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Results 571-580 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your letter of the 13 inst was duly received and I shd. have felt a pleasure in more promptly acknowledging it. But such is the decrepit state of my health added to my great age, and a recurrence of interruptions which I cannot avoid, that I must rely on those apologies for the delay. The best I can now do in answer to your request, will be to forward thro’ the Secy to the Board of Trustees,...
I have recd. your letter of the 13th. requesting the loan of a Likness taken of me by (Stuart) and it would be agreable to me to follow the example of those who have complied with your wishes. But there is a serious obstacle in the aversion of Mrs Madison to whom the Portrait belongs, to trust it to a shift of hands, and an alternate conveyance by Land & by Water: and there is no known or...
I have trusted to your goodness to suggest the existence of involuntary & uncontrolable causes for the delay which has occurred in acknowledging your kind & most gratifying letter of 12th ult. Immediately after the adjournment of congress. I went to join my family in the county of Nelson, where I had not yet seen, since my return to the country, a numerous circle of friends & relations. In...
The author of the accompanying Volumes has very often regretted that he did not comply with his inclination to present a Copy of them to President Madison at an early period after their publication. They are not offered to him at the present time from any belief that he will be interested in the books themselves, but only as a testimonial of his sincere regard & esteem for one whom he has long...
I, intend, in the course of the coming Summer, to publish a Splendid National Engraving, containing the likenesses of all the Presidents,executed in the best manner, and by the most eminent Artists, a beautiful design has been furnished by Weir, and some of the heads have been already engraved by Durand. They have been copied from original paintings, politely furnished either by the...
As an American Citizen, and one of the Committee to carry into effect the objects mention’d in the enclosed Circular I have taken the liberty of addressing one to you— Beleiving as I do that if exertions are not made, to the Contrary our young people will grow up with cold feelings towards the General Government I know of no one to whom I could more properly address myself than to the "Father...
I take the liberty to address you on the subject of a History of the United States—more particularly that portion of it, subsequent to the War of the Revolution—In the great questions which now agitate the country or which have for the last few years, reference is constantly had to debates on the adoption of the constitution, & the Virginia resolutions. With the early History of the country...
At the period of the Revolution of the Acordada, which compelled the Congress of Mexico to reverse the election of Pedraza and place Guerrero in the Presidential Chair, the City was taken by assault, and the army of Guerrero attacked and plundered the houses of the European Spaniards, who are peculiarly odious to the native Mexicans. Many of these persons had taken refuge in the house of the...
I inclose a draft on the Bank for $100. to which please to add as much from the balance in your hands as will discharge what is due for discounts on the Turnpike arrangement. What can my shares in the Turnpike be now sold for? FC (DLC) .
I have duly recd. the 3 last Vols: of the Encyclopaedia Americana transmitted by you, and inclose a Check in payment for them. The 2d. Vol. which I take for granted was red. has strangely disappeared from my Library, and I am of course anxious to replace it. You will oblige me much by enabling me to do so. I understand that this may be done, if an early application be made. The cost will be...