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Results 56601-56650 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Altho’ I have retired from business these several Years, being advanced in Age, I am notwithstanding induced through a long continued regard for the United States of America, to represent to thee the great injury which your Commerce now suffers on this Coast by the pressing of Men from every American Vessel that is met by British Ships of War. In general there are two or more taken, out of...
Your much esteemed favor of the 30th. may with your inclosed to my house of Amsterdam, together with a packet of letters you have addressed to me for Genl. Kosciuszko have duly come to hand the 20th. Instt. As the General himself had arrived here Some days before and was introduced to me for information, how he could best dispose here of the Bills he brought with him on Amsterdam, and of which...
Alicante, 24 July 1791 . He has this moment received news from Algiers that at 6 a.m. on the 12th the Dey died and was immediately succeeded by Ali Hassan, who has been “in many instances our perticular friend,” about which he will write more fully by the next post to Lisbon and Cadiz. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD ); endorsed by TJ as received 27 Oct. 1791 and so recorded in SJL . John Montgomery, by...
Les principes de la morale universelle, les règles fondamentales des Sociétés, sur lesquels les Codes de toutes les Nations policées, doivent être fondés, sont les mêmes pour tous les Peuples civilisés; et les lois relatives aux situations, aux caractères et aux moeurs particulières de quelques Etats, ne présentent pas des différences assés essentielles, pour que ce qui peut être juste, utile...
I owe you a thousand thanks for your favour of Aug. 22 and its Enclosures, and for Dr Priestley’s “Doctrines of heathen Philosophy compared with those of Revelation.” Your Letter to Dr Rush, and the Sillabus, I return inclosed with this, according to your Injunction; though with great reluctance. May I beg a copy of both? They will do you no harm: me and others much good. I hope you will...
On the 15 th instant I received the Box of Books to bind I exchanged two or three letters with M r Gray of Fredericksburg befor I received them the delay has been between Fredericksburg and this place as during the frosty weather the steam boat has been laid up and the stages are not as yet regular but I trust the steam Boat will run again as the river is now entirely open and I trust as the...
Your favor of the 3 rd covering a copy of your letter to Colo. D. arrived at a time when I was absent on an excursion to the superior court of Powhatan from which I have just returned. If the bulwark of vanity which surrounds D. be not impregnable, or the spirit of faction which rules him, as wild and deaf as the winds of winter, I think your letter must touch him—but I much fear that he is...
Names of persons for Atty. General Russel of Rhode Island—unknown Brokholst Livingston of New York—would not accept M. Dickerson of Philada.—not equal Rodney. M.C. of Delaware—do. Gabriel Duvall of Maryland—Quere, whether he would not accept, in which case Joseph Clay might be made Comptroller Walter Jones of Columbia—of Virginia J. T. Mason of do—the best, if he will accept Breckenridge of...
Le Havre, 29 Aug. 1793 . He received TJ’s 21 Mch. letter on 10 June and will continue the efforts already made in accordance with it to prevent foreign ships from flying the American flag. By the first ship he will send the security of which TJ sent him a model, having overcome the difficulty of finding people to make this commitment by offering a counter-guarantee and mortgage on his...
I beg leave to present the enclosed report of my proceedings in the country on the Mississippi in the course of the last year, and to request that you will please to lay it before the President of the United States. A part, if not the whole of them, has no doubt been transmitted by the secretary of the territory from time to time; but as I was directed to report them to Congress, they are now...
Dr. Salary of the Surveyor of the public Buildings Cr. Decr. 29 to March 1st. 60 days. By one Years pay 1804. 1.700 April 17th.  9 Balance, loss on this Engagement 86 .62 July 1. 13 1.786 .62 Oct. 20. 11
Your unexpected favour of Nov. 30 was highly gratifying—I am too much acquainted with the infirmities of old age, to presume or even to wish, that my insignificant lines should be punctually attended to—It is more than enough if now and then I may be informed of your welfare—and it is with deep regret, I saw—you suffered so long under such a severe indisposition—which—I thank my God, that it...
I have the honour to enclose for your Excelly. a Letter from a Gentln. who remits for the Philosofical Society a box of Marine Curiostys, wch. I wish safe to hand & worthy your Excellys. approban. This Gentleman has resided at Manila and the Provinces of this Island, thirty years, and in all his Occupations and Employments, always dedicated his Studys in Naturalena, amongst his ivestigationes...
When I was last at West Point, the Gentlemen of the Corps of Engineers and military academy met together, and unanimously requested me to prepare a memorial and petition to be signed by them, and presented to Congress at their next Session, praying that a Chaplain may be added to that Institution. The Secretary of War has not been able to comply with a request made to him some time since, the...
I have procured for you the following assortment of Files which are subject to your further order. Mr. Dinsmore requested that they should not be sent to Montecelo. until his return from Philadelphia. but if you should wish to send them Immediately. they shall be put up.   Viz.— 3 Doz 14 In flat files ½ Doz Tenon saw files 1 Doz 10 In Ditto 8/12 doz warding Do. 1 Doz
The State of our finances continues to fulfill our expectations. The balance of near six millions of dollars which was in the Treasury on the 1st of Octer. 1804, has enabled us, after paying the first instalment of 880,000 dollars due under the British convention (of January 8th 1802,) to advance, in anticipation of the Mediterranean fund, 350,000 dollars for the expedition agt. Tripoli (or,...
The Memorial and Representation, of the Subscribers, republican Citizens, of the district of Burlington, in the State of New Jersey, respectfully Sheweth.—  That we have beheld with considerable regret for some time past, Moses Kempton Esquire, in Occupancy of the Office of Collector of the Customs, for this District; and pray that he may be succeeded by William H. Burr Esquire: for the...
I have just time at this present moment to t Inform you, that I expect before I can finish this to be obliged to closes close the eyes of our esteemed friend— W. A. Burwell —Several nights siting with him renders me incapable of writing more Please inform M r T.M.R. RC ( MHi ); endorsed by TJ as received 19 Feb. 1821 and so recorded in SJL . RC
I regretted that the Secretary of the Treasury was obliged to pass thro’ this place without making any stay, in order to make the arrangement relative to the fixing piers within this state, proposed by Col. Hall, and which you were kind enough to approve of. Doctr. Alexander however, shewed me the other day, a communication from Mr. Gallatin on this subject as it related to New Castle,...
The letter for Judge Barbour inclosed in your last to me, did not reach him, till his return on saturday evening from his visit to Culpeper. Yesterday he called on me, on his way to his Court in this County. I found that he adhered to his purpose last communicated, and that such would be his answer to you. There can be no chance therefore of obtaining him for the University, unless the vacancy...
I have received bill of lading for 2 boxes, 12 bottles each, red Paillerole wine and one basket maccaronys maccaroni , from Marseilles by the Ship Ocean just arrived, shipped by M r Car Cathalan — I Shall pay every attention, put the whole in Store, await your orders—and remain, with great respect, RC
My last letter to thee was dated at this place, 29th. of the month just past, a few days after my arrival here from New-Orleans. In that letter I ventured some hints on the political situation of this Territory. Having since acquired more certain knowledge of the subject, and more in detail, I think it my duty to communicate it to the President with that candor and simple truth which I have...
This will be deliverd you by my friend Mr. Newsam , member of Assembly from Princess Ann County, I beg leave to introduce him to you, as a worthy good republican—I sent you some images & Orange shrubs, brought in from the Missisipi. I hope they got safe to your hands, also the two pipes of wine sent to the care of Mr Barnes, by Mr. Taylor. I have sent a pipe of L P. to Mr Madison by your...
I have taken the liberty of inclosing under cover to you, a letter to M rs Marks , and a Copy of a letter and statement of the publication of Lewis & Clarks Journal & c from M r N. Biddle , which I latterly received, The population of this Territory is rapidly increasing and very widely extending itself, The Lands on the Missouri having greatly the advantage as respects fertility of soil &...
The republicans and friends of the late administration, of George Town , animated by the purest sentiments of gratitude and affection, beg leave to express to you those emotions inspired by the interesting crisis of your departure from public life. Devoted as you have been for so long a period of time, to the service of your country, endeared by your unceasing cares for our national...
J’apprends avec le plus grand intérêt, que très probablement Votre Excellence fera dans peu un voyage dans ce pays. Au milieu de tous les ennuis et chagrins qui m’obsèdent et me tuent, ce sera depuis bien longtemps le premier plaisir que je serai capable, et qu’il me sera permis, grace à Dieu, de goûter, que d’avoir le bonheur de connoître personnellement Votre Excellence, et de l’accompagner...
about 130 Leagues above the Cado nation & 230 from Natchitoches, we have discovered on either side the Red River, Cliffs of rock Salt—we also find several salt springs above this point & one below it, which discharge themselves into the River, & actually give a brackish taste to its Waters, as low down as the settlement of Natchitoches, during the recess of the floods, or rather before their...
I live in South Carolina Pendleton Distrt but am here on a visit to Se the Family of Capt. Benja. Rucker—whose Daughter I married—when a refugee—at Lynchburgh when & Where I once had the pleasure of seing you Shortly after the British Legion made Their Descent on Charlottsville.—I am likewise the person who had the Honor to address and receive an answer from you to the people of the 16th...
Le Chevr: Capello est venu pour avoir L’honneur de voir Monsieur de Jestenon Ministre Plenipotentiaire des Etats Unis de L’Amerique Septentrionale et lui faire part, qu’il a eu hier Mardi 27 de ce mois se premieres audiences du Roi, de la Reine, et de la Famille Royale en qualité d’Ambassadeur de La Republique de Venise. RC ( DLC ). For a graphic characterization of Capello, see Carmichael to...
I am instructed by a resolution of the Board of Directors of this Office , to notify you, that a curtailment of at least 12 1-2 per cent. to take effect from the first Wednesday in August next, and to continue for at least eighteen weeks, has been determined on. You will therefore please be prepared to pay up at least 12 1-2 per cent. on your notes as they become due for the period above...
The Board being informed that Mr. Hayes, agent for Mr. Dunlap, is nearly ready to begin the publication of his weekly gazette, which by Contract with the executive was to consist always of a full sheet of the size and type of Dunlaps Philadelphia paper containing intelligence, useful essays and public notifications on the part of government, publishing a separate lief for private...
Having acquired much practical knowledge of the art of Dying, and being in possession of the most rare and authentic information on the subject, which, several of the most respectable persons engaged in the business in England , have acquired; it is my wish to publish a work, on the dying of woollen stuffs in particular, upon a plan altogether new=And, as I am anxious to obtain your...
An application made to me, to call upon the “U. S.” for a large Sum of Continental money, in the possession of the Applicant, as well as the benefit of others, induces me to address you, that I may receive that proper information, as a guide for its payment; I need not appeal to that saved Instrument, farther then to recall your memory to its resolns:—, its causes, and its effects; And now its...
Excuse my writing You But I am actuly Confind here for my Doctor bill & find my self unable to pay it at preasent and what Grives me more; with my wife along side of me she as no other home I shall not trawble you with a Long List of my sufferings as I suppose you have seen them in Mr Lions paper from my own hand I am your most humble Servant RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received 11 Oct. and...
Je dresserois la liste de Livres, dont parle Votre Lettre du 21 et Vous l’enverrois avant le depart d’un batiment de Mr. G. p. Bord. çe qui ne sera pas de si tot, puisque probablement il n’en expediera plus pour ce port avant le printems prochain. Je suis fachè, d’etre obligè, de Vous rappeller une Assignation sur les 41½ Gourdes—par le Motif, que je veux partir d’ici dans 7 a 8 jours, en me...
Your favour of the 29 th ult. I have duly rec d . It is now before me. The fifteen Dollars enclosed are duly carried to your credit. The Religious Olive Branch is not yet fairly begun. I was diverted from it by the shameful attack on my Country in that horror-inspiring attack on my Country contained in novel Mandeville, which led me to undertake Vindiciæ Hibernicæ , which I shall publish in...
mr Jeffersons Reasoning in the case of the wittnessth against Robertson for perjury is strong and Conclusive for the defendant if he is Right in his premisses, and even if it Shall be found erroneous in matter of law the length of time which has pased away since his attention was particularly caled to legal inquiry and the absence of books will be an ap ample apology for a Sketch proceeding...
The Petition of Robert Ware Peacock, respectfully represents, That he is confined in the prison of Washington County, in the District of Columbia, by virtue of the Sentence of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia and County aforesaid, pronounced at their late Sessions—and without the merciful intervention of your Excellency must remain in confinement for the space of five years and...
En contestaction al Oficio que pasàmos à la Superioridad, incluiendo Copia del que V.S. nos escriviò, quexandose de que el Govierno de la Luisiana huviese embiado un Comisario, ô Agente a la Nacion Creek, nos Manda S. M. (despues de aprovar en un todo la Respuesta que dìmos à V.S.) pasar à manos de V.S. (como lo hacemos ahora) Copia del Tratado concluido entre España, y la Nacion Creek el Año...
The young gentleman, M r Colin Clark , who will present this letter was formerly a pupil of mine; his academical proficiency & good conduct, gave him a solid claim to my confidence & affection: of the sincerity of these sentiments I afford him an unequivocal evidence, by making him known to you.— I can scarcely indulge the hope of seeing you again, but assuredly, wherever hereafter, my...
[ Philadelphia, 3 Sep. 1787 . Recorded in SJL as received 13 Dec. 1787. Not found.]
J M. is obliged to send back the papers wanted by the P. witht. having executed the task of remodelling the 1st. & 2d. Ps. He was prevented last night by Company, and has but just got up for breakfast. If the P. can spare it he will immediately go to work; or if he can send the rough original of that part, it will do as well. The notes of Mr. G. are retained DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I have in vain searched, and untill wearied with the pursuit, for some authority from the acknowledged law of nations, which would justify or condemn belligerents impressing or taking from a neutral vessel, at sea , its own subjects whether passengers or a part of the crew—It is clear, having on board such subjects, can by law, be no cause for the bringing too, & boarding. But the question is,...
I wish to know when the literary institution under your direction will go into opperation, & what is the plan, & course of study, & what will be the expences of a student per annum. I have studied English grammar, Webber’s arithmetic, Simpson’s Euclid, Day’s algebra Logarithms, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Navigation, Surveying &c, Morse’s Universal geography, & Adam’s Roman Antiquities,...
Since my last I am in debt for your two favors of the 15th. & 22, the Gazettes of the 3. 6 7 & 8 Ulto, with a regular continuation to the 22d— two statements from the Treasury Department , and Payne’s letter to the French people & armies.—The President’s message is only a further developement to the public, of the violent passions, & heretical politics, which have been long privately known to...
I received in due time the letter forwarded from Floods — I regret that my letter contained any thing which could induce you to suppose me either unreasonable in my proposals or diffident of your attatchment to my child —Being incapable of expressing either directly or indirectly any sentiment calculated to wound your feelings I have no hesitation in solemnly disclaiming any expression not in...
Dans la lettre que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous écrire peu de tems après mon arrivée en France , je vous exprimais toute ma reconnoiss ce pour la faveur Signalée, que vous m’accordâtes en facilitant mon retour en Europe , avec touts mes Collections. C’est le résultat de cette bienveill ce de votre part, qui fait que je suis dès apresent dans la possibilité de vous adrésser le Commenc t de mon...
I inclose herewith sundry communications which I recd. yesterday. One of them is from Monroe at Paris, who appears by a letter from Erving to have arrived at London the latter end of July. A letter from Armstrong went for you by the last mail. He seems to have moderated the scope of his former advice as to Spain. In that now given, there is in my judgment, great solidity: If force should be...
✓ (0) for “before” is suggested “without” the former seeming to imply that after the suspension, an assignt. had been made. ✓ (1) after or for “friendly” insert “proper” omit “without difficulty or delay.” There was perhaps somewhat of both, and it may become expedient to say so to Spain. (2.) [“]The enlightened mind of the first Consul of France saw in its true point of view the importance of...
The first of the two notes you were so good as to endorse for me will come round by the time I get to Richmond . I enclose two others which you will be pleased to endorse. RC ( DLC ); dateline at foot of text; endorsed by TJ as received 13 Nov. 1818 from North Milton and so recorded in SJL . Enclosures not found.