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Results 56051-56100 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I had no conception there were persons enough to support a paper whose stomachs could bear such...
Mr. Humphreys by Contract of 27th Septr 1800, was allowed 2000 Dolls ⅌ annm & all his reasonable...
23 March 1802, Treasury Department. “Enclos’d I have the Honor to transmit for your Information,...
I recieved yesterday your letter of the 20th. and catalogue. I remark on it a work Jaques le...
G Granger presents his Compliments to the President and informs him that Marbell Camden was the...
Project of a cypher . Turn a cylinder of white wood of about 2. Inches diameter, & 6. or 8. I....
Copy, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress; JCH Transcripts John C. Hamilton Transcripts,...
The President having appointed William Jarvis Esqr. by whom this will be handed to you, consul of...
Since I had the pleasure of seeing you in Washington I have heard a variety of reports concerning...
I yesterday received the duplicate of the letter which you did me the honor of writing on the...
I have nothing to add to the letters just sent you by the way of Baltimore but the enclosed note...
Mr. Pichon offers his respects to Mr Madison and begs leave to give him the trouble of perusing...
22 March 1802, Washington. Refers to his demand made a long time ago of the U.S. government to...
Letter not found. 22 March 1802. Mentioned in Daniel Brent to Ross, 14 May 1802 (DNA: RG 59, DL,...
I recieved your favor by mr Engles . the place desired for him is not given by commission from...
I have lately wrote to the Secretary of State , requesting him to favour me with a reply, so far,...
The Petition of William Vallance, Respectfully sheweth. That having been in the Service of the...
What I am now to write about will be in perfect confidence between ourselves. the legislature is...
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of mr Bailey to accept of some small articles of cloathing for his...
When lately in Albemarle I found the complition of a chmney in my house delayd by the want of...
The inclosed papers will so fully explain to you their object that I need add nothing more than...
I receive this Instant your Favor of this Date. Were I at Home, I might perhaps find some...
Your kind favors of 28 th: February & 13 th: March, came safe to hand; I thank you for them, and...
It was intended to have concluded the argument respecting the Judiciary Department with the last...
I now return the letters to you from Mr. Purviance & Cambaceres, with an acknowledgment of those...
I arrived hear about the 7th inst. and deliverd the letters which you intrusted to my charge the...
I have yesterday recieved your favour by Mr: Rose Campbell & immediately sit down to answer it....
The present opportunity I avail myself of to send you another copy of the same Book on the Duties...
20 March 1802, London. No. 59. Reports that Bird, Savage, and Bird will send to the Treasury...
20 March 1802, Philadelphia. Has been informed of his appointment as U.S. consul for the Canary...
20 March 1802, Bristol. Transmits a copy of his letter of 3 Mar. and four letters from Rufus...
Being informed that the President with your Concurrence, has been pleased to grant my Commission...
Above is a Copy of my last respects to you of the 3d. Instt. ⅌ the Hope, Cap. Phelps, Via...
The smallest attention to the principles of decorum would have forbid any farther instrusion upon...
In the course of some recent attempts to improve the public mind with our capacities and progress...
I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of the 28th Ulto, covering that of Mr. DuPont and Mr....
Vous trouverez ci inclus quelques exemplaires du catalogue que je viens de publier—Je me propose...
I wrote you some days ago , informing you, I was in a disagreeable situation, for want of money...
Your’s of the 13th. is recieved. I promised in my last I would make enquiry of mr Milledge of...
I expected with impatience and received with great pleasure the information & opinion your last...
Your letter of the 6th. instant has been duly recieved. I know of no inconvenience which will...
I do myself the honor to send to you a speech delivered upon the subject of the Judiciary when...
Having received from you by the hands of your Son, the very acceptable Donation of the 2nd & 3d...
The President, as a politician, is in one sense particularly unfortunate. He furnishes frequent...
Mr Steele is anxious to have Mr Marshal’s accounts so far stated as to be enabled to judge...
The Physician who attends me having advised me to ride to Baltimore, in the hope of finding an...
I take the liberty of introducing to your acquaintance the Bearer Mr. perkins of Boston, who goes...
19 March 1802, Tangier. No. 38. Forwards a copy of his dispatch of 20 Feb. Reports that the Essex...
19 March 1802, Washington. “For fear I should displease you and do wrong in presenting the...
I have the honour of encloseing with this, copy of my Communications of 20th. February. On the...