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Results 571-580 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Printed in Benjamin Franklin, Experiments and Observations on Electricity (London, 1769), pp. 350–4; also draft (fragment): American Philosophical Society. The earliest surviving reference to Franklin’s magic squares and circles is in a letter from James Logan, January 12, 1750 (see above, III , 458), asking him to bring copies of his work to Stenton. Actually, Franklin had first contrived...
I. MS not found; printed in Benjamin Franklin, Experiments and Observations on Electricity (London, 1769), pp. 354–6. II. MS not found; facsimile: Royal Society; also draft: American Philosophical Society. Of Franklin’s magic square James Ferguson wrote that it went “far beyond any thing of the kind I ever saw before; and the magic circle (which is the first of the kind I ever heard of, or...
Last Night your Servt carried over what things were left also the last loaf of Double refind Sugar in my possession, if coarse single Refined will do for second rate gentry who may visit you as a Planter you may have 20 ct more. Your acct shall be transcribed as soon as possible from the beginning—but it so happens that my present Aid-du-Campe is a little intoxicated & incapable of Duty. You...
Draft: New-York Historical Society I now make my Thankful Acknowledgment for your 2 kind Letters of Decr. 24, and Janry. 8. I have reviewed your most obliging Letters of the Summer before last to which you refer me. There was one of Augst. 23 to which I did not make a particular Reply by reason of my Illness at that time. In that you reasoned I own in a very forceable manner upon the head of...
DS : Pennsylvania Hospital January 17, 1752 This document, drafted by Joshua Crosby, Thomas Bond, John Smith, Hugh Roberts, and Franklin, is omitted here for the reason stated above, p. 111; but is printed, with editorial annotation, in Some Account of the Pennsylvania Hospital , May 1754, in the next volume.
Letterbook copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I wrote you a few lines the 18th: of last month telling you of the misfortune that had befell your Electrical Globe. I have however made some use of the rest of the Apparatus and with Mr. Burr’s assistance have been electrifyd several times but at present without any alteration in my Nervous disorder. As Mr. Burr has such another Apparatus as...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society I am glad to learn by your Favour of the 21st past, that Mr. Kinnersley’s Lectures have been acceptable to the Gentlemen of Boston, and are like to prove serviceable to himself. I thank you for the Countenance and Encouragement you have so kindly afforded my Fellow-Citizen. I send you enclos’d an Extract of a Letter containing the Substance of what I...
Printed in Die Hoch Teutsche und Englische Zeitung, January 25, 1752. Die Hoch Teutsche und Englische Zeitung was Franklin’s second attempt at publishing a German newspaper in Philadelphia, and it was only a little less unsuccessful than the first. When Gotthard Armbrüster’s German paper failed in 1749, Franklin bought the equipment, placed Johann Boehm in charge, and the Philadelphier...
Letterbook copy: Massachusetts Historical Society The 20th Ulti I returnd you my thanks for your kind respect in the service of your Electrical Apparatus and which I hope before this is got well to your hands. I am again thankfull for your Respect in yours of 25th: January. Mr. Samuel Smith of Burlington tells me the first time he goes to Philadelphia he will pay you what I am in your debt to...
Printed in Benjamin Franklin, Supplemental Experiments and Observations on Electricity, Part II . … (London, 1753), pp. 99–101. (Yale University Library) I have the following experiments to communicate: I held in one hand a wire, which was fasten’d at the other end to the handle of a pump, in order to try whether the stroke from the prime conductor, through my arms, would be any greater, than...