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Results 55751-55760 of 184,431 sorted by author
You will have the boats at Dodd’s and those now with the army, properly furnished with oars, transported by horses for the sake of expedition—brought to the Notch, tomorrow evening precisely at five O Clock (i e half an hour before sunset) where they will receive further orders. You will have with each set a confidential person on whom you can absolutely rely for punctuality to a moment. The...
I have receipt received your letter of the eighth ninth of october. Your name is placed on the list of Candidates for the office of Division Inspector; but I can not tell say how far it will be practicable to comply with your wish request as a particular course has been viewed is to be pursued and it is impossible to tell whether that will lead to the gratification of your desire. With great...
Serjeant Hunter, the person whom you sent to attend my office as orderly, has this morning left it without permission—leaving a note that he was compelled by indisposition to repair to Fort Jay. This conduct is irregular and deserves reprehension. You will enquire into this affair and communicate to me the State of it. Copy, in the handwriting of Ethan Brown, Hamilton Papers, Library of...
Inclosed is a letter containing as the Secy of War informs me 2875 Dollars on account of pay bounties &c. This will no doubt enable you to proceed to Albany with your detachment where the Contractor’s Agent is directed to provide the means of conveying you to this City by Water. I have also directed that the Cloathing for your detachment be forwarded to the same person who will deliver to you...
I have been detained here these two days by a fever and violent rheumatic pains throughout my body. This has prevented my being active in person for promoting the purposes of my errand, but I have taken every other method in my power, in which Governor Clinton has obligingly given me all the aid he could. In answer to my pressing application to General Poor for the immediate marching of his...
[To the Speaker of the House of Representatives] The Secretary of the Treasury, in obedience to the order of the House of Representatives of the 23d of April, respectfully submits the several statements, in the schedules herewith transmitted, marked A and B, and Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Upon these statements, the Register of the Treasury, in his report to the said Secretary, makes the following...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the seventeenth of this month— With Considern I am, Sir &c: & There is no immediate call for your services, and I have therefore no objection to the furlough which you desire—The time however is will probably be too long, and I have to request that you will report yourself to me every month—you will then receive orders according to...
1.   It is a melancholy truth, which every new political occurrence more and more unfolds, that there is a discription of men in this country, irreconcileably adverse to the government of the United States; whose exertions, whatever be the springs of them, whether infatuation or depravity or both, tend to disturb the tranquillity order and prosperity of this now peaceable flourishing and truly...
His Excellency is informed, that there is a quantity of state-cloathing coming on under your direction for the use of the Virginia troops. It has been hinted to him that measures are taking to get particular regiments fully supplied to the disadvantage of others, which certainly would be altogether inequitable and improper. He desires you will make a point whatever partial applications may be...
Treasury Department, January 11, 1792. “I think it proper that you make an immediate demand of the difference between foreign Tonnage and foreign Impost and those duties of Tonnage & impost which have been paid at the several entries of the Brig Lydia, which have taken place since the 8th of October 1790.… It is my intention to write to Richd. Carrington Esquire of Richmond in Virginia upon...