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Results 56651-56660 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I recd. this morning your favor of the 14th. and inclose the printed copies of the Acts of Congs. obtained from your Cabinet as pointed out. I inclose also a list of all the Acts, that you may direct a supply of any deficiency. The letter to you from Clarke Mead &c relating to the Witnesses agst. White proceeds on a mistake of the legal allowance. This was originally 50 cents per day; but an...
I write to You on a subject which I think of great importance and because in your life I think you have done a great deal of good because you are in a situation to do much on the subject which I shall mention, and because I think You have been a friend to the people, in stead of favoring a chosen few—You will not Sir, think this a piece of flatery; my situation forbids it— but few Years have...
To morrow I leave the City. I feel myself quite tired of fumum strepitumque Romœ . I cannot depart without returning you my acknowledgments for the List of Books you furnished me with. I should have waited personally upon you; but knowing you were so engaged in public business at this time, that you have not a moment to spare, I beg you to accept my sincere thanks and believe me to be with the...
The Hague, 23 Oct. 1787. Thanks TJ for his intercession with the ministers of The Netherlands and Prussia; hopes they will keep their promises and that his situation will be improved out of respect for the government he represents. His only crime is his support of the principles of civil liberty, having for twelve years furthered the friendship between The Netherlands and the United States;...
I had the honor of addressing to you several letters which I fear have miscarried, as I have received no communications from the seat of government since my arrival in this territory. The Board of Commissioners at its first formation adopted a system of rules for the government of its proceedings, which were published to the people.—This led to regularity in the preparation and presentment of...
Since I had the honor of seeing you on Wednesday last, I have considered with attention the tenor of your verbal communication of that day in reply to the observations contained in my last letter on the subject of Mr. Pagan’s case. If I understood you rightly, I collected from your statement that Mr. Pagan’s Counsel has used a misnomer, in applying for the revision of his case to a Court which...
We are directed by the Citizen’s of Lynchburg to Solicit the favor of your Company and that of your Companion’s or Visitor’s at a public Dinner which will be given, in the Town of Lynchburg , to Maj r Gen l Andrew Jackson on Tuesday next—The Citizen’s of Lynchburg are happy to have it in their power to entertain at the Same time two such distinguish’d Citizen’s— T A Holcombe On behalf of the...
Col. Lyon has desired me, to endeavour to recall to your recollection, the Circumstance of my delivering a letter to you, from Mr. King Senr late of Washington, this Sir is my apology for thus obtruding on your time. The letter was left, with my friend Mr. Nicholas King, who being very ill, requested of me to deliver it. I did so early in the Autumn of 1801, the Secretary of War, being...
Your note in the Virg a bank for $1240.—falls due on the 14 th Ins t before which time I hope to receive one from you for renewal say for $1180. as advised in mine of the 12 th Sept r : no flour or remittance has yet been received   With much respect & esteem RC ( DLC ); between dateline and salutation: “
I take the liberty of bringing to your notice M r Goodacre, from Nottingham in England in politics a Whig, by profession a Lecturer on Astronomy; and a very worthy man. He has lectured in Richmond and Petersburg—and with the aid of transparent Diagrams and some appropriate apparatus, has excited a Curiosity on this science, which promises to produce some good fruits. He has dispatched his...