56101From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 27 August 1793 (Madison Papers)
I wrote you a few lines by the last post from this place just to apprize you of my movement to it. I have since seen the Richmond & the Philada. papers containing, the latter the certificate of Jay & King & the publications relating to the subject of it, the former the proceedings at Richmond dictated no doubt by the Cabal at Philada. It is painful to observe the success of the management for...
56102To Thomas Jefferson from Pierce Butler, 26 February 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
I come, said Arius Antonius to the Emperor Nerva, with others, to Congrat[ulate] not Your good fortune, but that of the Roman Empire. — Not in the habit of aiming at a Correspondence with any person in an elevated situation; as You are at present; yet I am prompted by a wish to see Your Administration easy and honorable to Yourself; and still more, by Attachment to the honor and interests of...
56103Thomas Addis Emmet to Thomas Jefferson, 2 October [1815] (Jefferson Papers)
The solicitation of a friend whom I wish to serve & to oblige, is leading me to a measure which I fear will scarcely be considered pardonable. However your past experience must have long since made you feel, that distinguished eminence of character & public Estimation necessarily Expose the man who enjoys them, to be solicited for favors by persons, whose only pretensions arise from their...
56104To Thomas Jefferson from Jean Jacques Peuchen, 25 April 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
Tout de suitte après la reçeption de la Lettre obligeante, que Votre Exellence eutes la grace de m’ecrire de Frankfort, je me suis dabord rendu chès le Maitre Serrurier, pour voir si les deux Poëles en question n’etoient pas encore vendû; heureusement je les trouvai encore sur les memes plaçes, ou Nous les avons quitté, et je fis sur le champ le marché avec lui, à la reserve, qu’il devoit...
56105To Thomas Jefferson from Meriwether Smith, 24 June 1779 (Jefferson Papers)
The enclosed Letter to Genl. Nelson is from Mr. de Francy and contains a Copy of a Memorial transmitted to the Genl. Assembly last Winter, upon the Subject of a Dispute which Mr. de Francy had with the Governor and Council concerning the Quality of some Tobo. tendered to him in payment for Goods purchased on account of the state by their order. I have told him that I am confident your...
56106John Wayles Eppes to Thomas Jefferson, 7 October 1820 (Jefferson Papers)
The unpromising appearance of the weather prevented my leaving home until the third instant — I have this day lodged with M r Peyton five hundred dollars for you— I have also sold my United States stock at 103— If therefore you will take my house on your way to Bedford I shall be ready to conclude our contract and give you a check for the balance of the 4000 dollars—
56107To Thomas Jefferson from Stephen Cathalan, Jr., 5 July 1791 (Jefferson Papers)
Marseilles, 5 July 1791 . He wrote on 10th of June by a vessel for New York. This goes by one direct for Philadelphia and is only to convey a letter from Captain Richard O’Bryen which will inform TJ of the situation of the captives in Algiers better than he could. He awaits TJ’s orders on that business and will not go further until he answers his letter of [22] Jan. He hopes that the olive...
56108To Thomas Jefferson from James Cheetham, 1 July 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
His Excellency Thomas Jefferson President of the U.S. To James Cheetham Dr. 1806 July 1
56109James Monroe to Thomas Jefferson, 16 April 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
The minister of Russia , Count Pahlen & his brother , having intimated their intention to make you a visit at Monticello , I have taken the liberty to give them this introduction. The publick character of these respectable foreigners, would, I well know, secure them your kind reception, & friendly attention, but you will be gratified to know that they have high claims from personal merit. RC (...
56110To Thomas Jefferson from Tobias Lear, 17 February 1793 (Jefferson Papers)
The President of the United States requests that the Secretary of State will write to the Governor of New York, by the post of tomorrow, for authenticated Copies, under Seal, of the several treaties between the Six nations and the Governors of New York from the Year 1683; and especially those with Colo. Dongan. They were preserved under the old Government of New York, in the Office of the...
56111To Thomas Jefferson from James Rumsey, 6 June 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
I have letters from america as late as the 24th of april, and as the Ship Came from philadelphia, I thought it posable that you might have had none of so late a date; I therefore Concluded that the little news that they broght me might be (under such circumstances) acceptable to you. The amount of it is; “That his Excellency General Washington arived at philadelphia on the 20th of april,...
56112To Thomas Jefferson from Richard Claiborne, enclosing a Letter from Steuben, 11 March 1781 (Jefferson Papers)
I do myself the honor to inclose to your Excellency a copy of a letter which I have Just received from Baron Steuben. I beg for an answer as Speedily as the importance of the matter requires; immediately upon the receipt of which, I shall Issue my orders in consequence, and repair to Williamsburg without a moments loss of time. Your Excellency cannot be a stranger to the dispatch, which is...
56113To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, [10 December 1801] (Jefferson Papers)
J. M. havg received notice this afternoon of the oppy. by a packet, has hastily written to Mr. King. The President will please to read it & return it as soon as possible, that if approved, it may be got into the mail tonight, witht. which the opportunity will be lost. RC ( DLC ); partially dated; endorsed by TJ as received from the State Department on 10 Dec. and so recorded in SJL with...
56114To Thomas Jefferson from Delamotte, 19 December 1791 (Jefferson Papers)
Le Havre, 19 Dec. 1791 . He last wrote to TJ on 27 Nov. and enclosed four letters from Short in Holland.—France was gratified by recent reports that the U.S. had sent 1,800 men to Saint-Domingue. Even after Frenchmen realized that these reports could not be true because the U.S. lacked a sufficiently large standing army, they continue to take pleasure in the news of shipments of American arms,...
56115From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 29 June 1807 (Madison Papers)
a free use of their harbors & waters, the means of refitting & refreshment, of succour to their sick & suffering have at all times and on equal principles, been extended to all; and this too while the officers of one of the belligerents recd. among us were in a continued course of insubordination to the laws, of violence to the persons of our Citizens, and of trespasses on their property....
56116To Thomas Jefferson from Littleton Waller Tazewell, 31 March 1825 (Jefferson Papers)
In acknowledging the receipt of your favor of the 13 th Inst, I cannot fail to offer you my very cordial gratulations, on the final accomplishment of your excellent plan, for the establishment of our University; and on the very favourable auspices under which its operations will commence—The circumstances to which you refer, together with others, necessarily incidents to the incipient stage of...
56117Robert Mayo and William A. Bartow to Thomas Jefferson, 27 January 1823 (Jefferson Papers)
We would be exceedingly sorry to intrude upon you with unbecoming importunities even on the subject of education, (which all the world knows enjoys your best wishes) though it were your written approbation were an indispensible key to the hearts of the Community, ’ere they could be prevailed on to patronise any scheme intended to promote that important object. But viewing your deep concern for...
56118To Thomas Jefferson from Craven Peyton, 5 January 1826 (Jefferson Papers)
In riding to Edge Hill yesterday I met with Capt. Meriweather & If—I am not much mistaken he is about to revive his old favourite plan. of a Mille On the Riva nna & Sir fear that it might not recur to You I feal It a duty to apprise You, the site at North Milton has evar been viewed as preferable to yours On this side, & a Mille thare would diminish the value of Yours very much, I well see Col...
56119To Thomas Jefferson from Michael Leib, 8 March 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
At the request of Mrs. Heister, I send you Gros’s moral philosophy. This work was transmitted to Genl. Heister by the author, with a request, that he would deliver it to you; but death rob’d him of this pleasure. Last night he departed this life. As Mrs. Heister is preparing to depart for Hagar’s town with her husband’s remains, she wished this work to be immediately forwarded, & I have taken...
56120To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Willson Peale, 2 July 1824 (Jefferson Papers)
It was my intention to have paid you a visit when I left Philad a I had proposed to myself to commence this journey in the first of May as the better season, but my youngest son Titian was so much indisposed that he could not attend to the business of the Museum, and another call for his improvement now obliges me to return to Philadelphia. A gentleman from England by the name of Cha s...
56121Thomas Law to Thomas Jefferson, 1 October 1813 (Jefferson Papers)
Enclosed I submit to your perusal, what I trust will be deem’d worth the trouble— If after a Year, these Treasury notes (become due), were rec d as Cash in paym t of Subs n to the loan, it would give them full credit & enable Gov t to issue more—The loan would also be obtain’d on more advantageous terms, as these note holders would encrease the number of competitors for the loan— RC ( DLC : TJ...
56122To Thomas Jefferson from Maria Cosway, [27 November 1786] (Jefferson Papers)
Ho scritto due volte senza aver ricevuta una lettera da lei doppo la prima quale trovai all mio arrivo qui, e quale mi prometteva il piacere d’una piu frequente corrispondenza: Ogni giorno di posta o aspettato con inquietudine. Temo che il suo braccio sia peggio, ma anche questo non l’impedirebbe scrivermi. Prendo questa occasione di mandarli due linee per domandarli se a ricevute le mie...
56123To Thomas Jefferson from Beesly Edgar Joel, 15 August 1784 (Jefferson Papers)
You will pardon the liberty I take in addressing your Excellency, when you are informed of the necessity that forces me to it. Your Excellency can be no stranger to my situation in Virginia ; to the ardor with which unrewarded I acted in her service, or to my distresses, from which only the hospitality of Virginians would have relieved me. Anxious of once more seeing my friends, I have waited...
56124Memorandum from Eli Alexander, [ca. December 1794?] (Jefferson Papers)
A computation of the corn it will take for the stock from now till April 1 or for one Hundred days. Corn 6 plough Horses from this till April the first or for one Hundred days when ploughing aught to have 2 gallons a day Each, suppose 40 ploughing days, which amounts to bushels 60 corn the same Horses when not in service one gallon of corn a day Each for 60 days is 45 bushil 45 4 breding...
56125To Thomas Jefferson from Chastellux, 2 June 1785 (Jefferson Papers)
J’ai recu, Monsieur, avec la plus vive reconnoissance le precieux present que vous m’avés envoyé, et malgré la cruelle situation où je me suis trouvé alors, gardant une de mes amies les plus intimes, qui etoit attaquée d’une fievre continue avec redoublemens, j’ai eu la satisfaction de lire la plus grande partie de votre ouvrage. Tous les motifs se trouvent réunis pour rendre cette lecture...
56126Thomas Cooper to Thomas Jefferson, 6 December 1817 (Jefferson Papers)
Your letter of the 25 Nov. arrived here to day. Your letter mentioning that the apartments and pavilion would be ready so as to enable me to go to Charlottesville by Midsummer, I do not recollect to have received. I understood the apartments for a classical tutor would be ready in the Spring of 1818; but that my services would not be required till the Spring of 1819. My great objection to...
56127To Thomas Jefferson from Tench Coxe, 2 October 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
In the course of my reflexions on the subject on which I had the honor in my last letter respectfully to address you, it has occurred to me, that it is in my power to submit to you an unsought and decided evidence of public opinion in a republican circle. I beg leave to assure you, that the original letter to me, from which the inclosed is faithfully extracted is in my possession. It will...
56128To Thomas Jefferson from Bernard Peyton, 14 July 1823 (Jefferson Papers)
I am favor’d with yours of the 9 th current, covering later to Sam l Williams Esq r of London—I will tomorrow obtain from Jo: Marx & son, a bill on London, for the am t you wish, at a premium of 6p r C t (which is the current rate held at present) I remit the two first, by different conveyances, to M r Williams, the first accompanied by your letter:—the triplicate, I will remit you by next...
56129John Hollins to Thomas Jefferson, 9 February 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
Yesterday brought me your esteemed respects of the 5 th Ins t , requesting me to forward to the care of Gibson & Jefferson , half a dozen ton of plaister by the first vessel for Richmond , which shall have due attention, with respect to the quality, being myself no judge, I shall confide in a particular friend, & flatter myself you will find it good; at present our navigation experiences a...
56130To Thomas Jefferson from John Avery, 20 November 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Agreeable to the direction of the Legislature I have the honor to transmit your Excellency one set of the Maps of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, for your own use. I have delivered them to the care of the honorable Mr Varnum.— I have the honor to be Your Excellency’s most obedient & very humble Servant RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “His Excellency Thomas Jefferson Esqr Presidt of the United...
56131To Thomas Jefferson from Johnson Cook, 21 October 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
in my letter first I intimated something Respeckting your Enemys here and the Enemeys of true rebublickans god grant that they may be less or fewer of them their is some few of them got convinced within these few days their is not an Emegrant from Connecticut within this County but what is realy A friend to your honor and A true republickan the boston Emegrants are hauty Sovrin and overbaring...
56132To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Pinckney, 19 March 1793 (Jefferson Papers)
Finding Captn. Loxley still detained I avail myself of the opportunity thereby afforded, to inform you that I have received the paper concerning which I was sollicitous from Mr. Morris, to whom it had been sent by mistake, and that I shall observe the directions contained in your favor of the 1st. Jany. I am happy to find that circumstances have not occasioned the detention of this paper to be...
56133To Thomas Jefferson from Heinrich Gerlach, [27 March 1781] (Jefferson Papers)
I beg leave to acquaint your Excellency that I am arrived in the flag of truce Genl. Riedesel from New York under passports from his Excellency General Washington at Hampton road. This flag contains (refreshments) some stores, Cloathing and money. Majr. Genl. Riedesel directed me to express to your Excellency his wishes, that you would permit the Quartermasters, or such other officers as may...
56134To Thomas Jefferson from George Hay, 14 June 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
I have had an interview with Wilkinson. We conversed yesterday morning for about an hour. I will confess to you that my impressions concerning him have undergone a great change. His erect attitude, the serenity of his countenance, the composure of his manners, the mild but determined expression of his eye; all conspired to make me think that he has been most grossly calumniated. I trust in...
56135To Thomas Jefferson from Edmond Charles Genet, 8 June 1793 (Jefferson Papers)
J’ai vu avec peine par votre lettre du 5 de ce mois que M. le President des Etats unis persistait à penser qu’une nation en guerre n’avoit pas le droit de donner des Commissions en guerre à ceux de ses vaisseaux qui se trouvaient dans les Ports d’une nation neutre: cette mesure etant selon lui un acte de souveraineté. Je vous avouë, Monsieur, que cette Opinion me parait contraire aux principes...
56136Thomas G. Watkins to Thomas Jefferson, 15 September 1822 (Jefferson Papers)
It was by the merest accident, when travelling to the south some years ago for M rs Watkins ’ health that, I was led to purchase and settle in Albemarle . when this situation was determined on, however, I began to think seriously of winding up the balance of my life in it. That I might do this with the more composure, Which had become necessary to me, I at first determined to avoid for reasons...
56137Joseph Miller to Thomas Jefferson, 22 August 1816 (Jefferson Papers)
I Rec d your Frendly Letter yeasterday an for the Truble I have Given you I am ashamed of I intend bein Coming up as Soone as the Court is over I am not Able to Sell aney Part at Pressent I have tried all I Can But no buyers one House that Cost $6000 Building I offered it for $4000 and the Ground along with it I Could wish you to Lett Old Peeter Get Sume Grain to work Soone Hops in New York is...
56138To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 14 February 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
Your letter of the 8th. inst. was recieved here on the 11th. inclosing an order on the Bank of U.S. for five hundred dollars, & which I accordingly carry to your credit. Under the desire you formerly communicated to me I am endeavouring to bring up our acct to the present time—I am a bad hand at business of this kind & it therefore costs me more trouble perhaps than it would another—When the...
56139To Thomas Jefferson from James Monroe, 1 June 1825 (Jefferson Papers)
I intended to have called on you to day, and had actually set out, but have been compelld to return, by the rain, & still more serious menacing. I shall avail myself of some early occasion. I send the bearer, to enquire, after the state of your health, & that of your family—with my best wishes & great respect MHi .
56140Julius B. Dandridge to Thomas Jefferson, 10 November 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
I had the pleasure to receive your letter of the 3 d inst: enclosing sundry papers as therein mentioned. Enclosed herewith is a deed of Trust, prepared for the purpose, which you will please execute and acknowledge in the clerks office; and when it shall have been recorded, be good enough to have it returned to me ; It being the wish of our Board of Directors to have another Trustee with M r...
56141To Thomas Jefferson from John Barnes, 21 September 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
I am duly Hond: with your favr : 17th.—in answer, to mine, of the 14th.—in Conformity I have Noticed Mr Claxton—to furnish me with his two a/cs: in order to discharge them—before your expected return. and shall make the necessary remittance to Richmond abt. 8th. Octr. Mr LeMaire, is much indisposed. (but not dangerous.) Bile, & foul Stomack. accompanied with a Violent fever.—Doctr. Gant...
56142To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Brooke, 4 September 1795 (Jefferson Papers)
I should have done myself the honor of acknowledging the receipt of your letter of the of last, at a much earlier period, but wished in my reply to be able to give you perfect information respecting the objects of the suit to which it related, as this would be most satisfactorily obtained from the Complainants Bill (which he promised should be filed in a very short time) I waited under an...
56143To Thomas Jefferson from Edward Tiffin, 10 March 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
Yours of feby —has been duly received, in which you request with as little delay as possable to be furnished with a return of the Militia, and of the Arms and Accoutrements of this state, and of the several counties or other geographical divisions of it. believing as I do, that none but an armed nation can dispence with a standing Army and that standing Armys are dangerous to Liberty, I was...
56144To Thomas Jefferson from John Gibson, 12 January 1798 (Jefferson Papers)
I this moment have Been honoured with yours of the 31st. Ulto. But having just returned from the Country and the post Being to set out in a few minutes, I am prevented from giving you the Information you require, you may rest Assured of my making Every Inquiry of other persons, and giving you a full detail of the whole transaction by the next post. In the Mean time, permit me to Assure you...
56145Edward Postlethwayt Page to Thomas Jefferson, [by 3 June 1820] (Jefferson Papers)
Conscious of the injustice I have done you by the influence of priest craft my judgment having been misled—I do sincerely recant. I was, when 12 a midshipman on board the Leviathan 74 in the West Indies .—Afterwards I was a Lieut t in H.B.M. 12 th reg t in India — But the liver complaint & Mercury in excess for 3 years drove me to
56146Francis Eppes to Thomas Jefferson, 14 February 1818 (Jefferson Papers)
I have just recieved your letter of the Sixth inst , and I am extremely Sorry to learn, that the central college will not be opened next spring. my Father Justly estimateing the advantages of a Situation in which I could enjoy the benifit of your care and attention had looked forward to this establishment as a place where without the inconvenience of future change t and loss of time I might...
56147To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Allyne Otis, 27 October 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
I do myself the honour to transmit herewith a copy of the proceedings of the Senate in their Executive capacity during the last session, agreeably to a standing order I am very respectfully Your most humble Sevt DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
56148To Thomas Jefferson from Giacomo Raggi, 13 October 1823 (Jefferson Papers)
You do the favr. to remit me in New York one hundred Dollars, directed to the same person you Direct the other letters—I wish this money in order to depart for Italy, to fulfil the commission of the University—I should not have troubled you had I been able to sell my sculptures in Richmond— I would entreat you not fail in this remittance as it will be necessary for me to have the money to go...
56149To Thomas Jefferson from Arthur Campbell, 7 February 1781 (Jefferson Papers)
It now appears that the Indians that attacked Blackmores Fort, as mentioned in my last , were a small party of Shawanese headed by our noted enemy Logan. The last Travelers that came from Kentucky came thro Cumberland Gap safe, having on their way made no discoveries of Indians. Some attention of Government to former means proposed, I am convinced may bring about a Peace; or make the war with...
56150To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 29 November 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
I enclosed yesterday papers relative to a vessel suspected of having been fitted out for slave trade. The presumptive evidence is strong as she had on board, (& several of the same not inserted in her manifest,) handcuffs & bolts, scantling & boards fit to make partitions, 35 shaken hogsheads which would be necessary for water for the number of slaves she might bring back, a quantity of bread...