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Results 5711-5720 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I recieved by the last Mail your Letter of the 8 th . Inst— by which you inform me of your having a sealed Packet, which appears from an Indorsement made by your late Father, to contain a correspondence between him and me— and inquire whether a Delivery of those Papers into my Hands would meet with my approbation—and assure ing me of your Readiness to dispose of the Packet as I may desire—...
It is with extreme reluctance that I subject you to any trouble with any portion of the business of this Department, but as the information wanted cannot be obtained in this, or any other of the Departments, I have taken the liberty to place the enclosed papers in your hands, in the hope that it may be in your power to furnish it. The Cherokee Indians have claimed an Annuity of 1000$ under a...
Agreeable to your request, have procured you a Q r Cask, best Sicily Madeira Wine, which shall be ford d by first Waggon, to Charlottesville, care Jacobs and Raphael—it cost 10/6 per Gallon— MHi .
I recieved in due time your favor of the 12 th requesting my opinion on the proposition to call a Convention for amending the Constitution of the state. that this should not be perfect cannot be a subject of wonder, when it is considered that ours was not only the first of the American states, but the first nation in the world, at least within the records of history, which peaceably, by it’s...
Je n’ai pas l’honneur de vous connaître personnellement, mais la Renommée vous consacre l’estime universelle, l’histoire de votre supreme administration inspire de la sympathie, et de la vénération, et vos amis d’ici veulent que je vous envoie un exemplaire d’un ouvrage, que je viens de publier dans cette ville. Daignez, je vous prie, en agrèer l’hommage.—Je me croirai heureux, si je pourrai...
Inclosed I send you two letters recieved by the last nights mail, the one from the 2 d Auditor, the other from the Cashier of the Farmers Bank of Virginia; by the former it seems, no part of the Annuity of 24. can be expected from the Literary board untill July, by the latter an accomodation is proposed to the University on payment of interest, shall I accept or reject the proposal; If the...
You will, I hope, pardon the liberty which I take in introducing myself to your notice, when I mention that I am not acquainted with any person in this vicinity, who, to my knowledge, could favor me with an introduction. I am a native of Scotland. My education was acquired at the grammar school and the college of Glasgow. A reverse in the pecuniary circumstances of my father, and a...
I have duly received your Letters N.7, 8 and 9. with their enclosures; accounts and vouchers—When in my last Letter; I observed that the account which you had previously sent me, did not inform me for what , the expenditures which you had charged against me were made, it was not my intention to require of you a full settlement, and a delivery of vouchers, at the close of every quarter—It was a...
I recd. by the last mail yours of the 9th. and inclose the requested letter to Mr. Rush. I have not added one to Sr. Js. Mackintosh; believing that what I have said in reference to him & yourself, through Mr. Rush will derive from his communications whatever effect could be hoped from a direct letter from myself; that whilst it avoids a liberty, which in a perfect stranger might possibly have...
I have been retarded in thanking you for the copy of your Speech on the subject of internal improvement, by a necessary absence from home, and by successive occurrences since my return. I now beg you to accept that debt to your kindness. I have read your observations with a due perception of the ability which pervades & the eloquence which adorns them, and I must add not without the pleasure...