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Results 56861-56870 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Some of my Letters to You have I find miscarried by the Capture of the Vessels that were carrying them, and there is Reason to suspect that two others were stopped here, as the Letters inclosing them did not reach the Persons at the Sea Ports, to whom they were directed. I have heretofore mentioned the Reciept of the Picture you was so kind as to send me by M r Ridley, and the arrival of Your...
5686226th. Friday. (Adams Papers)
In the forenoon I went to take a ride with Mr. Artaud. In the afternoon Mr. D. went to take a walk. I went to the post office to see about some newspapers.
Mr. Hodshon is desired to make the necessary Enquiries, and as soon as he will give me under his hand his Engagement to furnish Congress with four or five Millions of Guilders, by the last day of July next, so that I may write forthwith to Congress that they may draw for that Sum, I will agree to his Opening the Loan upon the Terms, We have agreed on. LbC in John Thaxter’s hand ( Adams Papers...
You have long since known, that the American Navy is reduced to Two Ships only, viz The Alliance John Barry Commander, now in France and the Deane Samll Nicholson Comr. that sailed on a Cruise to the Southward, about seven weeks past, no intelligence from her since her departure. This low state of our Navy, has caused the dissolution of the Admiralty and Navy boards, by resolve of Congress on...
Geeft Te kennen Jan Wynzouw, Burger en Ingebooren in deeze Provintie, Thans Schoolmeester alhier Voorheen By de ningotie, hebbende eene Goede kennis Van Laakenen en Stoffen ook Van Boekhouden en een nauwkeurige Trant Van Reekenen, zoo in France als Engelsche Goederen, maar kan niet dan Hollandsche Taal Spreeken, Waardoor ik Geen affaire Veel heb konne Slaage, en nu Wel Gaarne Wilde iets anders...
Jan Wynzouw, citizen and native to this province, presently schoolmaster here, formerly in trade, informs you that he, having a good knowledge of draperies and fabrics, as well as of bookkeeping and a precise sort of accounting, both in French and English goods, but who can speak nothing but the Dutch language, because of which I have not been able to succeed in any business, now really would...
Whereas by a former rule of this Court, a Clerkship of three years at least was among other things made a necessary prerequisite to the admission of an attorney to practice in this Court. And Whereas by a rule of this Court made on the eighteenth day of January last that part of the said rule which required a Clerkship of three years was suspended until the last day of April Term in favor of...
Facsimile of ALS in Heinrich Lempertz, comp., Bilder-Hefte zur Geschichte des Bücherhandels und der mit demselben verwandten Künste und Gewerbe (Cologne, 1853–65), p. 46; AL (draft): University of Pennsylvania Library I am extreamly sensible of the Honour done my [me] by your Academy, in admitting me one of its Foreign Members, and I beg they would accept my thankful Acknowledgements: Your...
LS : Elisha K. Kane, Kane, Pennsylvania (1956) Your Letter dated April 4. came to my hands but a few Days since. I apprehend from some Passages in it, that there has been a Misunderstanding between Mr. Wyld and me, or that he has misrepresented what passed between us. I certainly never undertook to provide a Vessel to carry him and his Friends over, and therefore could have no occasion to...
Copy: Public Record Office Your two Favours of the 9th Instant came to my hands but a few days since. I had written so fully to you by the preceeding Post, sending at the same time the Passports and Powers you had demanded, which I hope will be sufficient, that I find little left to answer. I am much pleas’d with the memorial you presented respecting the Prisoners, and thank you heartily for...