Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to ———, [6 April 1789]

To ———

[New York, April 6, 1789]


The Committee appointed to promote the election of Judge Yates as Governor1 have requested Mr. John Jackson a Merchant of this City2 to proceed into your County for the purpose of making such communications to the inhabitants of it as may be necessary to inform them of the reasons which influence this City & County in desiring a change in the person of the Chief Magistrate.

From the opinion we entertain of your independence patriotism and influence we have advised Mr. Jackson to apply to you for your assistance in forwarding the object of his mission. This we flatter ourselves you will be disposed to afford.

I am Sir   Yr Obed & hum ser   By order of the Committee

AL, New-York Historical Society, New York City.

1The committee, of which H was chairman, was the one appointed on February 11, 1789, for the support of Robert Yates for the governorship (see “Appointment as Member of Committee of Correspondence,” February 11, 1789).

2Jackson’s mercantile firm was located on Beekman Street in New York City. He held no political office.

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