56451To Thomas Jefferson from Martin Dawson, 16 August 1823 (Jefferson Papers)
Under cover you have a copy of your Acco t with me to the first of this month, Balance in my favour eighty Six 94/100 Dollars DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
56452To Thomas Jefferson from “A True Republican”, 6 December 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Take the advice of a true Republican and have nothing to do with Pain for if you keep him with you any longer you will surely Loose your next Election you had better turn him away and give him no more feasts . But I think that you may never stand for president again for Adams will be the next president but god forbid it. Tom Pain that scandilous rascal for you a true Republican to encourage...
56453To Thomas Jefferson from J. P. G. Muhlenberg, 1 April 1781 (Jefferson Papers)
Since the arrival of the Fleet on Wednesday last, in Hampton road, and Elisabeth River, The Enemy have continued very quiet in Portsmouth; They have since that time permitted no Person, to go in, or come out of Town, so that I have found it impracticable hitherto, to gain any intelligence, relative to what reinforcements the Fleet has brought. From their care to prevent any thing transpiring...
56454To Thomas Jefferson from R. Riker, 28 April 1826 (Jefferson Papers)
The Corporation of the City of New York have caused Medals to be struck, to commemorate the completion of the Erie Canal which unites the great Western Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean. The Corporation, influenced by a deep and profound respect for those memorable and patriotic Citizens, who affixed their names to the Declaration of Independence, and pledged in its support “their lives, their...
56455To Thomas Jefferson from Isaac E. Gano, 27 June 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
Presuming that my situation in life however Humble will not preclude me from the liberty of addressing a line to you, I take the liberty of doing so, and must inform you that a Gentleman of my acquaintance some time since discovered a rich Lead mine on the lands of the U.S. in the Indiana Territory, this information he early communicated to the Secy. of the Treasury requesting a lease for a...
56456To Thomas Jefferson from Patrick Henry, 29 April 1781 [document added in digital edition] (Jefferson Papers)
The Bearer Mr. Thomas Boush waits on you with a proposition , the Nature of which he will explain to you. Nothing but a Conviction of an almost Impossibility of complying with your Excellency’s Requisition for two hundred & fifty men from the County, could induce the Officers to trouble you on the Subject. I can only say that I am satisfy’d the Difficulty of getting provisions here & on the...
56457To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Clagett, 12 October 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
The death of Robert Purviance Esqr: has made vacant an Office very lucrative, if in the nature of human events, such an Office could be given, to a man who was once conspicuous, but from misfortunes is almost buried in obscurity, it would be a transcendent change—If you are in possession of such information, respecting my character, as will warrant a favorable consideration, I shall be much...
56458To Thomas Jefferson from Francis dal Verme, 12 February 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
How humiliating it is to me, Sir, to date this letter under this day, being an answer to your most Kind of the 15th. Aug. 87. Would I intend to make a proper apology for it to you, I am affraid I should be quite unsuccessful, so I shall tell you the plain truth, and give up entirely to your own Kindness the judgment of it. About the meddle of 7ber. I received yours, by which I was told you had...
56459Thomas Jefferson’s Transactions with James Leitch, 12 December 1821–12 September 1822 (Jefferson Papers)
Leitch Daybook MS daybook of Charlottesville merchant James Leitch, 2 Mar. 1820–8 May 1823, ViCMRL, on deposit ViU, bound volume with ruled paper, in a clerk’s hand , p. 341, 12 Dec. 1821 : . 76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
56460To Thomas Jefferson from Edward Church, 12 August 1791 (Jefferson Papers)
Bordeaux, 12 Aug. 1791 . Being greatly alarmed by what he learned on arrival, he expressed his fears in his of the 27th, sent by brig Hetty , Captn. Drinker, for Philadelphia.—This day his fears confirmed by letter from Carmichael, a copy of which he encloses. He is thereby arrested at the threshold, unable to advance or retreat. He cannot in any sense hold TJ responsible, but appeals to him...
56461To Thomas Jefferson from Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 31 December 1793 (Jefferson Papers)
I have the honour to enclose three copies of the Statement and Report on your account, with the account of the Bank of the United States with your department, and to be with perfect respect, Sir, Your obedt. Servt. One of the copies not being at present compleated, will be sent in the course of the morning. RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Wolcott; at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson...
56462To Thomas Jefferson from Bernard Peyton, 11 October 1824 (Jefferson Papers)
I hand herewith a/c sales the last five Hhds: of Tobacco, rec d from Lynchburg, on your a/c, which were the most indifferent part of the crop— The 12 Boxes of Tin you ordered, were for d on Saturday last, to care J. & Raphael at Charlottesville— M r Ro: G. Scott, chairman of the committee of arrangements at York Town, tells me he has rec d no reply from you, to the invitation he sent you, a...
56463Peter Laporte to Thomas Jefferson, 9 December 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
Ce n’est qu’a la Derniere Extrémité que je prends la liberté De vous représenter que la 2 e Demi année de la pention des quatre jeunes M rs que vous protégez a Commencé le 4 du présent mois; et qu’il n’y a que la plus Extrême néssésité, qui puisse m’obliger a en Solliciter le payement, Selon la regle que vous avez Etablie. il ne me reste aucune autre resource pour Exister D’ici à la fin de la...
56464John B. Colvin to Thomas Jefferson, 1 August 1812 (Jefferson Papers)
I take the liberty of presenting you with a corrected copy of “A Review” of the Address of the Minority of the H. of R. of the U.S. against the prevailing War. You will find, by it, that I am still laboring in the cause of my country—a cause in which you have rendered your name immortal. RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “His Ex: Thomas Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as received 6 Aug. 1812 and so...
56465To Thomas Jefferson from William McCorkle, 18 January 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
Received , this 18th day of January 180 6 . of The President of the U. States, Four Dollars, being the amount of his subscription for The Freeman’s Journal and Philadelphia Daily Advertiser, from March 16, 180 6 , to Sept. 16, 180 6 .
56466To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 11 October 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
I have the honor to enclose a letter of the Commissioner of the revenue, enclosing a copy of the resignation of the Supervisor of Delaware . From the state of the collection of duties in that District, it does not appear necessary that the Office should be continued any longer: but although the acceptance of Mr. Truett’s resignation, without filling the vacancy, will produce the effect; yet it...
56467To Thomas Jefferson from James Blake, 8 December 1795 (Jefferson Papers)
I beg leave to inform you that I have this morning put Cortes’s letters into Mr. Crosby’s hands to be forwarded to you as soon as possible. Mrs. Carmichael brought them with her here from Maryland—but forgot the manuscript. She assured me, however, she would not fail to send it by the first opportunity. With great respect I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedient & most humble servant RC...
56468Memorandum to Thomas Jefferson, [25 October] 1804 (Madison Papers)
(a) and which have been encreased by peculiar circumstances in the W. Indn Seas; yet in the more distant channels at least of our trade, b. The act authorizes &c provisionally at least—a port &c without the limits of the U. S. The words in ( ) may be left out. c— (on the part of Spain) d. (proper to suspend) will according better with the case—as the 6th art. is also made a ground of...
56469To Thomas Jefferson from Elias Vanderhorst, 31 December 1792 (Jefferson Papers)
Bristol, 31 Dec. 1792. He wrote on 24 Dec., but as the ship Charles is detained by contrary winds, he adds two newspapers. These and other accounts make it appear that England is “determined to go to war with France, an event, which should it take place, cannot, in my opinion, but be extremely injurious to both Nations—but, unfortunately for mankind in general, the Interest of the People at...
56470John Barnes to Thomas Jefferson, 14 March 1818 (Jefferson Papers)
At the earnest request of M r Tyler with whom I am Acquainted—and who has executed that Memorable—and never to be forgetting testimony, and seal, of—our Independance,—with an exactness highly Approved— Similies —of each Signature— has solicited thro me—to the Dedication of his performance in your Name—and as Author thereof—it is truly Elegant—and much praise is due to him.— his Numerous...
56471To Thomas Jefferson from Archibald Cary, 13 February 1781 (Jefferson Papers)
I hope you will Excuse the Fredom I Venture at, In recommending any Publick Matter, and I hope you will; The Baron Dined with me Yesterday, and the Conversation Turnd, on the Defence of our River on which he Mentioned a Fort at Hoods , which would he was Confident prevent any Ships Coming by. This Morning Col: Self [Senf] Came here in Quest of the Baron who had gone on to the Courthouse, the...
56472Account with John Barnes, 6 March 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
The President of the United states To John Barnes, 1805 March 6th. { for 6 loaves best single 2/. 4. 1. 4 ½ " 50. wt. Coffee—loose 2/9 6. 17. 6 . "
56473To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Claxton, 16 March 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
Mr Latrobe has mentioned to me the necessity of very shortly moving the furniture from the late chamber of the Ho. of Rep.—as this will be attended with some expence; and will naturally fall in the furnishing department, I shall as soon as you may be pleased to furnish me with a written authority, proceed in the business as far as may be necessary at this time—I find, Sir, that the furniture...
56474To Thomas Jefferson from Francis Eppes, 23 May 1786 (Jefferson Papers)
Your favour of Dec. 11 came to hand a few days ago. Those sent by the Mr. Fitzhughs of August 30th. and September 22d. are not yet arrived. I am sorry you are so desirous of having Polly sent to you as I am certain nothing but force will now bring it about. We have try’d every argument we are capable of in order to enduce to agree to it. I have told her you wou’d meet her in Philadelphia and...
56475To Thomas Jefferson from John Paul Jones, 4 September 1787 (Jefferson Papers)
Some time after your departure for the South of France I set out to go to Copenhagen; expecting to receive, at Bruxelles, the necessary Funds for my Journey and transactions in the North. I had the mortification to be disappointed; which induced me to turn about and embark in the Packet at Havre de Grace, as the method the most sure and expeditious to procure the necessary supply. I should...
56476To Thomas Jefferson from Edward Hudson, 31 October 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
On Saturday I recd. a letter from an Old friend of mine now in France. I know him to be a man of talents & of the first order. He has been much engaged in politics, and took a conspicuous lead in the affairs of Ireland. He & I with Mr. Emmett and others were confined together for nearly five years by the British Govt. His present means of information are equal to almost any Man’s in France....
56477To Thomas Jefferson from Auguste Chouteau, 20 November 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
Monsr. le capitaine Lewis dans le séjour qu’il a fait ici avant son depart pour le Missoury, m’avoit chargé de vous envoyer des notes relatives aux nations sauvages, et au commerce qui se fait dans la Louisiane, et dont ce district est susceptible; Comme Je m’occupois de ce travail conséquent, J’ai été nommé par les habitans du District de la Louisiane, pour présenter au Congrès leur petition...
56478To Thomas Jefferson from Ephraim Kirby, 7 August 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
I take the liberty to offer for your perusal and amusement the enclosed effusion of anti-republican malice . It is a true specimen of the present temper of the party in Connecticut.—The mass of the People begin to discern the danger which they have escaped, & to resort to the republican standard; but the work of reformation will be slow.—The priesthood are armed against us with all the powers...
56479To Thomas Jefferson from Francis Eppes, 2 January 1793 (Jefferson Papers)
Yours of 19th. of last month I received the day before yesterday. Carys Exr. has mentiond no particular sum tho’ told me it woud be considerable, its the whole amount of the hire of 180 Negros for the last year. I expect to see the Exr. on the tenth of this month after which I will write you more particularly, in the mean time, shou’d he make me a payment, it shall be deposited in Mr. Browns...
56480To Thomas Jefferson from George Isham Parkyns, 18 March 1800 (Jefferson Papers)
Mr. Parkyns has done himself the Honor to pay his respects to Mr. Jefferson, and shall esteem himself particularly happy to be favourd with any observations Mr. Jefferson may condescend to suggest on a series of paintings this morning arrived from his House in the Country, and which at present, are in Mr. Leipers withdrawing Room. Mr. Parkyns feels himself extremely obliged to Mrs. Leiper ,...
56481To Thomas Jefferson from Timothy Pickering, 14 January 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
Mr. Pickering presents his respects to the President, and requests the loan of Crozat’s grant of Louisiana from Lewis XIV. Mr. P. acknowledges the receipt of the President’s observations on the northern boundaries of the U. States & Louisiana; and if any further examination of the subject should present a different view of it, to Mr. Pickering, he will take the liberty to offer the same to the...
56482Dabney Cosby to Thomas Jefferson, 28 February 1822 (Jefferson Papers)
It seems the Legislature will not make any further appropriations for the Library this session, The importance of which seems to be universally admited by the good people of this county , and for the attainment of which a number of our most respectable citizens have urged their representatives to leave nothing undone to accomplish that object. It seems however to have fail’d, and I am advised...
56483To Thomas Jefferson from John Cartwright, 29 February 1824 (Jefferson Papers)
Books, which in the service of virtue, breathe a vital spirit, must be supposed ambitious of appearing where kindred spirits associate. As such, the Writer hopes that the work entitled “ The English Constitution Produced and Illustrated ,” may be found not unworthy of acceptance by a Seminary of Science where “Government” is a prominent study. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
56484To Thomas Jefferson from Tench Coxe, [17 December 1791] (Jefferson Papers)
Mr. Coxe has the honor to inform Mr. Jefferson, that the silver crown of six livres Tournois is worth in the French W. Indies nine livres of the Colonies and that the livre Tournois according to the par of french coins is deemed conformable with that fact—that is 30s. of the Colonies are worth 20s. of France. Mr. C. will read the letter with care and have the honor to return it in person to...
56485To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Henderson, 17 March 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
From information which has come to my Knowledge, within a very short time past, I am induced at this time to trouble you with an account of its tendency and purport.—It is presumed that you are already possessed of information relative to Gen. Findley’s Robbery last Year—I myself having to acknowledge an account thereof, under an anonymous signature wherein it was stated that it was the...
56486To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Lewis, Jr., 11 February 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
Mr. Wallace Wormley lately a Captive at Tripoli is desirous of a Consular appointment in one of the Barbary ports—from an acquaintance, with their language, Customs & habits, he considers himself qualified to discharge the duties of the Office—I have long known the family of Mr. Wormley, and have some acquaintance with him, which induce a hope that he may be successfull—I am, very respectfully...
56487From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 3 June 1798 (Madison Papers)
Friday’s mail brought me your favor of May 24. The letter from S. Bourne had previously reached us thro’ a Fredg. paper. It is corroborated I find by several accounts from different sources. These rays in the prospect will if I can judge from the sensations in this quarter, have an effect on the people very different from that which appears in the public counsels. Whilst it was expected that...
56488To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 5 December 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
If you approve, I will send the enclosed on Monday to the Committee. May I, when conversing with them, say that it is the opinion of the Executive that it would be better at this time to suspend the act? or in what manner & with what modification must the opinion be expressed? I mean to friends— Respectfully If you can send me an answer to morrow, it will enable me to make the communication...
56489To Thomas Jefferson from Sarsfield, 26 April 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
[ Paris ], 26 Apr. 1789 . Sends compliments, and expects to come wish him bon voyage, hoping to be more fortunate than last time he came for that purpose.—Begs TJ to make note of his promise to report to him the debates of all “ les Provinces relatifs à l’Etablissement du Congrès Excepté celui de Massachusets bay parce qu’il l’a,” even of those that have not acceded, especially of Rhode...
56490To Thomas Jefferson from Oliver Evans, 18 April 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
I am brought into a most dangerous and perplexing dilema and so extraordinary and unprecedented are the circumstances of my case, that I hope I shall be excusable in laying them before the President of the United States—Congress on April 10th 1790 passed the act entitled “an act to promote the progress of useful arts” Sect 1 Provide “That upon the petition of any person or persons &c” seting...
56491To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 2 July 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
I have the honor to propose for your approbation John F. Heilaman of the State of Vermont and William C. Smith of Pennsylvania to be Surgeon’s Mates in the Army. I have the honor &ca. FC ( Lb in DNA : RG 107, LSP ). On the same date as the letter printed above, Dearborn informed John F. HEILAMAN and William C. SMITH that the president had appointed them surgeon’s mates in the army. The Senate...
56492To Thomas Jefferson from Edmund Randolph, 20 December 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
E. Randolph, with respectful compliments to Mr. Jefferson, takes the earliest opportunity, since the receipt of the decree against Johnson , of inclosing it. RC ( MHi ); endorsed by TJ as received 25 Dec. and so recorded in SJL . Enclosure not found. Randolph had represented TJ in a dispute with Richard Johnson over part of TJ’s Pouncey’s tract land ( Randolph to TJ, 16 Sep. ). On 23 Dec.,...
56493To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 11 September 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
I have great satisfaction in informing you that the Elections in the State of Maryland for Electors of the State Senate have terminated in favor of the Republicans. I hasten to give you this information from the knowledge that you are sensible of its great importance in the national Councils. We have retained our ground in all the Counties in which we had succeeded in the last Election and we...
56494III. Pierre Charles L’Enfant to Thomas Jefferson, 11 March 1791 (Jefferson Papers)
I have the Honor of Informing you of my arrival at this place where I could not possibly reach before wednesday last and very late in the Evening after having travelled part of the way on foot and part on horse back leaving the broken stage behind. On arriving I made it my first care immediatly to wait on the mayor of the town in conforming with the direction which you gave me—he appeared to...
56495To Thomas Jefferson from Elisha P. Cutler, 22 August 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
The Inhabitants of the Town of North Yarmouth in legal Town-Meeting assembled, Respectfully represent, That ardently attached to a republican form of Government, they are ever willing to make the greatest sacrifices to promote the interest, assert the rights, and maintain the honour of thier Country. Possessing a soil not abundantly rich, and partly dependant on Commerce for the means of...
56496To Thomas Jefferson from William John Coffee, 1 December 1825 (Jefferson Papers)
Seeing in one of the Prints of the day a Strange account of a Very Strange adventure you of Late unfortunately have undergon with a Strange man calling him self a Sculptor , because he has had the presumption to try to make a few Busts of four distinguished, Gentlemen—as If like four Painting, Makeing Busts constituted the necessary requisite for a great Artist, But this man, this Sign Painter...
56497To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 17 February 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
I have the honor to submit the following statement, for the purpose of shewing the necessity of an Act of Congress authorising the appointment of Six Surgeons Mates, in addition to the number authorised by the Law of the 16th. of March 1802, fixing the Military Peace Establishment — The Posts recently established, in addition to the twenty five contemplated at the late organization of the...
56498To Thomas Jefferson from Horatio Gates, 9 February 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
When Men, like Women, go astray—there is no knowing where they will Stop. One act of folly, or Wickedness, brings another after it and down right Prostitution is the Consequence.—Our Feds: began with the Project of putting up Burr against You, and this on the Hollow principle with respect to him, that he would be lost to the Republican Party, and that at another Election he could be set aside...
56499To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Willson Peale, 4 August 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
I presented to the Philosophical Society at their last setting, the drawing of the Antilope with a short description of it, “done from a specimen in my Museum, which was sent from the interior of Louisana by Captn. Lewis, and presented to the Museum by the President in Octr. 1805” A member demanded of me, what name I gave it? to which, after a few moments reflection, I replyed The forked...
56500To Thomas Jefferson from Felix Pascalis Ouviere, 11 May 1824 (Jefferson Papers)
It is the Gratifying duty of the members of the Linnean Society of Paris, to unite once a year at least, on the Anniversary Birth day of their titular Sage, to exchange useful knowledge and to commune sentiments on subjects of they natural Sciences which they cherish. In the approaching Celebration of the auspicious day (May 24) by the Newyork Branch Society, we could not fail inviting you,...