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Results 55751-55760 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
the objects of the detachment under your command are to cover the Country from Newark to Perth Amboy and the Magazines of Forage in the Vicinity—to give protection to the well affected Inhabitants and restrain the others by preventing all kind of intercourse with the Enemy—and to obtain by every means in your power the best intelligenc[e]s of their movements and designs—I leave it to your own...
Letter not found : from George Washington Parke Custis, 1 Dec. 1796 . GW wrote Custis on 19 Dec. : “I am not certain whether I have written to you since my receipt of your letter of the first instant.”
We beg leave respectfully to recommend Edward St Loe Livermore late a Judge in our supreme court, for the appointment of an associate Judge; in the first circuit Court for New hampshire Massachusetts and Rhode Island. We also take the liberty to recommend Jeremiah Smith late a Member of Congress from New hampr. for the appointment of an associate Judge The consideration that the District Judge...
I enclose You a Letter just now rec’d from Govr Clinton as I dont Care to give a Discharge to the Person alluded to without your Approbation The Other Soldier meant is in Coll Cortlandts Regiment and Brother to the Bearer—I would only Beg leave to add that Colonel R. Livingstons Iron Works are of Great Public Utility. I have the Honour to be with the Greatest Resspect Your Excellencies most...
A Son Excellençe George Washinton Ecuier premier President des Etats unis de l’Amerique du nord. &c. suplie humblement. Les habitants de ce district qui ont l’honneur de vous Exposer que vu les mauva⟨ises⟩ Guerres qu’ils onts Eües a soutenir pendant plusieurs Années avec les Nations Indiennes de Ces Contrées, ce qui a Causée la perte generale de touts les Citoïens jusqu’a leurs tués femmes...
I am sorry to find all your apprehensions verified by the Presidents warlike speech —to it we shall reply in a day or two in a stile rather more pacific, I trust —tho we are very equally divided, & there is reason to fear that Mr. Rutledge, of the committee, will take a course different from what was expected, & to be wishd. We have no late accounts from Monroe, but expect him daily &...
Having occasion to have a small commission executed at New York and little acquaintance there, I take the liberty of asking that favor of you. I recieved some time ago information that there was a large batch of Champaigne wine at Norfolk, & recieved a sample which I found fine. but before my letter asking some of it got there it was shipped round to N. York. it was sold at Norfolk @ 62½ cents...
A general question occurs: what is the effect of the Act of the 7. of February 1815 upon the powers and duties of the Secretary of the Navy? 1. The Act, by its own declaration, must not be construed to take from the Secretary of the Navy his controul and direction of the Naval forces of the United States, as previously possessed by law. Some powers of controul and direction were meant to be...
L’Assemblée dont j’ai parlé dans ma dern e. de 31 e. n’a pas eu lieu. Le G. P e. a tant assuré les P es. de D t. & d’Amst que le P ce. de concert avec le Conseil Député avoit pris les mesures les plus efficaces pour prévenir touts désordres, qu’ils se sont laissés persuader de ne pas aller plus loin. Effectivement, jamais on n’a vu à la Haie une veille de Janv r. si tranquille. Le passé paroît...
I crave your refference to my Last to you of the 24th instant, Since which I am honord with your Lordships favour of the 20th—it gives me much pleasure to find that you are makeing Such good preparations for the Reception of the enemy, who have this day entirely quitted this harbour, a Brigade under General Sullivan will Set off on the Morrow to your assistance I will not be Long after, with...