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Results 55741-55750 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
David Parmelee, who is recommended, [and] applies for the appointt. of agent, will make an excellent Commissioner vice Thrimble. He was E. Kirby’s friend, taken with him to Mobile, where he acted as clerk to the board and since Mr. Kirby’s death has been the efficient man of the board. His experience added to previous acquirements seem to qualify him in a particular manner. DNA : RG...
D’aprés la lettre de recommandation de mon digne ami feu General Kosciuzsko de Soleure du 3 Juin 1817 que j’eus lhonneur de vous addresser le 25 suivant , avec le plan & Copie de mes terres par duplicata: N’ayant pas eu l’honneur d’être favorisé de vos nouvelles Je me permis de vous écrire le 18 mai d er sur le même Sujet, en me référant à leur contenu. Je me permets de joindre inclus une...
Your Excellencys Proposition of the 12th Inst. to me in behalf of this county I received yesterday where I had assembled the greater part of the People together to make out the relief going down to Genl. Muhlenbergs head Quarters, which gave me at once an oppertunity of making it known. The one fourth of those who are able to do Militia Service are now going down, and one third being already...
I duly reciev’d thy verry able letter of the 13 th In s , and have greatly to regret that the public had not been possessd of the views thou hast there taken of the subject, before the late trial of O Evans v s Sam l Robinson in the circuit court at Baltimore —had it been the case, the result of that trial must have terminated the question betwe e
I arrived at this place on the 11 th Instant. I did not immediately send you the enclosed, because I thought before this to have seen you, but I have been awaiting the arrival of a Ship from Livourne with some of my work in marble on board. I. think that all the marble caps will be in the first ship which arrives here. After the marble pieces arrive & the season becomes fine I shall be with...
By the Act of Congress of the 30 Instant, herewith enclosed, your Excellency will observe that Majr. Genl. Greene is appointed to take the Command in the southern Department; and you will also receive the necessary Information of the Powers and Instructions given to him by Congress, and that it is earnestly recommended to the Legislatures and Executives from the Delaware State to Georgia...
from having been often at Sea. & having once served in the artellary US I have frequently endeavour to find a method by which to render our present means of defense more formidable,    the objection which naval gentleman have, to carrying dangerous furnaces on board their Ships & gun boats, alone prevent their being more than 3 times as formidable as the would be with these means by which,...
John Oakley as Justice of the peace for the County of Washington District of Columbia has four Constables to wait on him before Breakfast every day and they having their pockets filled with Warrants Accounts, Blank Supersedeses &c. &c. &c. entertain him so completely throughout the Day that he has not dined 6 times in two Months To Morrow I am engaged in taking Bail from a Colonel for...
I am unwilling that my enthusiasm in favour of your university should not be effectively known to you, I therefore take occasion, even at the risk of tasking your condescension & patience, to mention that in addition to M r Wallace who is now at the university, the two Browns, Richard & Frederick, are removed from the college here, & are to be sent at my instance, from to the University. I...
The inclosed account of the Temperature of the Air in Quebec was given me by a gentleman from that City who had little to do and amused himself with meteorological observations . The circumstance that induced me to copy this Part of the Journal was the remarkable coincidence of the coldest weather with the conjunction of the Sun & Moon during the 4 cold months. Has it been observed in other...