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I recd. this morning your favor of the 14th. and inclose the printed copies of the Acts of Congs. obtained from your Cabinet as pointed out. I inclose also a list of all the Acts, that you may direct a supply of any deficiency. The letter to you from Clarke Mead &c relating to the Witnesses agst. White proceeds on a mistake of the legal allowance. This was originally 50 cents per day; but an...
I write to You on a subject which I think of great importance and because in your life I think you have done a great deal of good because you are in a situation to do much on the subject which I shall mention, and because I think You have been a friend to the people, in stead of favoring a chosen few—You will not Sir, think this a piece of flatery; my situation forbids it— but few Years have...
To morrow I leave the City. I feel myself quite tired of fumum strepitumque Romœ . I cannot depart without returning you my acknowledgments for the List of Books you furnished me with. I should have waited personally upon you; but knowing you were so engaged in public business at this time, that you have not a moment to spare, I beg you to accept my sincere thanks and believe me to be with the...
The Hague, 23 Oct. 1787. Thanks TJ for his intercession with the ministers of The Netherlands and Prussia; hopes they will keep their promises and that his situation will be improved out of respect for the government he represents. His only crime is his support of the principles of civil liberty, having for twelve years furthered the friendship between The Netherlands and the United States;...
I had the honor of addressing to you several letters which I fear have miscarried, as I have received no communications from the seat of government since my arrival in this territory. The Board of Commissioners at its first formation adopted a system of rules for the government of its proceedings, which were published to the people.—This led to regularity in the preparation and presentment of...
Since I had the honor of seeing you on Wednesday last, I have considered with attention the tenor of your verbal communication of that day in reply to the observations contained in my last letter on the subject of Mr. Pagan’s case. If I understood you rightly, I collected from your statement that Mr. Pagan’s Counsel has used a misnomer, in applying for the revision of his case to a Court which...
We are directed by the Citizen’s of Lynchburg to Solicit the favor of your Company and that of your Companion’s or Visitor’s at a public Dinner which will be given, in the Town of Lynchburg , to Maj r Gen l Andrew Jackson on Tuesday next—The Citizen’s of Lynchburg are happy to have it in their power to entertain at the Same time two such distinguish’d Citizen’s— T A Holcombe On behalf of the...
Col. Lyon has desired me, to endeavour to recall to your recollection, the Circumstance of my delivering a letter to you, from Mr. King Senr late of Washington, this Sir is my apology for thus obtruding on your time. The letter was left, with my friend Mr. Nicholas King, who being very ill, requested of me to deliver it. I did so early in the Autumn of 1801, the Secretary of War, being...
Your note in the Virg a bank for $1240.—falls due on the 14 th Ins t before which time I hope to receive one from you for renewal say for $1180. as advised in mine of the 12 th Sept r : no flour or remittance has yet been received   With much respect & esteem RC ( DLC ); between dateline and salutation: “
I take the liberty of bringing to your notice M r Goodacre, from Nottingham in England in politics a Whig, by profession a Lecturer on Astronomy; and a very worthy man. He has lectured in Richmond and Petersburg—and with the aid of transparent Diagrams and some appropriate apparatus, has excited a Curiosity on this science, which promises to produce some good fruits. He has dispatched his...
I had the honor of writing to you four days ago by Mr. Barrett. This will be sent also by the way of Havre and will contain a letter for the Secretary of the Treasury. A very lengthy report has been made to the assembly in the name of the two committees, diplomatick and of war, on the situation of France with respect to her neighbours, and her military force. From it it appeared that the...
Since your return from Europe I have heard it repeatedly stated that you had imported the genuine Shepherds dog & occasionally distributed them among your friends. Such an acquisition to this State will be of immense importance, as the people are turning their attention to the raising of Sheep & are rapidly progressing in the merino breeds. If my information is correct & you still possess that...
Am sure you will excuse the liberty I take in addressing you this letter, as my motives are purely to serve my adopted Country, which, I fear, is on the eve of a bloody War— My Republican principles are well known, as well as my attachments to the best administered Governmt on Earth, of which you are the head; my character, as a Citizen, shou’d you feel disposed to enquire, may be had of Mr....
I have already had the Honor to address you in two former Instances . The Death of Mr. Van Cleve of this City, who is said to have died of the Epidemic , at present unfortunately prevailing here, it is presumed will occasion a vacancy in the Board of Commissioners of Bankruptcy. I hope your Excellency will excuse the liberty I take of again addressing you, and thus offering my Application for...
I have it in my power to congratulate you, at last, on an event, which constitutes a proud epoch in the history of Virginia . The Bill for the establishment of an University at the Central college was passed on yesterday in the House of Delegates by a majority of 141 to 28. Altho’ the previous votes taken in the committee of the whole had left little doubt as to the final success of the...
I received with peculiar pleasure the favour of your letter by Dr. Bancroft, and I return you my best thanks for it. Your favourable reception of the pamphlet which I desired Dr. Franklin to present to you cannot but make me happy; and I am willing to infer from it that this effusion of my zeal will not be ill received in America. The eyes of the friends of liberty and humanity are now fixed...
I was on the eve of returning to America a few days ago, when the difference between this Country and America from the representations of various Pamphlets news Papers &c &c having assumed a Serious Shape. it appearing to me that the real grievances of America were not clearly understood or candidly explained and believing from having been engaged in Mercantile concerns in both Countries, that...
I have just rec d , & this day forwarded to Charlottesville, care Jacobs & Raphael, a half Bll:, containing Botled scuppernong Wine, ship d by Tho s Cox of Plymouth North Carolina, by request of M r Burton of that state, for you—which I wish safe to hand—In haste— MHi .
This is to Represent the distressed situation of Fort Jefferson and the impossibility of mentaining said Post without some Speedy relief. First the Inhabitants in General are leaving the Settlement for want of Subsistance, and continually Harrassed by an Unmerciful Enemy, the Loss of their Corn and Stock and we not being able to support those Adventurers by Reason of our Credit being so far...
Being informed that the Collectorship for the port of Salem & Beverly are to be changed—should that event take place I have to offer my self a candidate for that Office with a full conviction of my abilities to execute the duties in every respect Conceiving it of the first importance your Excellency should be informed of the characters of those who apply for places of trust under your...
The President requests the Secretary of State to call upon him this morning as he goes to the War Office so as to give him about 10 or 15 minutes conversation. [ Note by TJ: ] This was to consult about the premature nomination of Judge Patterson. RC ( DLC ); addressed: “The Secretary of State”; with note by TJ at foot of text; endorsed by TJ as received 28 Feb. 1793. On 16 Jan. 1793 Thomas...
I had the honor of addressing your Excellency in two letters last week upon the subject of some supplies in the cloathing department. I have not yet been favored with your answer, altho’ Captain Peyton informs me you have been kind enough to give the necessary orders for the money, and that one sett of shoemakers’ tools are procured. I would wish to be informed of your Excellency’s intentions...
It is necessary to make the appointments of Surveyors for the ports of the Ohio and Mississippi, as the act commences on 1st July and time is required to transmit the commissions. All the applications & recommendations, together with a memorandum of the act &c. are enclosed. As no vessels were built this season at Pittsburgh, the appointment may be suspended till we have received information....
I hand herewith statement your ℀ current to this date, shewing a balance due me of $3.96000/100 Dolls:, which agreeable to our understanding, (made from the absolute necessity of my situation only,) I rely on rec g in January, when I shall be compel d to raise more money than I can command from my own resources. I shall be very sorry indeed if it should inconvenience you to raise it, & hope it...
Marseilles, 25 May 1793 . European political affairs, embroiled by the revolutions in France, will require TJ’s continuance in office because he is perhaps better able than anybody in France to judge the current situation, having left during the first year of the Revolution and subsequently kept in contact through public or private correspondence. By land strong armies surround all of France’s...
A. S. Brockenbrough s respects to M r Jefferson and informs him he will with pleasure attend the conference to morrow on that important Subject M r Garrett had mentioned it to me before— I have seen M r Thorn relative to your brick work he can’t do it, (as Capt Perry
It has fallen to my lot to make to You a very extraordinary and astonishing communication . As the rest of the world I was untill a very short time since entirely unacquainted with the great mystery of the origin of our existance and of the existance of the astonishing objects and more Astonishing systematic operations with which we are surrounded and connected. At the period of time alluded...
I have been detained in this part of the Country somewhat longer than I expected by business which could not have been transacted by an agent, and I should proceed forthwith to the University if I was not a witness in a suit that will be tried next week in the Superior Court of Amherst. I shall go from thence to the University to take up my residence. MHi .
The bearer hereof is a young man who has a mind to enter into your employ at Monticello, he came well recommended to me, and I am rather inclined to think that he is a good workman, his step father is a very ingenious and good workman he did the work of those large houses belonging to Mr Miradith at the corner of ninth and markett street in Phila. and likewise of those which were built by Mr...
I receiv’d on the 14 th of the present month, your letter under date of the 18 th of May.—I have explain’d, with the utmost precision, both by letter, and di Viva Voce, to the Sculptor, all the dimensions for your eight chimney-peices, and I have no doubt, you will find them corresponding with your instructions.—Seven will be made of the best common Marble; and one of the large size, will be...
On the 24th Ulto I received the letter which you did me the honor to write me from Washington dated the 20th. in reply to mine of the 15th. of the same: And Wherein you mention your intention to pass at Monticello, this, & the ensuing Month. I, therefore, take the liberty to forward to you, at that place, the inclosed. Though perhaps I ought to apologize for Obtruding myself upon you a second...
When I suggested, some time ago, Judge Carr for the Law Chair in the University, I did not know that he had been taken into view by any other member of our Board; and inferring from the silent reception given to my letter, and the attractions of the place he now holds, that I ought not to persist in the idea of his appointment, my thoughts were turned altogether to other chances. By a letter...
Yours of yesterday was duly recd. by the rider. I return Shorts & A’s letter. Your observations on the latter place the subject of it in its true point of view. Perhaps the Rider of today may bring me a letter of the same date, that may have lost the last mail by passing thro’ the office of State. If the letter to you be the sole communication it is another example from that quarter, of...
Under cover you have a copy of your Acco t with me to the first of this month, Balance in my favour eighty Six 94/100 Dollars DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Take the advice of a true Republican and have nothing to do with Pain for if you keep him with you any longer you will surely Loose your next Election you had better turn him away and give him no more feasts . But I think that you may never stand for president again for Adams will be the next president but god forbid it. Tom Pain that scandilous rascal for you a true Republican to encourage...
Since the arrival of the Fleet on Wednesday last, in Hampton road, and Elisabeth River, The Enemy have continued very quiet in Portsmouth; They have since that time permitted no Person, to go in, or come out of Town, so that I have found it impracticable hitherto, to gain any intelligence, relative to what reinforcements the Fleet has brought. From their care to prevent any thing transpiring...
The Corporation of the City of New York have caused Medals to be struck, to commemorate the completion of the Erie Canal which unites the great Western Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean. The Corporation, influenced by a deep and profound respect for those memorable and patriotic Citizens, who affixed their names to the Declaration of Independence, and pledged in its support “their lives, their...
Presuming that my situation in life however Humble will not preclude me from the liberty of addressing a line to you, I take the liberty of doing so, and must inform you that a Gentleman of my acquaintance some time since discovered a rich Lead mine on the lands of the U.S. in the Indiana Territory, this information he early communicated to the Secy. of the Treasury requesting a lease for a...
The Bearer Mr. Thomas Boush waits on you with a proposition , the Nature of which he will explain to you. Nothing but a Conviction of an almost Impossibility of complying with your Excellency’s Requisition for two hundred & fifty men from the County, could induce the Officers to trouble you on the Subject. I can only say that I am satisfy’d the Difficulty of getting provisions here & on the...
The death of Robert Purviance Esqr: has made vacant an Office very lucrative, if in the nature of human events, such an Office could be given, to a man who was once conspicuous, but from misfortunes is almost buried in obscurity, it would be a transcendent change—If you are in possession of such information, respecting my character, as will warrant a favorable consideration, I shall be much...
How humiliating it is to me, Sir, to date this letter under this day, being an answer to your most Kind of the 15th. Aug. 87. Would I intend to make a proper apology for it to you, I am affraid I should be quite unsuccessful, so I shall tell you the plain truth, and give up entirely to your own Kindness the judgment of it. About the meddle of 7ber. I received yours, by which I was told you had...
Leitch Daybook MS daybook of Charlottesville merchant James Leitch, 2 Mar. 1820–8 May 1823, ViCMRL, on deposit ViU, bound volume with ruled paper, in a clerk’s hand , p. 341, 12 Dec. 1821 :   . 76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order        
Bordeaux, 12 Aug. 1791 . Being greatly alarmed by what he learned on arrival, he expressed his fears in his of the 27th, sent by brig Hetty , Captn. Drinker, for Philadelphia.—This day his fears confirmed by letter from Carmichael, a copy of which he encloses. He is thereby arrested at the threshold, unable to advance or retreat. He cannot in any sense hold TJ responsible, but appeals to him...
I have the honour to enclose three copies of the Statement and Report on your account, with the account of the Bank of the United States with your department, and to be with perfect respect, Sir, Your obedt. Servt. One of the copies not being at present compleated, will be sent in the course of the morning. RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Wolcott; at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson...
I hand herewith a/c sales the last five Hhds: of Tobacco, rec d from Lynchburg, on your a/c, which were the most indifferent part of the crop— The 12 Boxes of Tin you ordered, were for d on Saturday last, to care J. & Raphael at Charlottesville— M r Ro: G. Scott, chairman of the committee of arrangements at York Town, tells me he has rec d no reply from you, to the invitation he sent you, a...
Ce n’est qu’a la Derniere Extrémité que je prends la liberté De vous représenter que la 2 e Demi année de la pention des quatre jeunes M rs que vous protégez a Commencé le 4 du présent mois; et qu’il n’y a que la plus Extrême néssésité, qui puisse m’obliger a en Solliciter le payement, Selon la regle que vous avez Etablie. il ne me reste aucune autre resource pour Exister D’ici à la fin de la...
I take the liberty of presenting you with a corrected copy of “A Review” of the Address of the Minority of the H. of R. of the U.S. against the prevailing War. You will find, by it, that I am still laboring in the cause of my country—a cause in which you have rendered your name immortal. RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “His Ex: Thomas Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as received 6 Aug. 1812 and so...
Received , this 18th day of January 180 6 . of The President of the U. States, Four Dollars, being the amount of his subscription for The Freeman’s Journal and Philadelphia Daily Advertiser, from March 16, 180 6 , to Sept. 16, 180 6 .
I have the honor to enclose a letter of the Commissioner of the revenue, enclosing a copy of the resignation of the Supervisor of Delaware . From the state of the collection of duties in that District, it does not appear necessary that the Office should be continued any longer: but although the acceptance of Mr. Truett’s resignation, without filling the vacancy, will produce the effect; yet it...
I beg leave to inform you that I have this morning put Cortes’s letters into Mr. Crosby’s hands to be forwarded to you as soon as possible. Mrs. Carmichael brought them with her here from Maryland—but forgot the manuscript. She assured me, however, she would not fail to send it by the first opportunity. With great respect I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedient & most humble servant RC...