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Results 5601-5650 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
5601London July 20. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
“Every Act of Authority, of one Man over another for which there is not an absolute Necessity, is...
LS : Yale University Library; draft (incomplete): American Philosophical Society In mine of May...
We Know at last, that D’Esteing’s melancholy affair happened in Georgia; that our few regulars...
I was this morning honored with yours of the 25th. I think you need be under no apprehensions for...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] January 4, 1780 . Regrets postponement of attack on Detroit. Doubts...
In Obedience to your Orders of the Instant I directed Colonels Putnam & Butler to Reconnoitre the...
Private In confidence I inform you, that it has become indispensably necessary to recall our...
I send you by the mail which will bring you this, a copy of the pamphlet containing your letters,...
Your favor of yesterday reached me at 2 oClock this day. I have little doubt but the Fleet which...
I am happy to find by the answer which you have favoured me with that your excellency approves of...
5611General Orders, 18 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
Persons having any passes from Major John Clarke are to pass all guards. The Commander in Chief...
I now have my Machinery &c. at Work, and should be glad to be informed when the President of the...
I have been much disappointed in not hearing from you on the subject of the Chariot; as well as...
The Petition of David Easterbrook, William Taylor—and Paul Bentalou and Cumberland Dugan,...
Being overtaken by a Snow Storm at this place on my way from Washington to Winchester I embrace...
5616[Diary entry: 5 January 1769] (Washington Papers)
5. Calm Morning with heavy Clouds & gr. appearance of Rain. Abt. 10 Oclock the Wind comg. to No....
Conceiving it to be my duty as a Public Officer I do myself the honor to communicate to you Some...
The bearer Capt. Samuel Jackson comes with six prosoners, a Midshipman & five Sailors put by...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Cover addressed, “Edmd Randolph Esqr. per Express. Richmond.” Docketed...
Encouraged by a Resolution of Congress, of May 25, 1784, allowing Mr. Gordon a free access to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society L’Abbé soulavie prie Monsieur francklin de vouloir bien se...
I have received your letter dated the 21st instant, pressing that measures, may without fail, and...
My last to you was of the 21st. of Nov. addressed to Milan poste restante according to the desire...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Lee’s Compliments. Mr. Girard appeared much surprizd at...
I act in conformity to my Sense of Duty in presenting to you the enclosed Paper, which was...
Being so much more within writing distance here than at Monticello , and with time freer from...
I send you the enclosed Advertisement, that you may perceive thereby, I have restrained myself...
No movement of the enemy since my last has contributed in the least to declare their object. They...
Your favor of the 17th. of Sep. came to hand a few days after a dislocation of my right wrist had...
New York, January 10, 1785. Itemizes amounts of money paid for a house in New York City during...
I am honour’d with your Excys favour of the 8th instant. By the act of Congress of this day...
I received your kind & respected favor of the 16th inst. with much pleasure. No apology, my dear...
I have rec’d and heard y’r favor of Feb 23d and the pamphlet enclosed, it is a free manly &...
The good People of the State of Pennsa Living in the Vicinity of Philadelphia and near the...
The division of Louisiana into districts relating to the military as much as to the civil...
The people of this City, have been as distinguished for their patriotism, as for a consistent...
5637[Diary entry: 30 May 1786] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 30th. Thermometer at in the Morning— at Noon and at Night. Wind tho’ not much of it, was...
I have this Evening had the Honor to receive Your Excellency’s favor of Yesterday. I am happy...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have this day contracted for a small Brig which I shall...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a Commission from the President of the United...
I have the honor to enclose an additional estimate of the expense incurred in the Territory of...
The Troops composing the Detat c hment under your Command may, till they are united with the...
I proceeded according to agreement to make notes of what I understood to be the intention of all...
5644Memorandum, 7 October 1755 (Washington Papers)
From hence I set out on the 7th to Williamsburgh; and from Todds Ordinary wrote the following, in...
Th: Jefferson presents his respects to M r Delaplaine & willingly becomes a subscriber to the...
I shall be with you on the 25th. unless health or weather prevent. But if you propose leaving...
I take the liberty of putting the inclosed letter under your cover to avoid it’s being opened. It...
The office of Marshal in the district of Georgia being vacant by the death of Majr Forsyth, I...
I feel exceedingly honored as well as gratified by your kind notice of my humble labours. Your...
You are directed to proceed from hence to Pluckemin and enquire of Colo. McDaniel by what...