To Thomas Jefferson from Aaron Burr, 30 March 1802
From Aaron Burr
Washingn. 30 Mar. 1802
Dr: Sir
General Stevens had command of the artillery in the Northern army during the late War and was distinguished for his bravery, his punctuality & his knowledge of his profession. His reputation & deportment in Civil life have corresponded with the expectations which might have been formed from his Military Conduct—Since the war he has resided in N york, has born various offices which he has executed with zeal and fidelity—It is with pleasure that, at his request, I bear this testimony in his favor
With entire respect I have the Honor to be Your Ob H St.
A; Burr
RC (DLC); at foot of text: “The Prest. of the U.S.”; endorsed by TJ as received 30 Mch. and so recorded in SJL with notation “Stevens.”
VARIOUS OFFICES: as the War Department’s agent for fortifications in the city of New York in 1798, Ebenezer Stevens provided Burr with the facts, figures, and plans he required to convince the state assembly to appropriate funds for the fortification of the harbor and city of New York ( , 1:347–50, 352–4; 2:704; Nancy Isenberg, Fallen Founder: The Life of Aaron Burr [New York, 2007], 168–9).