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Results 55751-55800 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
the objects of the detachment under your command are to cover the Country from Newark to Perth...
Letter not found : from George Washington Parke Custis, 1 Dec. 1796 . GW wrote Custis on 19 Dec....
We beg leave respectfully to recommend Edward St Loe Livermore late a Judge in our supreme court,...
I enclose You a Letter just now rec’d from Govr Clinton as I dont Care to give a Discharge to the...
A Son Excellençe George Washinton Ecuier premier President des Etats unis de l’Amerique du nord....
I am sorry to find all your apprehensions verified by the Presidents warlike speech —to it we...
Having occasion to have a small commission executed at New York and little acquaintance there, I...
A general question occurs: what is the effect of the Act of the 7. of February 1815 upon the...
L’Assemblée dont j’ai parlé dans ma dern e. de 31 e. n’a pas eu lieu. Le G. P e. a tant assuré...
I crave your refference to my Last to you of the 24th instant, Since which I am honord with your...
I Have recived your Excellencys Letter of yesterday in answer to mine of the 28th Instant...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I am honour’d...
In February 1815, I had the Honor of adressing you, respecting a Schooner, and Cargo, whicth [...
Since my letter of the 14th. Decr. communicating the President’s directions to prevent the papers...
We are honored by your Excellencys Letter of the 27th and we receive with the greatest...
I duly recieved your favor covering the resolutions and address of the citizens of Wilmington &...
Instructions to Mr Commissary Jones. You are to proceed to Conogogee immediately; where I expect...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Lee presents his most respectful Compliments to Dr....
Document not found. 4 March 1809, Lancaster, Kentucky. Acknowledged in JM to the chairman of the...
21 April 1801, Bristol. Has received no letters from State Department since writing his of 18...
Norfolk, 10 May 1787. Encloses letters of introduction; though he had expected to sail with Capt....
55772[Diary entry: 8 November 1763] (Washington Papers)
8. Put up 15 to fatten at Mudy. Hole.
Washington, May 3, 1802. “A Ballot was accordingly had; and on counting the Votes it appeared...
Having been requested by J Marston Esqr to send to him through your hand, a copy of the...
Col. Portail for himself and in behalf of the Gentlemen with him has made different applications...
As Congress are making an Addition to their Military Establishment, I am induced to offer myself...
If Mr. Madison could make it convenient to spare half an hour from other matters, GW would be...
Finding material inconveniences frequently resulting to the public service, in the time consumed...
I have only time, by Major Jackson, to inform Congress, that upon Information from the Comte de...
Having understood from Timothy Clowes L L. D. President of Washington College, Chesterton,...
I am to acknowledge your favours of the twenty sixth of November and seventeenth of December...
55782[Diary entry: 25 April 1790] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 25th. Went to Trinity Church, and wrote letters home after dinner.
Printed in [Baudouin de Guémadeuc, ed.,] L’Espion dévalisé (London, 1782). Franklin’s...
Cape Français, Santo Domingo, 5 Dec. 1785. Though unknown to TJ, he appeals to him, as a loyal...
Agreeable to your directions, in conjunction with my Majors, I have proceeded to examine the...
Agreeably to my promise I enclose herewith a List of the Lands which I propose to mortgage to you...
55787[Diary entry: 18 March 1772] (Washington Papers)
18. Lowering Morning, and Snowy day.
I duly recieved your letter of Sep. 10. and return you thanks for that & the pamphlet you were so...
Letter not found: from George Measam, 1 Dec. 1778. On 14 Dec., GW wrote Measam : “I received your...
Towards the end of last week, I had a very long and confidential conversation with Mr Hamilton,...
As You will Receive a letter from General St Clair Who had been desir’d By Congress to Go with me...
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to the President & sends the enclosed for his...
I Recollect once to have Read That on the Fatal Ides of March, when Cesar was going to the...
The Captain-Lieutenants of Artillery have desired me to forward the enclosed letter to your...
(Translation.) Means which the Congress may make use of in order to force the Regencies of...
Your esteemed favour of 24 Inst. with 40 Ds. in Bank Notes Came to hand by last post. No other...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Delaplaine. He is restrained by an established rule, from...
55798[Diary entry: 6 October 1770] (Washington Papers)
6. Bated at old Codleys. Dind and lodgd at my Brother Sam’s. GW’s expenses at Codley’s...
During the sitting of the legislature, & especially at it’s commencement it is rare that I can...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. John Sullivan, 12 June 1777. GW’s aide-de-camp Robert Hanson...