To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Parsons, 10 October 1802
From Joseph Parsons
City Goal Sunday October 10 1802
Good Sir
Excuse my writing You But I am actuly Confind here for my Doctor bill & find my self unable to pay it at preasent and what Grives me more; with my wife along side of me she as no other home I shall not trawble you with a Long List of my sufferings as I suppose you have seen them in Mr Lions paper from my own hand I am your most humble Servant
Joseph Parsons
RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 11 Oct. and so recorded in SJL.
MR LIONS PAPER: probably the American Literary Advertiser, published in Washington by James Lyon and Richard Dinmore since March 1802 ( , 1:98; Vol. 34:405n).