James Madison Papers

From James Madison to William J. Roberts, 6 May 1824

To William J. Roberts

Montp. May 6. 1824

J. M. presents his respects to Wm. J. Roberts and incloses a power of attorney corresponding with one sent him by Govr [Barbour]; which he understands Mr. R. will be so obliging as to execute. J.M. will thank Mr. R. to drop him a specifying the means needed for the purpose.

Draft and FC of enclosure (DLC). Draft written on the same sheet with drafts of JM to William Allen, 6 May, and )JM to James Barbour, 7 May 1824. The FC, in Dolley Madison’s hand and dated 6 May 1824, is a power of attorney appointing William J. Roberts “of Fredericksburg my True and lawful attorney for me and in my name to execute a note in the Bank of Virginia’s office at Fredericksburg to James Barbour for $1632.25/100 and the same to renew from time to time as the same may fall due. And also to endorse a Note payable and negot[i]able at the office aforesaid given by James Barbour for $2414.74/100 and the same to renew from time to time as it may fall due.”

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