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Results 5651-5700 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Subsequent to our Conversation at or near the House of...
MS Minutes: Public Record Office Franklin’s interest in Nova Scotia lands has been examined in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received Mr. Penningtons Letter you was so Kind to...
Text of the Examination printed in The Examination of Doctor Benjamin Franklin, before an August...
Printed in The London Chronicle , February 11–13, 1766. The authorship of this piece has not been...
Yesterday I wrote you a few Lines by Docr. Tuffts informing you the Sons of Liberty Desired your...
Among the Gentlemen that honour me with their Regard on your River I shall be happy in your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This morning I have had my difinitive answer from the family...
DS : American Philosophical Society Receiv’d Feb. 19. 1766 of Benja. Franklin Five Guineas for...
ALS : Yale University Library I am excessively hurried, being every Hour that I am awake either...
Copy: Assay Office, Birmingham The addition you have made to my happiness in being the cause of...
ALS : Princeton University Library I have now the Pleasure of informing you, that on Friday last,...
ALS : Salem County Historical Society, Salem, N.J. The House of Commons after a long Debate,...
LS : Public Record Office; copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I did myself the Honour of...
ALS : Maryland Historical Society I wrote to you on the 22d Instant, via Maryland. I now...
Draft: Yale University Library Permit me to request that you would perfect the inclosed List. It...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you a few days ago by Mr. Penrose via Mary land,...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I received yours of Nov. 14. with that enclos’d for Mr....
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I receiv’d your kind Letter of Nov. 27. You cannot...
ALS : Library of Congress I forget whether I before acknowledg’d the Receipt of your kind Letter...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote to you by the Packet, inclosing a Copy of the...
I. ms notations in the margins of a copy of Protest against the Bill To repeal the American Stamp...
5673Cash Accounts, March 1766 (Washington Papers)
Contra Mar. 2— By Robert Haims £ 1. 0.0 8— By Sarah Harle 1.15.0 15— By Charity 1. 0.0 17— By...
5674[March 1766] (Adams Papers)
Spent a Part of last Evening with Mr. Jo. Cleverly. He is a Tiptoe for Town Meeting. He has many...
56751766 March 1st. Saturday (Adams Papers)
Spent a Part of last Evening with Mr. Jo. Cleverly. He is a Tiptoe for Town Meeting. He has many...
ALS : William Logan Fox, Philadelphia (1956) I wrote to you of the 22d past, via Maryland....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I acknowledge the Receipt of your kind Letters of Nov. 12....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received yours of the 26th of September last, with your...
5679Sunday [2 March]. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Wibirt.
ALS : American Philosophical Society About a week since, I wrote thee a few Lines per Capt....
5681Monday. March 3. 1766. (Adams Papers)
My Brother Peter, Mr. Etter and Mr. Field, having a Number of Votes prepared for Mr. Quincy and...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society I was in hopes of a Letter from you by the...
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurdsday, Fryday, Saturday, Sunday 4–9 March .
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Books inclosed in these Parcels, to wit; Dr. Free’s...
I received Yours of the 1 st . March Yesterday. altho I did not suspect any Part of my Letter to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I write to beg ten thousand pardons for not having waited on...
ALS : Yale University Library This waits upon you by Dr. Grant, with whom I have had the pleasure...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You will give us great pleasure if you will favour us with...
5689Monday. 10th. 1766. (Adams Papers)
Last Week went to Boston, and to Weymouth, &c. I hear that Mr. Benjamin Cleverly has already...
5690Tuesday 11th. (Adams Papers)
Went to Boston. The C hief J ustice not there. A Piece of political Finess, to make the People...
5691Wednesday. 12th. (Adams Papers)
Returned to Braintree.
5692Thurdsday 13th. (Adams Papers)
At home.
5693Fryday 14th. (Adams Papers)
Yesterday and to day the severest Storm of Snow, we have had this Year.
5694Saturday 15th. March 1766. (Adams Papers)
The Snow is as deep and in as mountainous Banks, as it has been at any Time this Winter.—The...
5695Sunday 16th. 1766. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Wibirt all day.
5696Monday March 17th. 1766. (Adams Papers)
Rain. A Piece in Even ing Post March 10th. Remarks and Observations on Hutch inson ’s History....
5697Tuesday. 18th. (Adams Papers)
Went to Weymouth, found the Family mourning the Loss, and preparing for the Funeral of old...
5698Wednesday. March 19th. 1766. (Adams Papers)
At Home.
ALS : Assay Office, Birmingham You will I trust excuse my so long omitting to answer your kind...
5700Thursday March 20th. (Adams Papers)
At Mrs. Baxters Funeral.