde. When a Body has attended one of these parties; you know the whole of the entertainment. There were about 2 hundred persons present last evening, three large rooms full of card tables. The moment the ceremony of curtsying is past,...