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Results 5711-5740 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook copy: Massachusetts Archives, Office of the Secretary of State My son being bound to London I give him a letter to you that he may have a better Pretence for waiting on you and Paying his own as well as my respects to you. I expected to have gone my self some of my friends advising to it; others thought it best for me to remain here and that I...
5712[Diary entry: 26 March 1766] (Washington Papers)
26. Constant close Rain, from sometime in Night till 3 in the afternoon. Wind at North East—when it shifted to No. Wt. but did not blow hard.
ALS : American Philosophical Society My last to you was from Burlington, with the Accounts from whence I was soon after Summoned here on the Occasion of my Son’s being, as was then thought, at the Point of Death: It pleased God however to spare him a little longer, and tho’ he is not yet well Yet he is Stirring about, and has some hidden Disorder lurking in his Bowels, which we cannot...
5714[Diary entry: 27 March 1766] (Washington Papers)
27. Cloudy, Wind at No. Wt. but not hard, nor very cold. Ground exceeding wet. No Hemp sowed this day.
Inclos’d we send Thy Acct Currt the Receipt of wch please to advise & that it proves right or if otherwise to point out the Error, & it shall be immediately rectified —We Congratulate Thee & all our Friends in America upon the Repeal of the Stampt Act We used our b⟨est en⟩deavours to prevent the Act passing when first it was in agitation & have ever since it passed spar’d no endeavours to...
Invoice of Goods Shiped on Board the Ranger Hugh Wyley Commander for Virginia upon the proper Acct & Resque of Coll Geo: Washington & to him Consignd viz. Philip Bell Worsted Shades To 11 lb. fine yellow worstd of difft Shades to Work cross Stitch £ 2. 4.0 To 12 Oz. floss Silk 1.16.0 To 12 Yds yellow Canvas 1. 0.0 To a Strong Case . 2.6 J. Waller Books Gilbert Bishop of Sarums Exposi[tio]n of...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 27 Mar. 1766. On 21 July GW wrote : “Your favour of the 27 of March . . .”
5718Fryday, March 28th. 1766. (Adams Papers)
I have omitted writing a Week. Dr. Tufts lodged here last Night with Yesterdays Paper. The Jany. Packet, arrived at N. York, has brought the K ing ’s Speech, the Address of Lords and Commons, 14th. Jany., and many private Letters, which inform that Mr. Pitt was in the House of Commons and declared himself vs. Greenville Grenville , and for a Repeal of the Stamp Act, upon Principle. Called it,...
5719[Diary entry: 28 March 1766] (Washington Papers)
28. Sowed Hemp at Muddy hole to the 4th. stake. Ground too wet. No Hemp sowed elsewhere. Wind Westerly, with Clouds, & Raw.
I have this day drawn upon you for Fifty five pounds eight Shillings and four pence in favour of Walter Magowan which Sum you will please to have charged to Master & Miss Custis in equal proportion’s. I am Gentn Yr Most Obedt Hble Servt ALS , PWacD : Feinstone Collection, on deposit at PPAmP ; ALB , DLC:GW .
5721[Diary entry: 29 March 1766] (Washington Papers)
29. Sowed Hemp at Muddy hole to the 5th. Stake & at Doeg Run (in the Orchard round Gists House) to the first (beginng. at that end of it next the Gate). Hoeing in Farm Dung at the Mill. Wind at No. West, with some Clouds, & Cool.
5722[Diary entry: 30 March 1766] (Washington Papers)
30. Cool, & Cloudy all the day. Wind Northwardly.
MS not found; facsimile of ad: Parke-Bernet Galleries, Catalogue 223, The John Gribbel Sale, October 31, 1940, no. 252; photostat: American Philosophical Society Franklin’s belief that a viable system of paper currency was essential to the colonial economy goes back to 1729, when he published a pamphlet he called A Modest Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper-Currency . His most...
5724[Diary entry: 31 March 1766] (Washington Papers)
31. Sometimes cloudy but warm and pleasant. Wind at South.
Letter not found: from Lettice Corbin, 31 Mar. 1766. The letter, written from Essex, had attached to it GW’s receipt dated 9 April (Thomas Birch’s Sons, catalog no. 663, item 59, 21–23 April 1891). In his account with Mrs. Corbin, GW made this entry: “April 3d—By hire of her Negro Bricklayer (who came to work here the 3d of April 1765) at the rate of £25 pr Ann:” ( General Ledger A General...
I am now favord with an opportunity of writing to you, to let you know that I shall be glad to be informd whether you will want the Bricklayer any longer. (if you do) you may keep him on the same Terms; (but if not), shall be obliged if you will send him down as soon as his Year is up, because I have lately had an offer for him. As the distance is so great & good opportunities scarce, shall...
In Considiration whar of a number of the Suns of liburty have Shun a mordrit resment i.e. resentment for the repeted abus which they have reseved for many yers past Do herby hartily Signyfy to the Said Riched. King that in Cas the Said riched or any Other parson Within the Couty should us greet or menthen or be insterimental of any Warants or Summen’s to be Sarvd on any Pasen or Pasens he ma...
Paine . Wadsworth, a Commissioner of Duxborough to take Care of the Herring Way. Q. Whether Wadsworth did any Thing to defeat the Condition? Levi Loring. Deposition. Making Interest. Told Town, nothing was done. Thomas Adams. Pirez Loring. Would make Interest, but Lor in g said it was not fair. Jno. McGlathly. Judah Sampson came and wantd him to see how many would vote for Wadsworth. Abner...
5729Cash Accounts, April 1766 (Washington Papers)
Cash Apl 29— To Do [cash] from Jno. Relfe Esqr. by Mr Jno. Orr £86.16. 3 Contra Apl 1— By taking up Abram 0.15. 0 2— By James Boyle weighing of Hemp 0.12. 6 10— By Exps. to the Convict Ship 3 Dollars 1. 2. 6 By Peter Green 1. 5. 0 By Exps. in taking Cloe out of P[rison] 15 Dollrs 5.12. 6 11— By Lund Washington
5730April [1766] (Washington Papers)
1st. Sowed Hemp at Muddy hole to the Road—at the Mill to the 3d. Stake—and finished the Orchard at Doeg Run. Wind at up No. Et. & very cloudy the whole day. At one O’clock it sat in to Raining which at 6 turnd to Snow. The April entries in this diary are missing from the diary at DLC . The entries of 1–8 April are taken from a facsimile in the Toner collection at DLC and those of 9–13 April...
5731[Diary entry: 1 April 1766] (Washington Papers)
1st. Sowed Hemp at Muddy hole to the Road—at the Mill to the 3d. Stake—and finished the Orchard at Doeg Run. Wind at up No. Et. & very cloudy the whole day. At one O’clock it sat in to Raining which at 6 turnd to Snow. The April entries in this diary are missing from the diary at DLC . The entries of 1–8 April are taken from a facsimile in the Toner collection at DLC and those of 9–13 April...
5732[Diary entry: 2 April 1766] (Washington Papers)
2. Day warm & fine. Wind Northwardly in the Morning—Southwardly afterwards. Ground too wet to prepare for or Sow in Hemp.
5733[Diary entry: 3 April 1766] (Washington Papers)
3. Sowed Hemp at Muddy hole to the first Stake (beging. at the and next the woods)—at the Mill to The 4th. stake—and at Doeg Run (by the Lane) to 1st. stake beginng. at the great Mulberry. Clear & pleasant—but not warm—the Wind being Northwardly in the forenoon—calm in the Evening.
5734[Diary entry: 4 April 1766] (Washington Papers)
4. Sowed Hemp at Muddy hole to the 2d. stake, at the Mill to the 5th. & at Doeg Run to the 2. Hazy—Wind Southwardly & Rain. At 6 in the afternoon began to Rain. Ground full Wet for sowing, or Working before.
5735[Diary entry: 5 April 1766] (Washington Papers)
5. Constant Rain all Night, and till 10 O’clock this day (Wind hard at No. Et.) & cloudy afterwards. At 6 in the Evening sat into close Raining again. No Hemp sowd to day.
ALS : American Philosophical Society As the Stamp Act is at length repeal’d, I am willing you should have a new Gown, which you may suppose I did not send sooner, as I knew you would not like to be finer than your Neighbours, unless in a Gown of your own Spinning. Had the Trade between the two Countries totally ceas’d, it was a Comfort to me to recollect that I had once been cloth’d from Head...
5737[Diary entry: 6 April 1766] (Washington Papers)
6. Wind at No. Et. & raining all day—Sunday.
5738[Diary entry: 7 April 1766] (Washington Papers)
7. Raining till 10 Oclock—very cloudy afterwards till Night when it began to Rain again. Wind at No. East. Ground exceeding wet.
5739[Diary entry: 8 April 1766] (Washington Papers)
8. Cloudy the first part of the day—wind westwardly. Ground very wet.
5740[Diary entry: 9 April 1766] (Washington Papers)
9. Clear, wind hard at Northwest. Sowed Hemp at the mill to the 6th. stake. None sowed elsewhere—ground too wet.