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Results 5601-5650 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
5601 Jefferson, Thomas O’Connor, John M. From Thomas Jefferson to John M. O’Connor, 16 May 1824 1824-05-16 Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to Major O’Connor for the treatise on the science of war &...
5602 Jefferson, Thomas Peyton, Bernard From Thomas Jefferson to Bernard Peyton, 16 May 1824 1824-05-16 A neighborhood debt obliged me to draw on you in favor of John Winn for 64.85 which I do with...
5603 Jefferson, Thomas Winn, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Winn, 16 May 1824 1824-05-16 I really thought that the assumpsit for mr Bacon had been paid long ago by my grandson to whom I...
5604 Coffin, Alexander Adams, John To John Adams from Alexander Coffin, 15 May 1824 1824-05-15 Will you Oblidge me, so far as to inform me, the Names of the Seventeen Members of the House of...
5605 Pomeroy, Samuel Wyllys Adams, John To John Adams from Samuel Wyllys Pomeroy, 15 May 1824 1824-05-15 During the many pleasant meetings which I enjoyed, when the board of Trustees of the Massachusts....
5606 Barbour, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Barbour, 15 May 1824 1824-05-15 Immediately, on the meeting of Congress, in conformity to the instructions of the Legislature,...
5607 Winn, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Winn, 15 May 1824 1824-05-15 Mr Jefferson O n Account with John Winn To Amt acceptance to E Bacon } $40.00 due in June 1823 11...
5608 Jefferson, Thomas Goodacre, Robert From Thomas Jefferson to Robert Goodacre, 14 May 1824 1824-05-14 Th: Jefferson asks the favor of mr Goodacre and his son to dine with him to-day at 3. oclock....
5609 Goodacre, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Goodacre, 14 May 1824 1824-05-14 M r Goodacre presents his respectful compliments, and will have great pleasure in accepting the...
5610 Jefferson, Thomas Peyton, Bernard From Thomas Jefferson to Bernard Peyton, 13 May 1824 1824-05-13 You are one of the best friends in the world, because you attend to the smallest things, which...
5611 Madison, James Lee, Henry From James Madison to Henry Lee, 12 May 1824 1824-05-12 J. Madison has recd. Major Lee’s note of the 4th in which reference is made to a contemplated new...
5612 Jefferson, Thomas Barber, Jonathan From Thomas Jefferson to Jonathan Barber, 12 May 1824 1824-05-12 Your favor of the 6 th is recieved. the visitors of our University at their last session...
5613 DuVal, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William DuVal, 12 May 1824 1824-05-12 Your favor of the 10 th of April last I heard was at Maj r Floods P: Office I sent there and...
5614 Jefferson, Thomas Hosack, David From Thomas Jefferson to David Hosack, 12 May 1824 1824-05-12 Your favor of the 6 th is recieved, with the two volumes you were so kind as to send me, for...
5615 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from … 1824-05-12 General Pepe’s character is so well known to you that it is only as His friend that I claim the...
5616 Mayo, Frederick A. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Frederick A. Mayo, 12 May 1824 1824-05-12 As soone Mr Peyton, or myself can find a chance the books (which are ready and as I hope...
5617 Lay, John O. Madison, William John O. Lay to William Madison, 11 May 1824 1824-05-11 The prices of good Tobacco are such as to satisfy the expectations of the grower but the...
5618 Jefferson, Thomas Férussac, Madame de From Thomas Jefferson to Madame de Férussac, 11 May … 1824-05-11 I have duly recieved M. le Baron, the letter of Jan. 7. with which you have been pleased to honor...
5619 Hawkesworth, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Hawkesworth, 11 May … 1824-05-11 Pardon the liberty which I take, in submitting to your perusal the pamphlet by which this letter...
5620 Ouviere, Felix Pascalis Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Felix Pascalis Ouviere, 11 May … 1824-05-11 It is the Gratifying duty of the members of the Linnean Society of Paris, to unite once a year at...
5621 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 10 May 1824 1824-05-10 Mr Sullivan, a son of the late Governor of that name, in Massachusetts, being desirous of...
5622 Cabell, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Cabell, 10 May 1824 1824-05-10 M r Goodacre, from England, who has been delivering Lectures on Astronomy, with so much applause,...
5623 Hening, William Waller Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Waller Hening, 10 May … 1824-05-10 M r Goodacre, who will present this letter, is the gentleman who has been lecturing on astronomy,...
5624 Monroe, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Monroe, 10 May 1824 1824-05-10 Mr Sullivan who will have the pleasure to present you this letter, intending to visit the upper...
5625 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Bernard Peyton, 10 May 1824 1824-05-10 I am favor’d with yours of the 6th ins t & have credited M r . Cox, & charged you, with the am t...
5626 Ritchie, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Ritchie, 10 May 1824 1824-05-10 I take the liberty of bringing to your notice M r Goodacre, from Nottingham in England in...
5627 Short, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 10 May 1824 1824-05-10 I did not intend to have troubled you again so soon when last I had the pleasure of writing to...
5628 Madison, James Strong, James From James Madison to James Strong, 8 May 1824 1824-05-08 J. Madison offers his friendly respects to Mr. Strong with thanks for the copy of his Speech on...
5629 Swift, Joseph Gardner Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Gardner Swift, 8 May … 1824-05-08 I have the honour to enclose for your examination, a Catalogue of the Books belonging to M r...
5630 Madison, James Barbour, James From James Madison to James Barbour, 7 May 1824 1824-05-07 I have recd. your favor of the 2d. and thank you for the trouble you have taken in preparing the...
5631 Thompson, Jonathan Madison, James To James Madison from Jonathan Thompson, 7 May 1824 1824-05-07 I have rec’d per the Ship Stephania, Capt. Macy from Havre, a small box of seeds to your address,...
5632 Thompson, Jonathan Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jonathan Thompson, 7 May 1824 1824-05-07 I have rec’d per the Ship Stephania Cap t Macy from Havre, a small box of seeds to your address....
5633 Madison, James Allen, William From James Madison to William Allen, 6 May 1824 1824-05-06 J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Wm. Allen and encloses his obligation complying with a...
5634 Madison, James Roberts, William J. From James Madison to William J. Roberts, 6 May 1824 1824-05-06 J. M. presents his respects to Wm. J. Roberts and incloses a power of attorney corresponding with...
5635 Madison, James Rensselaer, Stephen Van From James Madison to Stephen Van Rensselaer, 6 May … 1824-05-06 I have duly recd your favor of Apl. 19. accompanied by the Geological Survey, and followed by the...
5636 Barber, Jonathan Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jonathan Barber, 6 May 1824 1824-05-06 Will you permit me, though I have not the honor of a personal acquaintance with you, to offer...
5637 Gilmer, Francis Walker Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Francis Walker Gilmer, 6 May … 1824-05-06 I have received both packets you forwarded. I arrived here this morning at 10 o’clock, and have...
5638 Hosack, David Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from David Hosack, 6 May 1824 1824-05-06 I beg your acceptance of two volumes of Essays I have just published—I also avail myself of this...
5639 Jefferson, Thomas Peyton, Bernard From Thomas Jefferson to Bernard Peyton, 6 May 1824 1824-05-06 M r Cox’s draught on you for the Scuppernon wine is right. I think I had in a former letter...
5640 Adams, John Quincy Madison, James To James Madison from John Quincy Adams, 5 May 1824 1824-05-05 I take the liberty of introducing to your acquaintance, the bearer, Mr Coolidge, of Boston, a...
5641 Cabell, Joseph Carrington Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Carrington Cabell, 5 … 1824-05-05 A scheme is in now in agitation at this place the object of which is to remove the college of...
5642 Gray, William F. Madison, James To James Madison from William F. Gray, 4 May 1824 1824-05-04 Be pleased to drop me a line saying whether or not I have ever furnished you with the North...
5643 Lee, Henry Madison, James To James Madison from Henry Lee, 4 May 1824 1824-05-04 H. Lee has had the honour to receive Mr. Madison’s note of the 22nd April, and is glad to learn...
5644 Love, Richard H. Madison, James To James Madison from Richard H. Love, 4 May 1824 1824-05-04 Being desireous of obtaining one of the Boarding Houses of the University, and not knowing the...
5645 Bacon, Edmund Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Edmund Bacon, 4 May 1824 1824-05-04 It is with pleasure I send you a few lines informing you that myself and family are injoying a...
5646 Jefferson, Thomas Brockenbrough, Arthur S. From Thomas Jefferson to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 4 May … 1824-05-04 My last ride to the University and return without getting off of my horse, with the heat of the...
5647 Higginbotham, David Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from David Higginbotham, 4 May 1824 1824-05-04 I set out for Richmond next Saturday and the time now having arrived when you said it would be in...
5648 Jefferson, Thomas Higginbotham, David From Thomas Jefferson to David Higginbotham, 4 May 1824 1824-05-04 Having from the necessities of age been obliged to turn over the whole of my affairs to my gr....
5649 Lee, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Lee, 4 May 1824 1824-05-04 Having had the honour to transmit to M r Jefferson a copy of the ‘campaign of ’71 in the...
5650 O’Connor, John M. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John M. O’Connor, 4 May 1824 1824-05-04 On examining some Lists I perceive that a copy of the work sent herewith—a Translation of “A...