From Alexander Hamilton to Samuel Loudon, [27 December 1783]
To Samuel Loudon1
[New York, December 27, 1783]
Mr. Loudon,
I Observe in Mr. Holt’s paper2 of this day, a nomination for the ensuing election, in which my name is included.3 I thank the authors of it for the honour they intended me; but being determined to decline public office, I think it proper to declare my determination, to avoid in any degree distracting the votes of my fellow citizens.
Alex. Hamilton
The New-York Packet. And the American Advertiser, December 29, 1783.
1. Loudon was the publisher of New-York Packet.
2. From 1766 through January, 1782, John Holt had published The New-York Journal, and General Advertiser. On November 22, 1783, he began publishing The Independent New-York Gazette.
3. On December 27, 1783, an election was held in New York City for state senators for the southern district and state representatives from the city and county of New York. H was one of those named as a candidate for the Assembly.