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Results 5671-5700 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I now do myself the pleasure to inclose to you a copy of the Arret explanatory of that of Sep. 28. on the subject of our whale oils. Mr. Necker in a letter to me has renewed the promise of taking off the 10. sous per livre at the end of the next year. But at the same time he observes that whenever the national fishery shall be able to supply their demand for whale oil we must expect a repeal...
Your favor of the 26th ultimo did not reach me till two days ago. I have been confined for several weeks by a severe indisposition, and am still so sick as scarcely to be able to write this. My advanced age and increasing debility compel me to abandon every idea of serving my country, where the scene of operation is so far distant, and her interests call for incessant and long-continued...
How do you now? For my part, I feel much easier than I did an hour ago, My Unkle haveing given me a more particuliar, and favorable account of the Small pox, or rather the operation of the preparation, than I have had before. He speaks greatly in favor of Dr. Perkins who has not, as he has heard lost one patient. He has had since he has been in Town frequent opportunities of visiting in the...
I have the honor to inform you, that Your Excellency has been, this day, elected President of the Massachusetts Society for promoting Agriculture, and I with great pleasure transmit this notification— I am Sir with great Esteem and / Respect— / Your very huml. Servt. MHi : Adams Papers.
The long Friendship which has subsisted between us, & your kind expressions of regret at the failure of an intended arrangement, induce me to close my short official Career by a narrative of the commencement, and progress of my connection with the War Department: This is a Duty I owe to my Character, and cannot, I trust, be displeasing to you. Early in 1798, The Secretary of War requested me...
I received your Letters of Dec br 31 & Jan’ry the 1 st I am sorry that it should fall to your Lot to nominate Col smith again, and that to a lower Grade than, as a soldier he merrits. I think however that he was placed in a difficult situation. if he had rejected the offer, those who have stiled him a Jacobin, would have attributed it to motives unfriendly to his Country, but as a Man...
I had the honour to receive your several letters of the 28th & 31st of May, one of the 2d and two of the 5th of June inst. The proceedings of the court Martial in the case of Richard Hunt, being with you, and having no copy thereof, I cannot have recourse to and do not recollect the names of the officers composing it. I think it probable however, that some of them at least, were of the 12 new...
The assurances you were so good as to grant me, in your very kind letter of August 3d., relieved my mind from all solicitude respecting the success of the Enterprise in which I am engaged. The addition of your authority to that of the Honorable Secretary of State & of Mr. Jefferson. Mr Madison, Mr. Monroe, Mr. Jay. Gov. Wolcott &c will be all-sufficient to secure the confidence of the public...
Your favor of the 12 th: instant came to hand this morning, and I am greatly obliged by the kind invitation it contains to join you & my cousin at Trenton, which it would give me great pleasure to do immediately, but for the desire I feel of procuring an office in to which I may enter immediately on my return to the City. The inhabitants are daily flocking to town, but I have not thought it...
The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully submits to the President of the United States the following Report. That by an Act of Congress passed on the 16th. day of July 1798, entitled “An Act to enable the President of the United States to borrow money for the public service,” authority is given to the President of the United States to borrow a sum not exceeding five Millions of Dollars,...
An attack of rhumatism which has confined me to my room & kept me in such a feverish, irritable state as to be almost incapable of any thing, has alone prevented my writing to return my thanks for the few hints on the subject of the Jesuits; I hope Sir, you will be willing to continue the subject which has long appeared to me one of the most interesting in modern history. The peice you sent...
J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 16 de ce mois, ainsi que l’Extrait de celle qui vous été addressée de Boston sous la datte du 26 avril. Selon cette derniére l’assemblée de l’Etat de Massachussett s’est déterminé à adopter la résolution par laquelle le Congrés Général a fixé le papier-Monnoye à 40 Dollars pour un Dollar de mannoye effective. En...
I put a Letter of Introduction into the Hand of a son who has since unfortunately been made a prisoner by the Portland Man of War, and though held as an Hostage till the fulfilment of Certain Conditions Mentioned in a Cartel sent to Boston, he has been treated with great Humanity and politeness by Admiral Edwards, and by late letters I find he purposes to pursue his Voyage to Europe, and if he...
I So returned from the field—having dug my patatoes, and now the rain compells me to Staÿ home, how can I better employ mÿ time; than with beginning to answer both your favours of the 4th and the 15th. how happÿ am I in this mÿ hermitage—in receiving So often Such distinguished marks of your kind remembrance. The Demon of head-ache, which has now possessed me nearly a month abated his attacks,...
I must begin every Letter with Thanks for the Receipt of your Favours, haveing such Abundant reason for it, that mine would be marked with Ingratitude (a Vice I detest) if I did not. Last Sunday Coll. Reed dined with us in his way to Philadelphia. By him I wrote and Inclosed some packages which I hope will reach your hand this day, since which I have not been Able to get one single Hour to...
With reluctance I Should interrupt your Excellency’s occupations, in the persuasion, that my correspondence can not atone for your devoting to it one Single moment of your pretious time, did duty not oblige me, to consider you now as a Father, whose inestimable loss maÿ be only by them be appreciated, whose heart and hopes can be compared with yours. What can I Saÿ, afflicted Father! to...
Unexpectedlÿ I was favoured with your obliging Letter of the 20th Febr—tho’ I did receive it only the 21 of March—having been through carelessness of our Postmaster first Send to the black River-countrÿ. The unfavorable weather domesticating me again—and old habits too rapidlÿ adopted again—occasion, that I am Since a few days not quite So well however—I Seriously intend to prevent a...
I have been gratified with the perusal of Mr Williams’s Observations, on the temperature of Sea Water at differt depths. And the publication is the first of the kind I have seen, or heard of, and suppose the Thermr. may be very usefull to mariners, if properly attended unto. The Gulf Stream, I am of Opinion, Occasions the sudden transitions from Cold (very Cold) to temperate and Warm—in our...
Dr. Franklin, sir, to whom I had the honor to write for information about a young man, Chevalier de Pontgibaut, who left Nantes on 11 October 1777 on board the Arc en Ciel with letters of recommendation to Messrs. Conway and Lafayette in the hope of being employed with the troops of the United Colonies of America; has replied that he knows nothing on the matter. Permit me then to turn to you,...
The inclosed packet was handed to me yesterday by Colo. Moultrie of South-Carolina. I understood him that it contained an offer to convey to the U. States the title to a large tract of land in Georgia. He seemed anxious to obtain a speedy answer. I have the honour to be / with great respect, / sir your most obt. servt. MHi : Adams Papers.
The Dispute between New York & this State has been referred to Congress, a Federal Court has been appointed, the Judges have been chosen by the Parties and the Tryall will be had in June next at Williamsburg.— Mess rs. Lowell, Sullivan & Parsons are Agents in Behalf of this State and have a Power to join Doc r. Johnson of Connecticut in Council and in Case of Sickness or otherwise any other...
This day have had the pleasure of receiving Your much desired and welcome letter. Have also Received the feavour asked of 5 guineas which I greatfully Acknowledge. At the same time am sensible My letter to Doctr. Franklin deserves depricating Against as it was Imperfect in every particular. Now when to late I am sensible of my eror. How ever it is not my natural desire to adress a Gentleman of...
It is so long since I have written I feel that it is difficult to offer an apology for my silence or rather such an one as would prove satisfactory: it however proceeded from the extreme dullness of the City and the excessive heat of the Summer in the first place; a journey to visit my relations in Frederick in the second; and a severe indisposition in the third which confined me to my bed...
I have the honor and the pleasure to make the subjoined communication— “At a meeting of the Trustees of the Pilgrim Society , holden at Plymouth Decr. 12th. 1820—it was unanimously voted—That the Hon: John Adams be admitted an Honorary Member of the Pilgrim Society —and that the Corresponding Secretary duly communicate a copy of the vote— “It was also voted, that Mr Adams be invited to attend...
Tho’ I acknowledge that one ought never to be asham’d to speak the truth; yet I find my self much inclin’d to it, when I’m about to tell you that I have two of your very kind and ingenious Letters by me unanswer’d. I assure you sir, that my neglect arises not from any want of esteem for my Friend, but (to tell another ungratefull truth) from downright dullness; I must wait with patience for...
Permit me to introduce to you Mr Lewis Weld, an instructor in the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, at Hartford, who visits Boston, with a number of his pupils, for the purpose of exhibiting evidence of their improvement and of the hopeful progress of the institution. In conversation with Mr. Weld, yesterday, he expressed a strong desire to be introduced to you, a disposition which I could not but...
I received your letter of Aug: 7th. yesterday afternoon, and at the same time the packet you mention. I thank you most cordially for your sentiments upon “something of consequence”: but I am no longer at liberty to pursue a course like that you point out. My la st dispatches, which I presume you did not read, tho they came open under your Cover, are clear and decided upon that affair. I am...
I received a Letter from the honorable Committee of Congress for collecting “a just and well authenticated Account of the Hostilities committed by the ministerial Troops and Navy in America since last March,” and beg leave to inform You that Colo. Palmer, Mr. Cooper and Colo. Thomson are appointed a Committee to subserve the purpose in this Colony in the Recess of the Court, which is this Day...
The Senate of the United States respectfully take leave, sir, to express to you their deep regret for the loss their country sustains in the death of General George Washington. This event, so distressing to all our fellow–citizens, must be peculiarly heavy to you, who have long been associated with him in deeds of patriotism. Permit us, sir, to mingle our tears with yours: on this occasion it...
I sent Johnny last Evening to the Post office for Letters. He soon returnd and pulling one from under his Gown gave it me, the young Rogue smiling and watching Mammas countanance draws out an other, and then an other, highly gratified to think he had so many presents to bestow. Our Friends are very kind. My Father sends his Horse and Dr. Tufts has offerd me an other one he had of unkle Q uinc...