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Results 55751-55760 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
20 April 1802, Department of State. “Agreeably to your letter of the 10th Inst, I have written the enclosed letter to Mr Livingston [not found], who is charged with the patronage of such claims as yours upon the French Government, and your papers are herewith returned to you.” RC ( DLC : Causten-Pickett Papers, box 47). In a clerk’s hand, signed by JM.
20 April 1802, Amsterdam. Acknowledges JM’s letter of 25 Jan. , to which he would have replied before this had not the “distressing situation” of his family rendered him almost incapable of attending to business. “It is, About three weeks that Mrs Bourne (in consequence of child bearing) has been entirely deprived of her reason & suffered under the most violent fits of delirium. She still...
20 April 1802, Philadelphia. “I have received your Letter of the 18th. ulto. [not found] with the Commission inclosed in it, and in consequence of your directions transmit you the Bond required for the performance of my duty as Consul. Immediately after my arrival at New Orleans I shall have the Honor of addressing you on the Subjects recommended to me and will exert myself to the utmost to be...
20 April 1802, Cap Français. Informs JM that Lear left 17 Apr. for Baltimore on the ship Ardent , Captain Groom. “Previous to Colol. Lear’s departure he favoured me with a promotion to perform the duties of the office, in his absence—as far as relates to Certificates, Protests &ca for American citizens, which I shall perform to the best of my abilities.” Captains Rodgers and Davidson are still...
I have duly received the letter you did me the honor to write me on the 25 January, & should before this have replied fully & particularly to the contents had not the distressing situation of my family for some weeks rendered me almost incapable of attending to any business whatever. It is, About three weeks that Mrs Bourne (in consequence of child bearing) has been entirely deprived of her...
I have received your Letter of the 18th. ulto. with the Commission inclosed in it, and in consequence of your directions transmit you the Bond required for the performance of my duty as Consul. Immediately after my arrival at New Orleans I shall have the Honor of addressing you on the Subjects recommended to me and will exert myself to the utmost to be of service in that Quarter. I remain with...
I have the honour to inform you that the General commercial Agent of the United States at St. Domingo left here the 17 inst for Baltimore in the Ship Ardent Capt. Groom. Previous to Colol. Lear’s departure he favoured me with a promotion to perform the duties of the office, in his absence—as far as relates to Certificates, Protests &ca for American citizens, which I shall perform to the best...
having examined the proceedings of a Genl. Court Martial, of which Majr. Thos. Hunt was President, holden at Detroit on the eighteenth day of July last, for the trial of John Spence a private soldier in Captain John Whistlers Company, of the first Regiment of Infantry in the service of the United States, charged with seditious conduct at Fort Wayne on the third day of May 1801, by assailing...
I return your Treatise on the Kine Pock with many thanks.—You will find it in good order. Some few have been inoculated here with success. But we seem by no means zealous to enter into the importance of the object—And that join’d to common prejudices will impede it. We continue to inoculate with the Variolous matter. I am Sir Your respectful & Obedt. Servt. RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “Thomas...
At the request of Mr. Rathbone , I take the freedom to mention my acquaintance with his son, who is Esteemed a young Gentleman of respectable Character and connections, a regular bread Merchant, and promising Talents; I am informed that he is desirous of obtaining an appointment as commercial Agent to some Port in Europe. I am of opinion that he would be Capable of discharging the duties of...