56311To Thomas Jefferson from James Monroe, 16 June 1786 (Jefferson Papers)
Since my last but little hath been done in Congress. We have had generally no more than 7. States...
56312John Rhea to Thomas Jefferson, 20 April 1814 (Jefferson Papers)
Inclosed is a copy of a circular letter please to accept it from most respectfully John Rhea of...
56313To Thomas Jefferson from Madame de Doradour, [12 May 1785] (Jefferson Papers)
Vous serés bien etonné Monsieur de ce que Mr. Doradour ne part pas avec Mr. Adams, mais la...
56314To Thomas Jefferson from Edmund Bacon, 30 June 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
Inclosed is Mr. Peytons account. I think some time past I Gave you an account of Peytons for...
56315From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 29 January 1819 (Adams Papers)
If I am not humble I ought to be, when I find myself under the necessity of borrowing a juvenile...
56316To Thomas Jefferson from Richard Claiborne, 24 March 1781 (Jefferson Papers)
The order from your Excellency dated in Council this day, respecting the impressed horses, shall...
56317To Thomas Jefferson from David Rittenhouse, 3 June 1793 (Jefferson Papers)
I was unwilling to ask a further Sum of money on account of the Mint until the Treasurer had...
56318LeRoy, Bayard & Company to Thomas Jefferson, 7 August 1816 (Jefferson Papers)
In reply to the communication we made to Mess. N. & J & R. Van Staphorst on the Subject of your...
56319To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Le Brun, 10 March 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Cette lettre, que je prends la liberté de vous adresser; est Ecrite Sous les auspices de Cette...
56320To Thomas Jefferson from Levi Lincoln, 26 March 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
with the letter, and the associated papers from Mr Porter, and three from Gent. in Alexandria...
56321John Low to Thomas Jefferson, 9 January 1812 (Jefferson Papers)
Your favour of the 27 th Dec r has this day come to hand, acknowledging the receipt of my two...
56322To Thomas Jefferson from the Commissioners of the Federal District, 14 April 1792 (Jefferson Papers)
We are just closing our business this Evening, so that we may seperate in the Morning. Nothing...
56323To Thomas Jefferson from C. W. F. Dumas, 7 August 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
En réponse aux 3 honorées vôtres du 30 et 31 du passé, j’ai écrit à Mr. Luzac, pour qu’il expédie...
56324Nicolas G. Dufief to Thomas Jefferson, 30 January 1817 (Jefferson Papers)
Je vous ai écrit ce matin pour vous annoncer que J’avais fini d’adresser à Monticello tous les...
56325To Thomas Jefferson from the Board of Trade, 17 February 1780 (Jefferson Papers)
We have the honor of your Excellency’s Letter of the 7th . inst. recommending the necessity of an...
56326From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 1 May 1796 (Madison Papers)
I have your favor of the 17 Apl. covering two Extracts one from your notes, the other from mine....
56327To Thomas Jefferson from David Bailie Warden, 24 November 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
I had the honor of writing to you by Capt Woodward, of the Hope , and of sending you a packet,...
56328Peter Carr to Thomas Jefferson, 14 August 1814 (Jefferson Papers)
The committee of which J. Nicholas speaks in his note , was appointed for the purpose, of viewing...
56329To Thomas Jefferson from John Adams, 7 August 1785 (Jefferson Papers)
As to the Cask of Wine at Auteuil, it is not paid for. If you will pay for it and take it, you...
56330To Thomas Jefferson from Andrea Pini, 26 September 1823 (Jefferson Papers)
I Sottoscritti riconoscano di aver Ricevuto dal Sig re Tommaso Jefferson di Virgina negli Stati...
56331To Thomas Jefferson from War Department, 31 July 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
List of the Applicants for Surgeons & Surgeons Mates in the State of Virginia. By whom...
56332To Thomas Jefferson from Peter Roche, 6 August 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
Nous avons L’honneur de Vous prévenir, que nous Venons de Recevoir, de france, qu’elques...
56333To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr., 14 March 1791 (Jefferson Papers)
Altho the letter carrier between Charlottesville and Richmond is continued in his employment, the...
56334To Thomas Jefferson from Antoine-Félix Wuibert, 26 December 1785 (Jefferson Papers)
Cape Français, Santo Domingo, 26 Dec. 1785. This letter is a duplicate of Wuibert’s earlier...
56335To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 13 October 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
In the selection of Characters to fill the important offices of Government in the United States I...
56336William Kean to Thomas Jefferson, 23 July 1818 (Jefferson Papers)
Having conceived an Idea that a safe and cheap substitute might be contrived for Steam...
56337To Thomas Jefferson from Philip Mazzei, 8 April 1781 (Jefferson Papers)
Agreable to what I said in letter 23, dated florence January 5th, I have again the mortification...
56338To Thomas Jefferson from Philippe Reibelt, 15 May 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
Permettez—qu’en Qualitè d’amateurs practiques de l’Agriculture—je Vous presente la Question, si...
56339To Thomas Jefferson from Francis Small, 7 July 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
Naught but the regard wch I owe to my character & the appointment you have honoured me with could...
56340To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 12 February 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
I have the honor to enclose the list of the several officers of Government with their salaries or...